33 research outputs found

    A grounded theory of positive youth development through sport based on results from a qualitative meta-study

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    The overall purpose of this study was to create a model of positive youth development (PYD) through sport grounded in the extant qualitative literature. More specifically, the first objective was to review and evaluate qualitative studies of PYD in sport. The second objective was to analyze and synthesize findings from these studies. Following record identification and screening, 63 articles were retained for analysis. Meta-method analysis revealed strengths of studies were the use of multiple data collection and validity techniques, which produced high-quality data. Weaknesses were limited use of ‘named’ methodologies and inadequate reporting of sampling procedures. Philosophical perspectives were rarely reported, and theory was used sparingly. Results of an inductive meta-data analysis produced three categories: PYD climate (adult relationships, peer relationships, and parental involvement), life skills program focus (life skill building activities and transfer activities), and PYD outcomes (in personal, social, and physical domains). A model that distinguishes between implicit and explicit processes to PYD is presented

    Changes in quality of life and disease-related symptoms in patients with polycythemia vera receiving ruxolitinib or standard therapy

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    Objectives Polycythemia vera (PV)-related symptoms may not be adequately controlled with conventional therapy. This current analysis of the RESPONSE trial evaluated the effects of ruxolitinib compared with standard therapy on quality of life (QoL) and symptoms in patients with PV who were hydroxyurea resistant/intolerant. Methods In the previously reported primary analysis, ruxolitinib achieved the primary composite endpoint of hematocrit control and ≄35% reduction in spleen volume at Week 32. The current analysis evaluated patient-reported outcomes using the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire-Core 30 (EORTC QLQ-C30), the Myeloproliferative Neoplasm Symptom Assessment Form (MPN-SAF), the Pruritus Symptom Impact Scale (PSIS), and the Patient Global Impression of Change (PGIC). Results Compared with standard therapy, ruxolitinib was associated with greater improvements in global health status/QoL, functional subscales, and individual symptom scores of the EORTC QLQ-C30. At Week 32, more patients in the ruxolitinib arm (44%) achieved a ≄10-point improvement in global health status/QoL vs. standard therapy (9%). Improvements in MPN-SAF symptom scores were consistent with improvements in EORTC QLQ-C30, PSIS, and PGIC scores. Conclusions Ruxolitinib provides clinically relevant improvements in QoL and ameliorates symptom burden in patients with PV who are hydroxyurea resistant/intolerant

    Archiving primary data: solutions for long-term studies

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    The recent trend for journals to require open access to primary data included in publications has been embraced by many biologists, but has caused apprehension amongst researchers engaged in long-term ecological and evolutionary studies. A worldwide survey of 73 principal investigators (Pls) with long-term studies revealed positive attitudes towards sharing data with the agreement or involvement of the PI, and 93% of PIs have historically shared data. Only 8% were in favor of uncontrolled, open access to primary data while 63% expressed serious concern. We present here their viewpoint on an issue that can have non-trivial scientific consequences. We discuss potential costs of public data archiving and provide possible solutions to meet the needs of journals and researchers

    Archiving Primary Data: Solutions for Long-Term Studies

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    Price et Riverbend : splendeur et declin d'une ville de compagnie

