100 research outputs found

    More examples of structure formation in the Lemaitre-Tolman model

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    In continuing our earlier research, we find the formulae needed to determine the arbitrary functions in the Lemaitre-Tolman model when the evolution proceeds from a given initial velocity distribution to a final state that is determined either by a density distribution or by a velocity distribution. In each case the initial and final distributions uniquely determine the L-T model that evolves between them, and the sign of the energy-function is determined by a simple inequality. We also show how the final density profile can be more accurately fitted to observational data than was done in our previous paper. We work out new numerical examples of the evolution: the creation of a galaxy cluster out of different velocity distributions, reflecting the current data on temperature anisotropies of CMB, the creation of the same out of different density distributions, and the creation of a void. The void in its present state is surrounded by a nonsingular wall of high density.Comment: LaTeX 2e with eps figures. 30 pages, 11 figures, 30 figure files. Revision matches published versio

    Comment on `Smooth and Discontinuous Signature Type Change in General Relativity'

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    Kossowski and Kriele derived boundary conditions on the metric at a surface of signature change. We point out that their derivation is based not only on certain smoothness assumptions but also on a postulated form of the Einstein field equations. Since there is no canonical form of the field equations at a change of signature, their conclusions are not inescapable. We show here that a weaker formulation is possible, in which less restrictive smoothness assumptions are made, and (a slightly different form of) the Einstein field equations are satisfied. In particular, in this formulation it is possible to have a bounded energy-momentum tensor at a change of signature without satisfying their condition that the extrinsic curvature vanish.Comment: Plain TeX, 6 pages; Comment on Kossowski and Kriele: Class. Quantum Grav. 10, 2363 (1993); Reply by Kriele: Gen. Rel. Grav. 28, 1409-1413 (1996

    The Mass of the Cosmos

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    We point out that the mass of the cosmos on gigaparsec scales can be measured, owing to the unique geometric role of the maximum in the areal radius. Unlike all other points on the past null cone, this maximum has an associated mass, which can be calculated with very few assumptions about the cosmological model, providing a measurable characteristic of our cosmos. In combination with luminosities and source counts, it gives the bulk mass to light ratio. The maximum is particularly sensitive to the values of the bulk cosmological parameters. In addition, it provides a key reference point in attempts to connect cosmic geometry with observations. We recommend the determination of the distance and redshift of this maximum be explicitly included in the scientific goals of the next generation of reshift surveys. The maximum in the redshift space density provides a secondary large scale characteristic of the cosmos.Comment: REVTeX, 6 pages, 9 graphs in 3 figures. Replacement has very minor changes: puts greek letters on graphs, and adds small corrections made in publicatio

    Structure formation in the Lemaitre-Tolman model

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    Structure formation within the Lemaitre-Tolman model is investigated in a general manner. We seek models such that the initial density perturbation within a homogeneous background has a smaller mass than the structure into which it will develop, and the perturbation then accretes more mass during evolution. This is a generalisation of the approach taken by Bonnor in 1956. It is proved that any two spherically symmetric density profiles specified on any two constant time slices can be joined by a Lemaitre-Tolman evolution, and exact implicit formulae for the arbitrary functions that determine the resulting L-T model are obtained. Examples of the process are investigated numerically.Comment: LaTeX 2e plus 14 .eps & .ps figure files. 33 pages including figures. Minor revisions of text and data make it more precise and consistent. Currently scheduled for Phys Rev D vol 64, December 15 issu

    Clumps into Voids

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    We consider a spherically symmetric distribution of dust and show that it is possible, under general physically reasonable conditions, for an overdensity to evolve to an underdensity (and vice versa). We find the conditions under which this occurs and illustrate it on a class of regular Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi solutions. The existence of this phenomenon, if verified, would have the result that the topology of density contours, assumed fixed in standard structure formation theories, would have to change and that luminous matter would not trace the dark matter distribution so well.Comment: LaTeX, 17 pages, 4 figures. Submitted to GRG 20/4/200

    You Can't Get Through Szekeres Wormholes - or - Regularity, Topology and Causality in Quasi-Spherical Szekeres Models

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    The spherically symmetric dust model of Lemaitre-Tolman can describe wormholes, but the causal communication between the two asymptotic regions through the neck is even less than in the vacuum (Schwarzschild-Kruskal-Szekeres) case. We investigate the anisotropic generalisation of the wormhole topology in the Szekeres model. The function E(r, p, q) describes the deviation from spherical symmetry if \partial_r E \neq 0, but this requires the mass to be increasing with radius, \partial_r M > 0, i.e. non-zero density. We investigate the geometrical relations between the mass dipole and the locii of apparent horizon and of shell-crossings. We present the various conditions that ensure physically reasonable quasi-spherical models, including a regular origin, regular maxima and minima in the spatial sections, and the absence of shell-crossings. We show that physically reasonable values of \partial_r E \neq 0 cannot compensate for the effects of \partial_r M > 0 in any direction, so that communication through the neck is still worse than the vacuum. We also show that a handle topology cannot be created by identifying hypersufaces in the two asymptotic regions on either side of a wormhole, unless a surface layer is allowed at the junction. This impossibility includes the Schwarzschild-Kruskal-Szekeres case.Comment: zip file with LaTeX text + 6 figures (.eps & .ps). 47 pages. Second replacement corrects some minor errors and typos. (First replacement prints better on US letter size paper.

    Gravity and Signature Change

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    The use of proper ``time'' to describe classical ``spacetimes'' which contain both Euclidean and Lorentzian regions permits the introduction of smooth (generalized) orthonormal frames. This remarkable fact permits one to describe both a variational treatment of Einstein's equations and distribution theory using straightforward generalizations of the standard treatments for constant signature.Comment: Plain TeX, 6 pages; to appear in GR