7 research outputs found

    Selective Formation of Porous Pt Nanorods for Highly Electrochemically Efficient Neural Electrode Interfaces

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    The enhanced electrochemical activity of nanostructured materials is readily exploited in energy devices, but their utility in scalable and human-compatible implantable neural interfaces can significantly advance the performance of clinical and research electrodes. We utilize low-temperature selective dealloying to develop scalable and biocompatible one-dimensional platinum nanorod (PtNR) arrays that exhibit superb electrochemical properties at various length scales, stability, and biocompatibility for high performance neurotechnologies. PtNR arrays record brain activity with cellular resolution from the cortical surfaces in birds and nonhuman primates. Significantly, strong modulation of surface recorded single unit activity by auditory stimuli is demonstrated in European Starling birds as well as the modulation of local field potentials in the visual cortex by light stimuli in a nonhuman primate and responses to electrical stimulation in mice. PtNRs record behaviorally and physiologically relevant neuronal dynamics from the surface of the brain with high spatiotemporal resolution, which paves the way for less invasive brainā€“machine interfaces

    Microscale Physiological Events on the Human Cortical Surface

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    Despite ongoing advances in our understanding of local single-cellular and network-level activity of neuronal populations in the human brain, extraordinarily little is known about their "intermediate" microscale local circuit dynamics. Here, we utilized ultra-high-density microelectrode arrays and a rare opportunity to perform intracranial recordings across multiple cortical areas in human participants to discover three distinct classes of cortical activity that are not locked to ongoing natural brain rhythmic activity. The first included fast waveforms similar to extracellular single-unit activity. The other two types were discrete events with slower waveform dynamics and were found preferentially in upper cortical layers. These second and third types were also observed in rodents, nonhuman primates, and semi-chronic recordings from humans via laminar and Utah array microelectrodes. The rates of all three events were selectively modulated by auditory and electrical stimuli, pharmacological manipulation, and cold saline application and had small causal co-occurrences. These results suggest that the proper combination of high-resolution microelectrodes and analytic techniques can capture neuronal dynamics that lay between somatic action potentials and aggregate population activity. Understanding intermediate microscale dynamics in relation to single-cell and network dynamics may reveal important details about activity in the full cortical circuit