10 research outputs found


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    Povijest ribogojstva u Hrvatskoj od 1946. do 1990

    Organoklorirani pesticidi u slatkovodnim ribama zagrebačkog područja

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    The aim of this study was to determine the level of organochlorine pesticides in freshwater fish from the Zagreb area, Croatia. The study included 215 freshwater fish samples from three sites: the Sava River, Lake Jarun, and five fishponds from the Zagreb surroundings. Organochlorine pesticides DDT and derivates, HCH, HCB, lindane, aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, heptachlor with epoxide, and methoxychlor were determined using the GC-ECD method. The determined amounts of organochlorine pesticides were within allowed concentration limits in all analysed fish samples. Median values ranged from below the detection limit of 0.01 Āµg kg-1 for dieldrin and metoxychlor to 2.00 Āµg kg-1 for DDT in the Cyprinidae fish family from the Sava River, Zagreb sampling site (group 1). This study has confirmed pesticide persistence in the overall ecosystem in our country despite the ban of some thirty years ago, like in many other parts of the world.Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi količinu organokloriranih pesticida u slatkovodnim ribama zagrebačkog područja. Obrađeno je ukupno 215 uzoraka slatkovodne ribe sa sljedećih triju lokacija: rijeka Sava, jezero Jarun i pet tzv. ekoloÅ”kih jezera u okolici Zagreba. Organoklorirani pesticidi DDT i derivati, HCH izomeri (Ī±-HCH, Ī²-HCH and Ī“-HCH), HCB, lindan (Ī³-HCH), aldrin, dieldrin, endrin, heptaklor, heptaklorepoksid i metoksiklor) određivali su se metodom plinske kromatografije uz elektronapsorpcijski način detekcije i uz postignutu granicu detekcije od 0,01 Āµg kg-1. Vrijednosti ispitivanih organokloriranih pesticida u svim su uzorcima riba bile mnogo niže od maksimalno dopuÅ”tenih koncentracija. Vrijednosti medijana kretale su se od najnižih 0,01 Āµg kg-1 za dieldrin i metoksiklor do najviÅ”ih 2,00 Āµg kg-1 za DDT u uzorcima riba porodice Cyprinidae s lokacije Sava - Zagreb. Utvrđeni ostaci preostalih ispitivanih pesticida potvrđuju kako njihovu uporabu na naÅ”im područjima tako i njihovu postojanost i prisutnost u cjelokupnom ekosustavu unatoč činjenici da je većina zabranjena u Hrvatskoj prije gotovo 30 godina, kao i u mnogim dijelovima svijeta

    What has justice got to do with it? Gender and the political economy of post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina

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    While International Financial Institutions (IFIs) play an increasingly relevant role in post-war countries, the interplay between their interventions and other aspects of post-conflict transitions, such as those related to dealing with the consequences of wartime violence, has not received much attention in the literature. This paper tackles this gap and suggests that, in post-conflict contexts, gendered forms of socioeconomic violence and injustice can be perpetuated through economic reforms led by IFIs. Overlooking justice considerations in post-war economic reforms not only reflects and reinforces a limited understanding of wartime violence and justice issues, but also entrenches gendered forms of socioeconomic injustice that had their roots in the war. A feminist approach to the study of political economy encompassing both gender and socioeconomic justice is adopted here to show how complex and overlapping forms of injustice are supported by wartime and post-war political-economic power structures. To illustrate how and why justice considerations are important for post-war economic reforms, the paper looks at the case of Bosnia and Herzegovina, and analyses the rationale and gendered effects of economic reforms that reorganized welfare and jobs, and promoted privatisations that accelerated deindustrialisation and economic decline