17 research outputs found

    New Approaches of Consumers’ Protection in Terms of Management Systems’ International Standards Evolution

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    This paper grew out of the central issue addressed in Trading Up: Consumer and Environmental Regulation in a Global Economy by David Vogel, namely the impact of economic globalization on consumers’ protection regulations. Reviewing the extensive matter of consumer protection, with a thorough analysis of European Union last issued data, the paper summarizes and analyzes the contributions of ISO quality management standards to consumers’ protection based on a chain of logically connected concepts and activities. The approach was double-sided, intercrossing the qualitative and quantitative arguments joined with the analysis of the correlation between the efforts and effects in consumers’ protection area. Due to a yet continue divergence regarding the regulatory processes, of a visible movement to the development and implementation of more stringent standards as well as a new means for implementing integrated quality management systems, the paper suggests and develops an implementation model of integrated quality management systems, based on Jorgensen 2006 model and improved through adding the new ISO 26000 standard.consumers' protection, quality, ISO standards, implementation models for ISO integrated systems

    Management of Computer Projects of Financial and Banking Organizations from the Perspective of Human Resources

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    The computer project manager in the financial and banking field must make sure to determine the growth and excellence of the project according to their fundamental roles and abilities and if, for various reasons, these roles are not fulfilled accordingly, the project may fail. The success of the computer project management depends on the examination of the main strategies and on project planning, considering the principles of the human resources management and of the timely implementation and considering the structure of the financial and banking organisations that is about to implement the project, respectively. The purpose of this study is to identify the internal factors within the financial and banking organisations, which have a major impact on human resources during the development of the implementation process of the computer projects

    Assessing and Forecasting Current and Future Trends of ICT Employment in European Enterprises

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    In the current context, the labor market volatility in the information and communications technology sector (ICT), the challenges faced by companies in identifying and hiring these specialists, as well as the challenges faced by specialists in this field in terms of employment and job retention, necessitate a detailed and comprehensive analysis of the ICT labor market developments in close correlation with the current trends of digitalization of the economy.On this premise, the research presented in this article seeks to examine data about European firms that have engaged or tried to hire ICT specialists in the period 2014-2020, as well as the trends for the period 2021-2030. The purpose of the research will be to provide, on the one hand, the development of the selected variables for research during the analysis period and, on the other hand, the trends related to the ICT labor market for the categories of enterprises under study. The study aim will serve as the basis for the development of research questions and hypotheses, which will be tested using two types of methodological techniques, namely linear analysis and linear regression-based predictions.</p

    Funding, Turnover, Sustainability and Digital Technologies: A Multicriteria Research Model for SMEs Facing a Challenging Context

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    none7sìAbstract: The pandemic crisis has meant a challenge for SMEs and a factor that can change the way of doing business. The current paper analyses the correlations between financial resources, turnover, sustainability, and digital technologies and how these components can be adapted to changes in the economy triggered by the pandemic crisis in the structure of activities carried out by SMEs. Resting on the importance of integrating the innovative, digital component to the activities of SMEs, in close connection with the financial resources component, a multicriteria research model for business has been developed, assessing the correlations between key variables and their influence on European SMEs. In order to fully define the concepts envisaged and to emphasise these correlations, multiple linear regression, clustering techniques, and correlation analysis were used. In the end, the proposed solution provided a common language through which companies can evaluate traditional processes and bring together the research components into business activities.Received: 26 February 2022 Accepted: 24 March 2022 Published: 27 March 2022openDel Baldo, M.; Sitnikov, C.; Vasilescu, L.; Mandache, L.; Ogarc˘a, R.; B˘andoi, A.; Ganea, E.Del Baldo, M.; Sitnikov, C.; Vasilescu, L.; Mandache, L.; Ogarc˘a, R.; B˘andoi, A.; Ganea, E

    The Perspective of Cluster Ranking Analysis in the Development of Food Safety Measures

