2 research outputs found
Scoping review of complexity theory in health services research
- Author
- A Best
- A Best
- A Essen
- AF Tallia
- AL Kitson
- AX Garg
- B Davis
- B Ellis
- B Ellis
- B Ellis
- B Mash
- C Col贸n-Emeric
- C C贸lon-Emeric
- C Haigh
- C Kadushin
- CA Estabrooks
- D Kernick
- D Kernick
- D Levac
- Darren Stanley
- David S. Thompson
- DF Cucolo
- DS Byrne
- E Suter
- Erika Kustra
- F Longo
- H Arksey
- H Brandstorp
- H Karemere
- H Lanham
- HL Colquhoun
- HL Colquhoun
- HML Daudt
- ID Graham
- J Matthews
- J Paley
- J Paley
- J Paley
- J Pollack
- J Rycroft-Malone
- J Thistlethwaite
- JP Sturmberg
- JP Sturmberg
- JP Sturmberg
- KA Richardson
- KC Stange
- L Hilts
- LA Glenn
- Linda Patrick
- LK Leykum
- M Eika
- M Erdek
- M Granovetter
- M Zwarenstein
- MC Ruhe
- MJ Grant
- O Oyeleye
- P Cilliers
- P Davies
- P Rangachari
- PE Morris
- R Anderson
- R Anderson
- R Anderson
- R Anderson
- R Ford
- R Singh
- RA Anderson
- RJ Nunn
- RP Newhouse
- S Brannon
- S Buttigieg
- S Forbes-Thompson
- S Reeves
- S Sterns
- S Wallis
- SE Phelan
- SE Wallis
- SM Manson
- SM Provost
- T Greenhalgh
- T Pitk盲aho
- V Aita
- V Aita
- V Lapaige
- W Miller
- Xavier Fazio
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- Field of study
Efeitos do exerc铆cio na redu莽茫o do risco de quedas em mulheres idosas com osteoporose
- Author
- Publication venue
- Publication date
- Field of study