1,323 research outputs found

    Hydrodynamic Modes for Granular Gases

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    The eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of the linearized Boltzmann equation for inelastic hard spheres (d=3) or disks (d=2) corresponding to d+2 hydrodynamic modes, are calculated in the long wavelength limit for a granular gas. The transport coefficients are identified and found to agree with those from the Chapman-Enskog solution. The dominance of hydrodynamic modes at long times and long wavelengths is studied via an exactly solvable kinetic model. A collisional continuum is bounded away from the hydrodynamic spectrum, assuring a hydrodynamic description at long times. The bound is closely related to the power law decay of the velocity distribution in the reference homogeneous cooling state

    Critical Behavior of a Heavy Particle in a Granular Fluid

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    Behavior analogous to a second order phase transition is observed for the homogeneous cooling state of a heavy impurity particle in a granular fluid. The order parameter ϕ\phi is the ratio of impurity mean square velocity to that of the fluid, with a conjugate field hh proportional to the mass ratio. A parameter β\beta , measuring the fluid cooling rate relative to the impurity--fluid collision rate, is the analogue of the inverse temperature. For β<1\beta <1 the fluid is ``normal'' with ϕ=0\phi =0 at h=0h=0, as in the case of a system with elastic collisions. For β>1\beta >1 an ``ordered'' state with ϕ0\phi \neq 0 occurs at h=0h=0, representing an extreme breakdown of equipartition. Critical slowing and qualitative changes in the velocity distribution function for the impurity particle near the transition are notedComment: 4 pages (4 figures included

    Gaussian Kinetic Model for Granular Gases

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    A kinetic model for the Boltzmann equation is proposed and explored as a practical means to investigate the properties of a dilute granular gas. It is shown that all spatially homogeneous initial distributions approach a universal "homogeneous cooling solution" after a few collisions. The homogeneous cooling solution (HCS) is studied in some detail and the exact solution is compared with known results for the hard sphere Boltzmann equation. It is shown that all qualitative features of the HCS, including the nature of over population at large velocities, are reproduced semi-quantitatively by the kinetic model. It is also shown that all the transport coefficients are in excellent agreement with those from the Boltzmann equation. Also, the model is specialized to one having a velocity independent collision frequency and the resulting HCS and transport coefficients are compared to known results for the Maxwell Model. The potential of the model for the study of more complex spatially inhomogeneous states is discussed.Comment: to be submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Continuous Charge Modulated Diagonal Phase in Manganites

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    We present a novel ground state that explain the continuous modulated charge diagonal order recently observed in manganese oxides, at hole densities xx larger than one half. In this diagonal phase the charge is modulated with a predominant Fourier component inversely proportional to 1x1-x. Magnetically this state consist of antiferromagnetic coupled zig-zag chains. For a wide range of relevant physical parameters as electron-phonon coupling, antiferromagnetic interaction between Mn ions and on-site Coulomb repulsion, the diagonal phase is the ground state of the system. The diagonal phase is favored by the modulation of the hopping amplitude along the zig-zag chains, and it is stabilized with respect to the one dimensional straight chain by the electron phonon coupling. For realistic estimation of the physical parameters, the diagonal modulation of the electron density is only a small fraction of the average charge, a modulation much smaller than the obtained by distributing Mn+3^{+3} and Mn+4^{+4} ions. We discuss also the spin and orbital structure properties of this new diagonal phase.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures include

    Hydrodynamic modes, Green-Kubo relations, and velocity correlations in dilute granular gases

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    It is shown that the hydrodynamic modes of a dilute granular gas of inelastic hard spheres can be identified, and calculated in the long wavelength limit. Assuming they dominate at long times, formal expressions for the Navier-Stokes transport coefficients are derived. They can be expressed in a form that generalizes the Green-Kubo relations for molecular systems, and it is shown that they can also be evaluated by means of NN-particle simulation methods. The form of the hydrodynamic modes to zeroth order in the gradients is used to detect the presence of inherent velocity correlations in the homogeneous cooling state, even in the low density limit. They manifest themselves in the fluctuations of the total energy of the system. The theoretical predictions are shown to be in agreement with molecular dynamics simulations. Relevant related questions deserving further attention are pointed out

    Electronic Phase Separation in Manganite/Insulator Interfaces

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    By using a realist microscopic model, we study the electric and magnetic properties of the interface between a half metallic manganite and an insulator. We find that the lack of carriers at the interface debilitates the double exchange mechanism, weakening the ferromagnetic coupling between the Mn ions. In this situation the ferromagnetic order of the Mn spins near the interface is unstable against antiferromagnetic CE correlations, and a separation between ferromagnetic/metallic and antiferromagnetic/insulator phases at the interfaces can occur. We obtain that the insertion of extra layers of undoped manganite at the interface introduces extra carriers which reinforce the double exchange mechanism and suppress antiferromagnetic instabilities.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figures include

    Linear Response for Granular Fluids

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    The linear response of an isolated, homogeneous granular fluid to small spatial perturbations is studied by methods of non-equilibrium statistical mechanics. The long wavelength linear hydrodynamic equations are obtained, with formally exact expressions for the susceptibilities and transport coefficients. The latter are given in equivalent Einstein-Helfand and Green-Kubo forms. The context of these results and their contrast with corresponding results for normal fluids are discussed.Comment: Submitted to PR

    Canted phase in double quantum dots

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    We perform a Hartree-Fock calculation in order to describe the ground state of a vertical double quantum dot in the absence of magnetic fields parallel to the growth direction. Intra- and interdot exchange interactions determine the singlet or triplet character of the system as the tunneling is tuned. At finite Zeeman splittings due to in-plane magnetic fields, we observe the continuous quantum phase transition from ferromagnetic to symmetric phase through a canted antiferromagnetic state. The latter is obtained even at zero Zeeman energy for an odd electron number.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figure

    Phase Diagram and Incommensurate Phases in Undoped Manganites

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    We study the existence of incommensurate phases in the phase diagram of the two orbital double exchange model coupled with Jahn-Teller phonons and with superexchange interactions. In agreement with experimental results, we find that undoped manganites RMnO3RMnO_3 (RR being some rare earth element) show temperature induced commensurate-incommensurate phase transitions. In the incommensurate phase the magnetic wave vector varies with temperature. The incommensurate phase arises from the competition between the short range antiferromagnetic superexchange interaction and the long range ferromagnetic double exchange interaction