340 research outputs found

    Cytokinetic astralogy

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    Division plane specification in animal cells has long been presumed to involve direct contact between microtubules of the anaphase mitotic spindle and the cell cortex. In this issue, von Dassow et al. (von Dassow et al. 2009. J. Cell. Biol. doi:10.1083/jcb.200907090) challenge this assumption by showing that spindle microtubules can effectively position the division plane at a distance from the cell cortex

    Taxol-Stabilized Microtubules Can Position the Cytokinetic Furrow in Mammalian Cells

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    How microtubules act to position the plane of cell division during cytokinesis is a topic of much debate. Recently, we showed that a subpopulation of stable microtubules extends past chromosomes and interacts with the cell cortex at the site of furrowing, suggesting that these stabilized microtubules may stimulate contractility. To test the hypothesis that stable microtubules can position furrows, we used taxol to rapidly suppress microtubule dynamics during various stages of mitosis in PtK1 cells. Cells with stabilized prometaphase or metaphase microtubule arrays were able to initiate furrowing when induced into anaphase by inhibition of the spindle checkpoint. In these cells, few microtubules contacted the cortex. Furrows formed later than usual, were often aberrant, and did not progress to completion. Images showed that furrowing correlated with the presence of one or a few stable spindle microtubule plus ends at the cortex. Actin, myosin II, and anillin were all concentrated in these furrows, demonstrating that components of the contractile ring can be localized by stable microtubules. Inner centromere protein (INCENP) was not found in these ingressions, confirming that INCENP is dispensable for furrow positioning. Taxol-stabilization of the numerous microtubule-cortex interactions after anaphase onset delayed furrow initiation but did not perturb furrow positioning. We conclude that taxol-stabilized microtubules can act to position the furrow and that loss of microtubule dynamics delays the timing of furrow onset and prevents completion. We discuss our findings relative to models for cleavage stimulation

    Anaphase Onset does not Require the Microtubule-Dependent Depletion of Kinetochore and Centromere-Binding Proteins

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    Spindle checkpoint proteins, such as Mad2 and BubR1, and the motors dynein/dynactin and CENP-E usually leave kinetochores prior to anaphase onset by microtubule-dependent mechanisms. Likewise, \u27chromosome passenger proteins\u27 including INCENP are depleted from the centromeres after anaphase onset and then move to the midzone complex, an event that is essential for cytokinesis. Here we test whether the cell cycle changes that occur at anaphase onset require or contribute to the depletion of kinetochore and centromere proteins independent of microtubules. This required the development of a novel non-antibody method to induce precocious anaphase onset in vivo by using a bacterially expressed fragment of the spindle checkpoint protein Mad1 capable of activating the APC/C, called GST-Mad1F10. By injecting PtK1 cells in nocodazole with GST-Mad1F10 and processing the cells for immunofluorescence microscopy after anaphase sister chromatid separation in nocodazole we found that Mad2, BubR1, cytoplasmic dynein, CENP-E and the 3F3/2 phosphoepitope remain on kinetochores. Thus depletion of these proteins (or phosphoepitope) at kinetochores is not required for anaphase onset and anaphase onset does not produce their depletion independent of microtubules. In contrast, both microtubules and anaphase onset are required for depletion of the \u27chromosome passenger\u27 protein INCENP from centromeres, as INCENP does not leave the chromosomes prior to anaphase onset in the presence or absence of microtubules, but does leave the centromeres after anaphase onset in the presence of microtubules

    Kinetochore component function in C. elegans oocytes revealed by 4D tracking of holocentric chromosomes

