7,486 research outputs found

    Intersection theory from duality and replica

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    Kontsevich's work on Airy matrix integrals has led to explicit results for the intersection numbers of the moduli space of curves. In this article we show that a duality between k-point functions on N×NN\times N matrices and N-point functions of k×kk\times k matrices, plus the replica method, familiar in the theory of disordered systems, allows one to recover Kontsevich's results on the intersection numbers, and to generalize them to other models. This provides an alternative and simple way to compute intersection numbers with one marked point, and leads also to some new results

    A note on monopole moduli spaces

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    We discuss the structure of the framed moduli space of Bogomolny monopoles for arbitrary symmetry breaking and extend the definition of its stratification to the case of arbitrary compact Lie groups. We show that each stratum is a union of submanifolds for which we conjecture that the natural L2L^2 metric is hyperKahler. The dimensions of the strata and of these submanifolds are calculated, and it is found that for the latter, the dimension is always a multiple of four.Comment: 17 pages, LaTe

    Entanglement of superconducting charge qubits by homodyne measurement

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    We present a scheme by which projective homodyne measurement of a microwave resonator can be used to generate entanglement between two superconducting charge qubits coupled to this resonator. The non-interacting qubits are initialised in a product of their ground states, the resonator is initialised in a coherent field state, and the state of the system is allowed to evolve under a rotating wave Hamiltonian. Making a homodyne measurement on the resonator at a given time projects the qubits into an state of the form (|gg> + exp(-i phi)|ee>)/sqrt(2). This protocol can produce states with a fidelity as high as required, with a probability approaching 0.5. Although the system described is one that can be used to display revival in the qubit oscillations, we show that the entanglement procedure works at much shorter timescales.Comment: 17 pages, 7 figure

    Polynomial super-gl(n) algebras

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    We introduce a class of finite dimensional nonlinear superalgebras L=L0ˉ+L1ˉL = L_{\bar{0}} + L_{\bar{1}} providing gradings of L0ˉ=gl(n)≃sl(n)+gl(1)L_{\bar{0}} = gl(n) \simeq sl(n) + gl(1). Odd generators close by anticommutation on polynomials (of degree >1>1) in the gl(n)gl(n) generators. Specifically, we investigate `type I' super-gl(n)gl(n) algebras, having odd generators transforming in a single irreducible representation of gl(n)gl(n) together with its contragredient. Admissible structure constants are discussed in terms of available gl(n)gl(n) couplings, and various special cases and candidate superalgebras are identified and exemplified via concrete oscillator constructions. For the case of the nn-dimensional defining representation, with odd generators Qa,QˉbQ_{a}, \bar{Q}{}^{b}, and even generators Eab{E^{a}}_{b}, a,b=1,...,na,b = 1,...,n, a three parameter family of quadratic super-gl(n)gl(n) algebras (deformations of sl(n/1)sl(n/1)) is defined. In general, additional covariant Serre-type conditions are imposed, in order that the Jacobi identities be fulfilled. For these quadratic super-gl(n)gl(n) algebras, the construction of Kac modules, and conditions for atypicality, are briefly considered. Applications in quantum field theory, including Hamiltonian lattice QCD and space-time supersymmetry, are discussed.Comment: 31 pages, LaTeX, including minor corrections to equation (3) and reference [60
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