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    La ville de Riverbend est fondĂ©e par la compagnie Price Brothers en 1925 au Lac-Saint-Jean. Elle abrite une usine de papier journal et un espace rĂ©sidentiel oĂč demeurent entre 250 et 300 personnes. PossĂ©dant un amĂ©nagement spatial et une architecture uniques dans la rĂ©gion, cette ville montre toutes les caractĂ©ristiques d'une ville de compagnie. La compagnie Price Brothers possĂšde tous les terrains, les rĂ©sidences, ainsi que les autres bĂątiments. Elle loue ses maisons seulement Ă  ses cadres supĂ©rieurs et aux employĂ©s de la ville, qui sont pour la plupart anglophones et protestants. Les autres employĂ©s, tous canadiens-français, n'ont pas accĂšs Ă  cette ville et doivent demeurer Ă  Saint-Joseph d'Alma ou Ă  Naudville, deux municipalitĂ©s voisines. Price Brothers possĂšde Ă©galement le rĂ©seau tĂ©lĂ©phonique et Ă©lectrique, le rĂ©seau d'aqueduc et d'Ă©gouts. Elle voit aussi Ă  l'organisation des loisirs et des sports. Elle contrĂŽle Ă©galement l'aspect politique, du fait que tous les membres du conseil municipal sont des employĂ©s cadres. Ils sont dĂ©signĂ©s par la compagnie, qui leur donne accĂšs Ă  la propriĂ©tĂ© fonciĂšre. Elle peut ainsi contrĂŽler le conseil municipal qui dĂ©cide du taux de taxe fonciĂšre et des rĂšglements municipaux. La compagnie paye la plus grosse part des taxes fonciĂšres et scolaires, Ă©tant le plus grand propriĂ©taire foncier de la ville. La raison d'ĂȘtre de Riverbend est presque exclusivement Ă©conomique. PossĂ©dant sa propre ville, la compagnie Price Brothers contrĂŽle ses dĂ©penses en taxes fonciĂšres, tout en Ă©vitant de dĂ©velopper les infrastructures coĂ»teuses nĂ©cessaires Ă  ses ouvriers, Ă©gouts, rues, etc.. En contrĂŽlant l'accĂšs Ă  la ville, elle crĂ©e et maintient un microcosme, oĂč les employĂ©s non-cadres, qui forment la majoritĂ© des employĂ©s, ne se mĂȘlent pas aux autres rĂ©sidents de Riverbend. Peu Ă  peu, Ă  travers le temps, la compagnie abandonnera son rĂŽle d'employeur, propriĂ©taire foncier et organisateur de services et loisirs, pour se consacrer seulement Ă  l'aspect industriel. Elle se dĂ©barrassera d'abord, en 1946, de la gestion des rĂ©sidences et terrains au profit d'une filiale, la Riverbend Company, dont elle est l'unique actionnaire. Celle-ci vendra peu Ă  peu ses rĂ©sidences aux employĂ©s, surtout aprĂšs la fusion de 1962 avec trois autres municipalitĂ©s voisines. Elle vendra aussi les bĂątiments municipaux, les parcs et les rues Ă  la ville mĂȘme. Les Ă©coles seront laissĂ©es aux deux commissions scolaires de Riverbend. AprĂšs la fusion de 1962, la personnalitĂ© de Riverbend se modifiera peu Ă  peu. Des maisons seront vendues Ă  des non-employĂ©s de la compagnie. Des modifications seront faites aux maisons et les services dont jouissait la population seront coupĂ©s ou modifiĂ©s. Certains bĂątiments seront dĂ©molis. Riverbend ne deviendra, en fait, qu'un quartier de la CitĂ© d'Alma

    Birthplace effects on the development of female athletic talent

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    This study examined the extent to which an athlete's place of birth can influence the likelihood of playing professional sport. Information regarding the birthplace of all American female athletes in the Ladies Professional Golf Association and Women's United Soccer Association was gathered from official league websites. Monte Carlo simulations were used to determine if the birthplace of these professional athletes differed in any systematic way from official census population distributions. Odds-ratios were determined for cities within specific population ranges to ascertain if the likelihood of playing professional sport was influenced in any systematic way by city size. The analyses revealed that female professional soccer players born in cities of less than 1,000,000 were over-represented, as were female professional golfers born in cities of less than 250,000. Results are consistent with those of male professional athletes in suggesting that areas of lower population provide conditions more conducive to the development of expertise than do larger city environments

    Data from: Genetic structure and rabies spread potential in raccoons: the role of landscape barriers and sex-biased dispersal

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    Identifying natural barriers to movements of hosts associated with infectious diseases is essential for developing effective control strategies. Raccoon rabies variant (RRV) is a zoonosis of concern for humans because its main vector, the raccoon (Procyon lotor), is found near residential areas. In Québec, Canada, all cases of RRV found in raccoons since 2006 were detected on the eastern side of the Richelieu River, suggesting that this river acts as a barrier to gene flow and thus, the potential for RRV to spread. The objectives of this study were to characterize the genetic structure of raccoon populations and assess the effect of the Richelieu River on the population structure in southern Québec, Canada. We also evaluated whether RRV spread potential differed between sex and at a larger spatial scale. Our analyses revealed a weak signal of genetic differentiation among individuals located on each side of the Richelieu River. At a larger spatial scale, genetic structuring was weak. Our results suggest that rivers might not always efficiently restrain raccoon movements and spread of RRV. We suggest that the difference in genetic structure found between sexes can be partly explained by male movements during the breeding season in winter, when ice bridges allow passage over most rivers in Québec

    Project SCORE!

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