471 research outputs found

    Scaling of thermal conductivity of helium confined in pores

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    We have studied the thermal conductivity of confined superfluids on a bar-like geometry. We use the planar magnet lattice model on a lattice H×H×LH\times H\times L with L≫HL \gg H. We have applied open boundary conditions on the bar sides (the confined directions of length HH) and periodic along the long direction. We have adopted a hybrid Monte Carlo algorithm to efficiently deal with the critical slowing down and in order to solve the dynamical equations of motion we use a discretization technique which introduces errors only O((δt)6)O((\delta t)^6) in the time step δt\delta t. Our results demonstrate the validity of scaling using known values of the critical exponents and we obtained the scaling function of the thermal resistivity. We find that our results for the thermal resistivity scaling function are in very good agreement with the available experimental results for pores using the tempComment: 5 two-column pages, 3 figures, Revtex

    Five-loop additive renormalization in the phi^4 theory and amplitude functions of the minimally renormalized specific heat in three dimensions

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    We present an analytic five-loop calculation for the additive renormalization constant A(u,epsilon) and the associated renormalization-group function B(u) of the specific heat of the O(n) symmetric phi^4 theory within the minimal subtraction scheme. We show that this calculation does not require new five-loop integrations but can be performed on the basis of the previous five-loop calculation of the four-point vertex function combined with an appropriate identification of symmetry factors of vacuum diagrams. We also determine the amplitude functions of the specific heat in three dimensions for n=1,2,3 above T_c and for n=1 below T_c up to five-loop order. Accurate results are obtained from Borel resummations of B(u) for n=1,2,3 and of the amplitude functions for n=1. Previous conjectures regarding the smallness of the resummed higher-order contributions are confirmed. Borel resummed universal amplitude ratios A^+/A^- and a_c^+/a_c^- are calculated for n=1.Comment: 30 pages REVTeX, 3 PostScript figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Liquid 4He near the superfluid transition in the presence of a heat current and gravity

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    The effects of a heat current and gravity in liquid 4He near the superfluid transition are investigated for temperatures above and below T_lambda. We present a renormalization-group calculation based on model F for the Green's function in a self-consistent approximation which in quantum many-particle theory is known as the Hartree approximation. The approach can handle a zero average order parameter above and below T_lambda and includes effects of vortices. We calculate the thermal conductivity and the specific heat for all temperatures T and heat currents Q in the critical regime. Furthermore, we calculate the temperature profile. Below T_lambda we find a second correlation length which describes the dephasing of the order parameter field due to vortices. We find dissipation and mutual friction of the superfluid-normal fluid counterflow and calculate the Gorter-Mellink coefficient A. We compare our theoretical results with recent experiments.Comment: 26 pages, 9 figure

    A Near-Infrared Stellar Census of the Blue Compact Dwarf Galaxy VII~Zw~403

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    We present near-infrared single-star photometry for the low-metallicity Blue Compact Dwarf galaxy VII~Zw~403. We achieve limiting magnitudes of F110W~≈\approx~25.5 and F160W~≈\approx~24.5 using one of the NICMOS cameras with the HST equivalents of the ground-based J and H filters. The data have a high photometric precision (0.1 mag) and are >95>95% complete down to magnitudes of about 23, far deeper than previous ground-based studies in the near-IR. The color-magnitude diagram contains about 1000 point sources. We provide a preliminary transformation of the near-IR photometry into the ground system...Comment: Accepted for publication by the AJ, preprint has 49 pages, 2 tables, and 16 figure

    Criticality and Superfluidity in liquid He-4 under Nonequilibrium Conditions

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    We review a striking array of recent experiments, and their theoretical interpretations, on the superfluid transition in 4^4He in the presence of a heat flux, QQ. We define and evaluate a new set of critical point exponents. The statics and dynamics of the superfluid-normal interface are discussed, with special attention to the role of gravity. If QQ is in the same direction as gravity, a self-organized state can arise, in which the entire sample has a uniform reduced temperature, on either the normal or superfluid side of the transition. Finally, we review recent theory and experiment regarding the heat capacity at constant QQ. The excitement that surrounds this field arises from the fact that advanced thermometry and the future availability of a microgravity experimental platform aboard the International Space Station will soon open to experimental exploration decades of reduced temperature that were previously inaccessible.Comment: 16 pages, 9 figures, plus harvard.sty style file for references Accepted for publication in Colloquia section of Reviews of Modern Physic

    Critical Viscosity Exponent for Fluids: What Happend to the Higher Loops

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    We arrange the loopwise perturbation theory for the critical viscosity exponent xηx_{\eta}, which happens to be very small, as a power series in xηx_{\eta} itself and argue that the effect of loops beyond two is negligible. We claim that the critical viscosity exponent should be very closely approximated by xη=815π2(1+83π2)≃0.0685x_{\eta}=\frac{8}{15 \pi^2}(1+\frac{8}{3 \pi^2})\simeq 0.0685.Comment: 9 pages and 3 figure

    Recent Star Formation in Sextans A

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    We investigate the relationship between the spatial distributions of stellar populations and of neutral and ionized gas in the Local Group dwarf irregular galaxy Sextans A. This galaxy is currently experiencing a burst of localized star formation, the trigger of which is unknown. We have resolved various populations of stars via deep UBV(RI)_C imaging over an area with diameter \sim 5.'3. We have compared our photometry with theoretical isochrones appropriate for Sextans A, in order to determine the ages of these populations. We have mapped out the history of star formation, most accurately for times \lesssim 100 Myr. We find that star formation in Sextans A is correlated both in time and space, especially for the most recent (\lesssim 12 Myr) times. The youngest stars in the galaxy are forming primarily along the inner edge of the large H I shell. Somewhat older populations, \lesssim 50 Myr, are found inward of the youngest stars. Progressively older star formation, from \sim 50--100 Myr, appears to have some spatially coherent structure and is more centrally concentrated. The oldest stars we can accurately sample appear to have approximately a uniform spatial distribution, which extends beyond a surface brightness of \mu_B \simeq 25.9 mag arcsec^{-2} (or, a radius r \simeq 2.'3$). Although other processes are also possible, our data provides support for a mechanism of supernova-driven expansion of the neutral gas, resulting in cold gas pileup and compression along the H I shell and sequential star formation in recent times.Comment: 64 pages, 22 figures, to appear in A
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