558 research outputs found

    Quantum States of String-Inspired Lineal Gravity

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    We construct quantum states for a (1+1) dimensional gravity-matter model that is also a gauge theory based on the centrally extended Poincar\'e group. Explicit formulas are found, which exhibit interesting structures. For example wave functionals are gauge invariant except for a gauge non-invariant phase factor that is the Kirillov-Kostant 1-form on the (co-) adjoint orbit of the group. However no evidence for gravity-matter forces is found.Comment: 23 pages in REVTEX, MIT-CTP-227

    Extended de Sitter Theory of Two Dimensional Gravitational Forces

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    We present a simple unifying gauge theoretical formulation of gravitational theories in two dimensional spacetime. This formulation includes the effects of a novel matter-gravity coupling which leads to an extended de Sitter symmetry algebra on which the gauge theory is based. Contractions of this theory encompass previously studied cases.Comment: 19pp, no figs., CTP 2228, UCONN-93-

    String-Inspired Gravity Coupled to Yang-Mills Fields

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    String-inspired 1+1-dimensional gravity is coupled to Yang-Mills fields in the Cangemi-Jackiw gauge-theoretical formulation, based on the extended Poincar\'e group. A family of couplings, which involves metrics obtainable from the physical metric with a conformal rescaling, is considered, and the resulting family of models is investigated both at the classical and the quantum level. In particular, also using a series of Kirillov-Kostant phases, the wave functionals that solve the constraints are identified.Comment: 15 pages, LaTex

    Non Abelian BF theories with sources and 2-D gravity

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    We study the interaction of non-Abelian topological BFBF theories defined on two dimensional manifolds with point sources carrying non-Abelian charges. We identify the most general solution for the field equations on simply and multiply connected two-manifolds. Taking the particular choice of the so-called extended Poincar\'e group as the gauge group we discuss how recent discussions of two dimensional gravity models do fit in this formalism.Comment: 20 pages, Latex, To appear in Phys Rev D5

    A WZW model based on a non-semi-simple group

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    We present a conformal field theory which desribes a homogeneous four dimensional Lorentz-signature space-time. The model is an ungauged WZW model based on a central extension of the Poincar\'e algebra. The central charge of this theory is exactly four, just like four dimensional Minkowski space. The model can be interpreted as a four dimensional monochromatic plane wave. As there are three commuting isometries, other interesting geometries are expected to emerge via O(3,3)O(3,3) duality.Comment: 8 pages, phyzzx, IASSNS-HEP-93/61 Texable versio

    Dirac Quantization of Two-Dimensional Dilaton Gravity Minimally Coupled to N Massless Scalar Fields

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    It is shown that the Callan-Giddings-Harvey-Strominger theory on the cylinder can be consistently quantized (using Dirac's approach) without imposing any constraints on the sign of the gravitational coupling constant or the sign (or value) of the cosmological constant. The quantum constraints in terms of the original geometrical variables are also derived

    Exact Quantum States for all Two-Dimensional Dilaton Gravity Theories

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    It is shown that the recently obtained quantum wave functionals in terms of the CJZ variables for generic 2d dilaton gravity are equivalent to the previously reported exact quantum wave functionals in geometrical variables. A third representation of these exact quantum states is also presented

    Geomorphological and geochemical characterization of the 11 August 2008 mud volcano eruption at S. Barbara village (Sicily, Italy) and its possible relationship with seismic activity

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    On 11 August 2008 a paroxysmal eruption occurred at Santa Barbara mud volcano (MV), located close to Caltanissetta, one of the most densely populated cities of Sicily (Italy). An associated minor event took place on August 2009. Both the events caused severe damage to civil infrastructures located within a range of about 2 km from the eruptive vent. Geomorphological, geochemical, and seismological investigations were carried out for framing the events in the appropriate geodynamic context. Geomorphological surveys recognized, in the immediate surrounding of the main emission point, two different families of processes and landforms: (i) ground deformations and (ii) changes in morphology and number of the fluid emitting vents. These processes were associated to a wider network of fractures, seemingly generated by the shock wave produced by the gas blast that occurred at the main paroxysm. Geochemical characterization allowed an estimation of the source of the fluids, or at least their last standing, at about 3 km depth. Finally, the close time relationships observed between anomalous increments of seismic activity and the two main paroxysmal events accounted for a possible common trigger for both the phenomena, even with different timing due to the very different initial conditions and characteristics of the two processes, i.e. seismogenesis and gas overloading

    Unitary Theory of Evaporating 2D Black Holes

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    We study a manifestly unitary formulation of 2d dilaton quantum gravity based on the reduced phase space quantization. The spacetime metric can be expanded in a formal power series of the matter energy-momentum tensor operator. This expansion can be used for calculating the quantum corrections to the classical black hole metric by evaluating the expectation value of the metric operator in an appropriate class of the physical states. When the normal ordering in the metric operator is chosen to be with respect to Kruskal vacuum, the lowest order semiclassical metric is exactly the one-loop effective action metric discovered by Bose, Parker and Peleg. The corresponding semiclassical geometry describes an evaporating black hole which ends up as a remnant. The calculation of higher order corrections and implications for the black hole fate are discussed.Comment: LaTex fil

    Gauge Invariant Formulations of Lineal Gravity

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    It is shown that the currently studied ``string-inspired'' model for gravity on a line can be formulated as a gauge invariant theory based on the Poincar\'e group with central extension -- a formulation that complements and simplifies H.~Verlinde's construction based on the unextended Poincar\'e group.Comment: 11 p
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