43,870 research outputs found

    Neutrino-12C scattering in the ab initio shell model with a realistic three-body interaction

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    We investigate cross sections for neutrino-12C exclusive scattering and for muon capture on 12C using wave functions obtained in the ab initio no-core shell model. In our parameter-free calculations with basis spaces up to the 6 hbarOmega we show that realistic nucleon-nucleon interactions, like e.g. the CD-Bonn, under predict the experimental cross sections by more than a factor of two. By including a realistic three-body interaction, Tucson-Melbourne TM'(99), the cross sections are enhanced significantly and a much better agreement with experiment is achieved. At the same time,the TM'(99) interaction improves the calculated level ordering in 12C. The comparison between the CD-Bonn and the three-body calculations provides strong confirmation for the need to include a realistic three-body interaction to account for the spin-orbit strength in p-shell nuclei.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Large basis ab initio shell model investigation of 9-Be and 11-Be

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    We are presenting the first ab initio structure investigation of the loosely bound 11-Be nucleus, together with a study of the lighter isotope 9-Be. The nuclear structure of these isotopes is particularly interesting due to the appearance of a parity-inverted ground state in 11-Be. Our study is performed in the framework of the ab initio no-core shell model. Results obtained using four different, high-precision two-nucleon interactions, in model spaces up to 9\hbar\Omega, are shown. For both nuclei, and all potentials, we reach convergence in the level ordering of positive- and negative-parity spectra separately. Concerning their relative position, the positive-parity states are always too high in excitation energy, but a fast drop with respect to the negative-parity spectrum is observed when the model space is increased. This behavior is most dramatic for 11-Be. In the largest model space we were able to reach, the 1/2+ level has dropped down to become either the first or the second excited state, depending on which interaction we use. We also observe a contrasting behavior in the convergence patterns for different two-nucleon potentials, and argue that a three-nucleon interaction is needed to explain the parity inversion. Furthermore, large-basis calculations of 13-C and 11-B are performed. This allows us to study the systematics of the position of the first unnatural-parity state in the N=7 isotone and the A=11 isobar. The 11-B run in the 9\hbar\Omega model space involves a matrix with dimension exceeding 1.1 x 10^9, and is our largest calculation so far. We present results on binding energies, excitation spectra, level configurations, radii, electromagnetic observables, and 10-Be+n overlap functions.Comment: 17 pages, 12 figures To be published in Phys. Rev. C Resubmitted version. Minor change

    Slow quench dynamics of the Kitaev model: anisotropic critical point and effect of disorder

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    We study the non-equilibrium slow dynamics for the Kitaev model both in the presence and the absence of disorder. For the case without disorder, we demonstrate, via an exact solution, that the model provides an example of a system with an anisotropic critical point and exhibits unusual scaling of defect density nn and residual energy QQ for a slow linear quench. We provide a general expression for the scaling of nn (QQ) generated during a slow power-law dynamics, characterized by a rate τ1\tau^{-1} and exponent α\alpha, from a gapped phase to an anisotropic quantum critical point in dd dimensions, for which the energy gap Δkkiz\Delta_{\vec k} \sim k_i^z for mm momentum components (i=1..mi=1..m) and kiz\sim k_i^{z'} for the rest dmd-m components (i=m+1..di=m+1..d) with zzz\le z': nτ[m+(dm)z/z]να/(zνα+1)n \sim \tau^{-[m + (d-m)z/z']\nu \alpha/(z\nu \alpha +1)} (Qτ[(m+z)+(dm)z/z]να/(zνα+1)Q \sim \tau^{-[(m+z)+ (d-m)z/z']\nu \alpha/(z\nu \alpha +1)}). These general expressions reproduce both the corresponding results for the Kitaev model as a special case for d=z=2d=z'=2 and m=z=ν=1m=z=\nu=1 and the well-known scaling laws of nn and QQ for isotropic critical points for z=zz=z'. We also present an exact computation of all non-zero, independent, multispin correlation functions of the Kitaev model for such a quench and discuss their spatial dependence. For the disordered Kitaev model, where the disorder is introduced via random choice of the link variables DnD_n in the model's Fermionic representation, we find that nτ1/2n \sim \tau^{-1/2} and Qτ1Q\sim \tau^{-1} (Qτ1/2Q\sim \tau^{-1/2}) for a slow linear quench ending in the gapless (gapped) phase. We provide a qualitative explanation of such scaling.Comment: 10 pages, 11 Figs. v