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    During cell division, chromosome congression to the spindle center, their orientation along the spindle long axis and alignment at the metaphase plate depend on interactions between spindle microtubules and kinetochores, and are pre-requisite for chromosome bi-orientation and accurate segregation. How these successive phases are controlled during oocyte meiosis remains elusive. Here we provide 4D live imaging during the first meiotic division in C. elegans oocytes with wild-type or disrupted kinetochore protein function. We show that, unlike in monocentric organisms, holocentric chromosome bi-orientation is not strictly required for accurate chromosome segregation. Instead, we propose a model in which initial kinetochore-localized BHC module (comprised of BUB-1Bub1, HCP-1/2CENP-F and CLS-2CLASP)-dependent pushing acts redundantly with Ndc80 complex-mediated pulling for accurate chromosome segregation in meiosis. In absence of both mechanisms, homologous chromosomes tend to co-segregate in anaphase, especially when initially mis-oriented. Our results highlight how different kinetochore components cooperate to promote accurate holocentric chromosome segregation in oocytes of C. elegans.This work was supported by CNRS and University ParisCité, by NIHR01GM117407 and R01GM130764 (J.C.C.), and by grants from the European Research Council ERC-CoG ChromoSOMe 819179 and from the Agence Nationale de la Recherche ANR-19-CE13-0015 (J.D.).Peer ReviewedPostprint (published version

    Merotelic kinetochore orientation occurs frequently during early mitosis in mammalian tissue cells and error correction is achieved by two different mechanisms

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    Merotelic kinetochore orientation is an error that occurs when a single kinetochore becomes attached to microtubules from two spindle poles rather than just to one pole. We obtained the first evidence that merotelic kinetochore orientation occurs very frequently during early mitosis in mammalian tissue cells and that two different correction mechanisms are critical for accurate chromosome segregation in cells possessing bipolar spindles and unperturbed chromosomes. Our data show that about 30% of prometaphase PtK1 cells possess one or more merotelically oriented kinetochores. This frequency is increased to over 90% in cells recovering from a nocodazole-induced mitotic block. A delay in establishing spindle bipolarity is responsible for the high frequency of merotelic orientations seen in cells recovering from nocodazole, but not in untreated cells. The frequency of anaphase cells with merotelically oriented lagging chromosomes is 1% in untreated cells and 18% in cells recovering from nocodazole. Prolonging metaphase by 2 hours reduced the frequency of anaphase cells with lagging chromosomes both for untreated and for nocodazole-treated cells. Surprisingly, anaphase lagging chromosomes represented a very small fraction of merotelic kinetochore orientations present in late metaphase. Our data indicate that two correction mechanisms operate to prevent chromosome missegregation due to merotelic kinetochore orientation. The first, a pre-anaphase correction mechanism increases the ratio of kinetochore microtubules attached to the correct versus incorrect pole and might eventually result in kinetochore reorientation before anaphase onset. The increase in microtubule ratio to opposite poles is the groundwork for a second mechanism, active in anaphase, that promotes the segregation of merotelically oriented chromosomes to the correct pole

    Kinesin 5–independent poleward flux of kinetochore microtubules in PtK1 cells

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    Forces in the spindle that align and segregate chromosomes produce a steady poleward flux of kinetochore microtubules (MTs [kMTs]) in higher eukaryotes. In several nonmammalian systems, flux is driven by the tetrameric kinesin Eg5 (kinesin 5), which slides antiparallel MTs toward their minus ends. However, we find that the inhibition of kinesin 5 in mammalian cultured cells (PtK1) results in only minor reduction in the rate of kMT flux from ∼0.7 to ∼0.5 μm/min, the same rate measured in monopolar spindles that lack antiparallel MTs. These data reveal that the majority of poleward flux of kMTs in these cells is not driven by Eg5. Instead, we favor a polar “pulling-in” mechanism in which a depolymerase localized at kinetochore fiber minus ends makes a major contribution to poleward flux. One candidate, Kif2a (kinesin 13), was detected at minus ends of fluxing kinetochore fibers. Kif2a remains associated with the ends of K fibers upon disruption of the spindle by dynein/dynactin inhibition, and these K fibers flux

    Kinetic Analysis of Substrate Utilization by Native and TNAP-, NPP1-, or PHOSPHO1-Deficient Matrix Vesicles

