124 research outputs found

    Diversity, relationships and conservation of Sicilian wild taxa of Brassica: an overview

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    Although lots of studies have been carried out through various analytical approaches and at different taxonomic levels, this overview reveals that actually a comprehensive biosystematic survey on the Mediterranean wild populations of Brassica oleracea group is still lacking

    The changing role of botanic gardens in the Mediterranean

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    Born as medicinal plant gardens (Gardens of Simples, Giardini dei semplici), for the cultivation and study of medicinal plants and the use their active principles, very soon, botanical gardens adapted themselves to the emerging needs of changing societies, expanding their activities towards new goals

    Plant adaptation to drought: evidence and morpho-anatomical diversity in Kali species (Amaranthaceae) from inland and coastal sites.

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    This study was performed on 6 species of Kali from different habitats and bioclimatic conditions in order to determine the structural differences and variability rate between plant populations from maritime and inland areas, particularly morpho-anatomic functional traits of stem and leaf which allow them to survive under specific environmental conditions

    Seed germination reports of high mountain species native to Mount Etna (Sicily)

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    The germination ability of five endemic species from the high mountain belt of Mt. Etna were studied; they are Astragalus siculus, Erysimum etnense, Senecio squalidus subsp. aethnensis, Silene italica subsp. sicula, and Tanacetum vulgare subsp. siculum. Mature seeds were collected in the field, within an elevation range of 1700–2000 m a.s.l. Different experimental conditions were tested and the best methods with optimal germination results are provided and compared for each species. First germination records are given for 4 out of 5 of the investigated taxa

    Taxonomic investigation on Allium hirtovaginum group (Amaryllidaceae) from East Mediterranean area

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    Within taxonomic studies on Allium sect. Codonoprasum from Mediterranean flora, populations belonging to A. hirtovaginum Candargy group were examined. Based on field investigation and herbarium surveyes, this group is represented by very critical and not well known taxa, distributed in the East Mediterranean, showing a marked morphological variability. Currently, the species referable to this group in addition to A. hirtovaginum are also A. pilosum Sibth. & Sm., A. aeginiense Brullo, Giusso & Terrasi and A. nerimaniae Koçyiğit & Kaya. Besides, other 13 species are here described as new to science, they are A. pythagoricum, A. pignattii, A. hippocraticum, A. abanticum, A. velutinum, A. carium, A. papillosum, A. adenanthum, A. smyrnaeum, A. pavonianum, A. denticulatum and A. compactatum. A detailed morphological description together with a careful illustration, as well as remarks on their karyology, phenology, ecology, geographic distribution, and taxonomic relationships are provided for each investigated species. An analytical key regarding all the species attributable to this group was processed too

    Variabilit\ue0 morfologica e ultrastrutturale delle cipsele delle specie siciliane di Helichrysum (Asteraceae)

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    Si riportano i risultati di uno studio sui caratteri morfologici e ultrastrutturali delle cipsele dei taxa siciliani di Helichrysum e sulla variabilit\ue0 esistente con lo scopo di valutarne l'uso a fini tassonomici. Campioni di diaspore, relativi a 23 accessioni di 12 diversi taxa, sono stati sottoposti a esame macro-micromorfologico e ultrastrutturale al SEM. I dati sono stati elaborati statisticamente mediante ANOVA e varie analisi multivariate (AFD, ACP, CAG)

    Sustainable gardens: an evaluation tool for management and planning strategies.

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    An evaluation tool was defined in order to manage gardens considering the six main directives of sustainability, from plant collections to public awareness and fruition

    New records of Malus crescimannoi (Rosaceae) in Sicily

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    New findings for Malus crescimmanoi, originally known from the mountain area near Floresta (Nebrodi Mts.). The new sites fall in Madonie Mts., where the species is found at the edge of Quercus petraea (Matt.) Liebl. and Fagus sylvatica woods, growing on quartzarenitic substratum at 1200-1800 m of elevation. These new localities are placed at the south-western limit of Fagus sylvatica distribution area, on both north-facing [Contrada Sempria (Castelbuono) and slopes of Madonna dell\u2019Alto (Castellana Sicula)], and south-facing slopes [Locality Prato (Polizzi Generosa)]
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