106 research outputs found

    Plasma Dynamics

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    Contains reports on three research projects.U.S. Department of Energy (Contract DE-ACO2-78ET-51013)National Science Foundation (Grant ECS82-13430)U.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research (Contract F33615-81-K-1426

    Quantitative Coding and Complexity Theory of Compact Metric Spaces

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    Specifying a computational problem requires fixing encodings for input and output: encoding graphs as adjacency matrices, characters as integers, integers as bit strings, and vice versa. For such discrete data, the actual encoding is usually straightforward and/or complexity-theoretically inessential (up to polynomial time, say); but concerning continuous data, already real numbers naturally suggest various encodings with very different computational properties. With respect to qualitative computability, Kreitz and Weihrauch (1985) had identified ADMISSIBILITY as crucial property for 'reasonable' encodings over the Cantor space of infinite binary sequences, so-called representations [doi:10.1007/11780342_48]: For (precisely) these does the sometimes so-called MAIN THEOREM apply, characterizing continuity of functions in terms of continuous realizers. We rephrase qualitative admissibility as continuity of both the representation and its multivalued inverse, adopting from [doi:10.4115/jla.2013.5.7] a notion of sequential continuity for multifunctions. This suggests its quantitative refinement as criterion for representations suitable for complexity investigations. Higher-type complexity is captured by replacing Cantor's as ground space with Baire or any other (compact) ULTRAmetric space: a quantitative counterpart to equilogical spaces in computability [doi:10.1016/j.tcs.2003.11.012]

    Plasma Dynamics

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    Contains reports on six research projects.National Science Foundation (Grant ECS82-00646)National Science Foundation (Grant ECS82-13485)U.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research (Contract F33615-81-K-1426)U.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research (Contract F49620-83-C-0008)U.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research (Contract AFOSR-84-0026)U.S. Navy - Office of Naval Research (Contract N00014-83-K-2024)Sandia National Laboratory (Contract 31-5606)Sandia National Laboratory (Contract 48-5725)U.S. Department of Energy (Contract DE-ACO2-78ET-51013)National Science Foundation (Grant ECS82-13430

    Plasma Dynamics

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    Contains reports on eight research projects split into two sections.National Science Foundation (Grant ENG79-07047)U.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research (Grant AFOSR-77-3143D)U.S. Department of Energy (Contract DE-ACO2-78ET-51013)U.S. Department of Energy (Contract DE-ACO2-78ET-53073.AO02)U.S. Department of Energy (Contract DE-ACO2-78ET-53074)U.S. Department of Energy (Contract DE-ACO2-78ET-53076)U.S. Department of Energy (Contract DE-ACO2-78ET-51002

    Plasma Dynamics

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    Contains reports on six research projects.National Science Foundation (Grant ENG79-07047)U.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research (Grant AFOSR77-3143D)U.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research (Contract AFOSR82-0063)U.S. Department of Energy (Contract DE-ACO2-78-ET-51013)U.S. Department of Energy (Contract DE-AC02-78ET-53073.A002

    Plasma Dynamics

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    Contains reports on ten research projects divided into two sections.National Science Foundation (Grant ENG79-07047)U.S. Air Force - Office of Scientific Research (Grant AFOSR-77-3143)U.S. Department of Energy (Contract DE-ACO2-78ET51013)U.S. Department of Energy (Contract DE-ASO2-78ET53073.AO02)U.S. Department of Energy (Contract ET-78-S-02-4682)U.S. Department of Energy (Contract DE-AS02-78ET53074)U.S. Department of Energy (Contract DE-ASO2-78ET53050)U.S. Department of Energy (Contract DE-AS02-78ET51002)U.S. Department of Energy (Contract DE-ASO2-78ET53076

    Plasma Dynamics

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    Contains reports on five research projects.U.S. Air Force - Office of Scientifc Research (Contract AFOSR 84-0026)National Science Foundation (Grant ECS 85-14517)Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (Subcontract 6264005)National Science Foundation (Grant ECS 85-15032)U.S. Department of Energy (Contract DE-ACO2-78-ET-51013)U.S. Department of Energy (Contract DE-ACO2-ET-51013