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    During the process of endochondral bone formation, chondrocytes and osteoblasts mineralize their extracellular matrix by promoting the formation of hydroxyapatite seed crystals in the sheltered interior of membrane-limited matrix vesicles (MVs). Here, we have studied phosphosubstrate catalysis by osteoblast-derived MVs at physiologic pH, analyzing the hydrolysis of ATP, ADP, and PPi by isolated wild-type (WT) as well as TNAP-, NPP1- and PHOSPHO1-deficient MVs. Comparison of the catalytic efficiencies identified ATP as the main substrate hydrolyzed by WT MVs. The lack of TNAP had the most pronounced effect on the hydrolysis of all physiologic substrates. The lack of PHOSPHO1 affected ATP hydrolysis via a secondary reduction in the levels of TNAP in PHOSPHO1-deficient MVs. The lack of NPP1 did not significantly affect the kinetic parameters of hydrolysis when compared with WT MVs for any of the substrates. We conclude that TNAP is the enzyme that hydrolyzes both ATP and PPi in the MV compartment. NPP1 does not have a major role in PPi generation from ATP at the level of MVs, in contrast to its accepted role on the surface of the osteoblasts and chondrocytes, but rather acts as a phosphatase in the absence of TNAP. © 2010 American Society for Bone and Mineral Research

    In vitro and in vivo reversal of resistance to 5-fluorouracil in colorectal cancer cells with a novel stealth double-liposomal formulation

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    Drug resistance is a major cause of treatment failure in cancer chemotherapy, including that with the extensively prescribed antimetabolite, 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). In this study, we tried to reverse 5-FU resistance by using a double-punch strategy: combining 5-FU with a biochemical modulator to improve its tumoural activation and encapsulating both these agents in one same stealth liposome. Experiments carried out in the highly resistant, canonical SW620 human colorectal model showed a up to 80% sensitisation to 5-FU when these cells were treated with our liposomal formulation. Results with this formulation demonstrated 30% higher tumoural drug uptake, better activation with increased active metabolites including critical-5-fluoro-2-deoxyuridine-5-monophosphate, superior inhibition (98%) of tumour thymidylate synthase, and subsequently, higher induction of both early and late apoptosis. Drug monitoring showed that higher and sustained exposure was achieved in rats treated with liposomal formulation. When examined in a xenograft animal model, our dual-agent liposomal formulation caused a 74% reduction in tumour size with a mean doubling in survival time, whereas standard 5-FU failed to exhibit significant antiproliferative activity as well as to increase the lifespan of tumour-bearing mice. Taken collectively, our data suggest that resistance to 5-FU can be overcome through a better control of its intratumoural activation and the use of an encapsulated formulation

    IGF1 activates cell cycle arrest following irradiation by reducing binding of ΔNp63 to the p21 promoter

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    Radiotherapy for head and neck tumors often results in persistent loss of function in salivary glands. Patients suffering from impaired salivary function frequently terminate treatment prematurely because of reduced quality of life caused by malnutrition and other debilitating side-effects. It has been previously shown in mice expressing a constitutively active form of Akt (myr-Akt1), or in mice pretreated with IGF1, apoptosis is suppressed, which correlates with maintained salivary gland function measured by stimulated salivary flow. Induction of cell cycle arrest may be important for this protection by allowing cells time for DNA repair. We have observed increased accumulation of cells in G2/M at acute time-points after irradiation in parotid glands of mice receiving pretreatment with IGF1. As p21, a transcriptional target of the p53 family, is necessary for maintaining G2/M arrest, we analyzed the roles of p53 and p63 in modulating IGF1-stimulated p21 expression. Pretreatment with IGF1 reduces binding of ΔNp63 to the p21 promoter after irradiation, which coincides with increased p53 binding and sustained p21 transcription. Our data indicate a role for ΔNp63 in modulating p53-dependent gene expression and influencing whether a cell death or cell cycle arrest program is initiated