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    Food safety policies have gained considerable importance in recent years, food safety being one of the indicators that illustrates the standard of living and quality of life within a nation state. In order to assess food security, we analyzed the Global Food Security Index (GFSI) that, economically, is based on GDP, degree of poverty and agricultural production, extending also to areas such as government and public policies, which are usually not directly included in food safety indicators or generating factors. Considering the importance and impact of food safety, starting from the theoretical concepts, from the current state of food safety in Europe, presented by the means of GFSI and its components, we developed a set of measures based on the grouping (correlation) of states following the analysis of hierarchical ranking of clusters. To analyse clusters hierarchical ranking the food safety indicators were used as input, dependent data. As an independent variable, with a strong influence on all the others, determined by means of multiple linear regression, we considered GDP/inhabitant at the level of each analysed state. The design of the set of measures considered the correlation that can be established among the various GFSI indicators that influence and generate the current state of food security in different European countries and the influence these indicators can have on maintaining or improving this state

    The Importance of Managerial Skills Transfer Management for Organizational Success

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    The main objective of the research is to improve the management of the transfer of managerial skills, with a projection on the Romanian economy. The main own contribution in this direction is the development of a methodology to approach the management of the transfer of managerial skills (MTMS) to assist decisionmakers by structuring decision-making problems, identifying the correspondences between the types of problems and the modeling methods and algorithms for solving them. The realization of this methodology requires several own contributions aimed at theoretical and practical aspects of the studied theme. At the microeconomic level, both theoretical research and empirical studies have highlighted certain objectives specific to each class of people involved in MTMS. The main objectives of the shareholders are to change the value of the shares and dividends as a result of the transfer of managerial skills (TMS). From the point of view of managers, their objectives consist in increasing the competitiveness of the organization, developing their own career and personal development, goals materialized from a quantitative point of view in changing the company's profit and personal net income. The objectives of the employees related to MTMS mainly refer to the improvement of the working environment and personal advancement possibilities. For organizations, TMS has the following main objectives: winning new markets, developing and perfecting products and services, attracting funding sources, increasing revenues, securing specialized human resources, diversifying activity, successfully implementing the organization's strategy, and increasing flexibility. This research study supports organizations and managers who wish to engage in a process of improving managerial skills through the transfer of specialist knowledge from organizational, personal or academic sources. The main contributions of the article consist in improving the management of the transfer of managerial skills by developing a methodology for approaching and solving decisionmaking problems according to their typolog


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    In the knowledge society, when there is a rapidly evolving information technology, the virtual markets, namely the online transactions, have created the premises emergence and development of new technologies of using of finances, namely virtual coin (Bitcoin). Use of this coin appears as an alternative to traditional currencies, but they are not under the control of no body, are devoid of inflation and maintain the anonymity of users. Following the evolution of this new type of coin, we proposed in this paper to present some general aspects of this coin focusing on global controversies on using Bitcoin. We have reviewed several myths that have arisen with the development and penetration of its on market and because it is a volatile coin can generate huge gains but and huge losses, we have studied fluctuation and implications for users and investors and the attraction of the drug dealers and criminals for using virtual currency, Bitcoin. At the end of the paper, based on the analysis we have tried to outline the future of this modern payment system. Thus, we found that lately, in that its value has fluctuated strongly, and increased buyer confidence, but appeared and increased cyber attacks, and the fear that if the state has no a role in protecting citizens from fraud, we can assist at the development of financial schemes extremely dangerous. The financial experts believe that if the world banks would jointly solve all the problems, the virtual money will have a real chance of life

    Ways to Reduce Consumer Complaints – the EU Perspective

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    Organizations are currently concerned with meeting consumers’ demands and needs by creating products that meet their expectations. Addressing wider issues of consumers’ protection and relying on a detailed research of the latest data from the European Union, our paper analyses and synthesizes ways to reduce consumers’ complaints on products and services purchased, based on a series of causal links and interrelated activities. It is a dual approach in order to link quantitative and qualitative arguments as well as the analysis of correlations between efforts and the recorded effects in the domain of the consumer’ protection. Based on data provided by the Flash Eurobarometer 332 there were determined the existing influences in consumers’ protection, calculating correlations among a number of indicators registered in the European Union in the field of consumer protection. Based on the relations established between the indicators that describe the domain of the protection of consumer, a model that centres on complaining in case of problems, indicating the main ways to reduce these complaints was developed and built