1 research outputs found

    Chiral Soliton Model vs Pentaquark Structure for \Theta (1540)

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    The exotic baryon Θ+\Theta^+ (1540 MeV)isvisualisedasanexpected(iso)rotationalexcitationintheChiralSolitonModel.ItisalsoarguedasaPentaquarkbaryonstateinaconstituentquarkmodelwithstrongdiquarkcorrelations.Icontrastthetwopointsofview;thesimilaritiesanddifferencesbetweenthetwopictures.Collectiveexcitation,characteristicofChiralSolitonModelpointstowardsmallmixingofrepresentationsinthewakeofSU(3)breaking.Incontrast,ConstituentquarkModelsprefernear‘‘ideal′′mixing,similarto is visualised as an expected (iso) rotational excitation in the Chiral Soliton Model. It is also argued as a Pentaquark baryon state in a constituent quark model with strong diquark correlations. I contrast the two points of view; the similarities and differences between the two pictures. Collective excitation, characteristic of Chiral Soliton Model points toward small mixing of representations in the wake of SU(3) breaking. In contrast, Constituent quark Models prefer near ``ideal'' mixing, similar to \omega - \phi$ mixing.Comment: 11 pages, references added, final published versio