    Quark-Model Baryon-Baryon Interaction and its Applications to Hypernuclei

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    The quark-model baryon-baryon interaction fss2, proposed by the Kyoto-Niigata group, is a unified model for the complete baryon octet (B_8=N, Lambda, Sigma and Xi), which is formulated in a framework of the (3q)-(3q) resonating-group method (RGM) using the spin-flavor SU_6 quark-model wave functions and effective meson-exchange potentials at the quark level. Model parameters are determined to reproduce properties of the nucleon-nucleon system and the low-energy cross section data for the hyperon-nucleon scattering. Due to the several improvements including the introduction of vector-meson exchange potentials, fss2 has achieved very accurate description of the NN and YN interactions, comparable to various one-boson exchange potentials. We review the essential features of fss2 and our previous model FSS, and their predictions to few-body systems in confrontation with the available experimental data. Some characteristic features of the B_8 B_8 interactions with the higher strangeness, S=-2, -3, -4, predicted by fss2 are discussed. These quark-model interactions are now applied to realistic calculations of few-body systems in a new three-cluster Faddeev formalism which uses two-cluster RGM kernels. As for the few-body systems, we discuss the three-nucleon bound states, the Lambda NN-Sigma NN system for the hypertriton, the alpha alpha Lambda system for 9Be Lambda, and the Lambda Lambda alpha system for 6He Lambda Lambda.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, 18th Nishinomiya Yukawa Memorial Symposium on Strangeness in Nuclear Matter, 4 - 5 December 2003, Nishinomiya, Japan. (to be published in Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl.

    Renormalization of Hamiltonian Field Theory; a non-perturbative and non-unitarity approach

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    Renormalization of Hamiltonian field theory is usually a rather painful algebraic or numerical exercise. By combining a method based on the coupled cluster method, analysed in detail by Suzuki and Okamoto, with a Wilsonian approach to renormalization, we show that a powerful and elegant method exist to solve such problems. The method is in principle non-perturbative, and is not necessarily unitary.Comment: 16 pages, version shortened and improved, references added. To appear in JHE

    Occupation probability of harmonic-oscillator quanta for microscopic cluster-model wave functions

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    We present a new and simple method of calculating the occupation probability of the number of total harmonic-oscillator quanta for a microscopic cluster-model wave function. Examples of applications are given to the recent calculations including α+n+n\alpha+n+n-model for 6^6He, α+t+n+n\alpha+t+n+n-model for 9^9Li, and α+α+n\alpha+\alpha+n-model for 9^9Be as well as the classical calculations of α+p+n\alpha+p+n-model for 6^6Li and α+α+α\alpha+\alpha+\alpha-model for 12^{12}C. The analysis is found to be useful for quantifying the amount of excitations across the major shell as well as the degree of clustering. The origin of the antistretching effect is discussed.Comment: 9 page

    Temperature dependent spatial oscillations in the correlations of the XXZ spin chain

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    We study the correlation for the XXZ chain in the massless attractive (ferromagnetic) region at positive temperatures by means of a numerical study of the quantum transfer matrix. We find that there is a range of temperature where the behavior of the correlation for large separations is oscillatory with an incommensurate period which depends on temperature.Comment: 4 pages, REVTEX, 6 table

    Coulomb corrected eikonal description of the breakup of halo nuclei

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    The eikonal description of breakup reactions diverges because of the Coulomb interaction between the projectile and the target. This divergence is due to the adiabatic, or sudden, approximation usually made, which is incompatible with the infinite range of the Coulomb interaction. A correction for this divergence is analysed by comparison with the Dynamical Eikonal Approximation, which is derived without the adiabatic approximation. The correction consists in replacing the first-order term of the eikonal Coulomb phase by the first-order of the perturbation theory. This allows taking into account both nuclear and Coulomb interactions on the same footing within the computationally efficient eikonal model. Excellent results are found for the dissociation of 11Be on lead at 69 MeV/nucleon. This Coulomb Corrected Eikonal approximation provides a competitive alternative to more elaborate reaction models for investigating breakup of three-body projectiles at intermediate and high energies.Comment: 19 pages, 9 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.