5 research outputs found

    Evaluation of Optimum Asphalt Yield of a Process

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    This study is on evaluation of optimum asphalt yield of a process. The data used is a secondary data collected from the records department of Consolidated Contractors Company Nigeria Ltd (C.C.C) between years 2008-2010. A fitted trend equation was obtained which enables prediction of the production yield at any point in time. The  trend line estimated from a 12 point centered moving average showed a sharp fall in the production yield of asphalt and a slight rise in the month of August for the three years period. The seasonal analysis showed from the result of the seasonal indices that the month of July has the least production of asphalt and this can be attributed to the presence of heavy rain fall which primarily affects the production of asphalt. Also, regression analysis was used to develop two models that expresses the nature of relationship between the production yield and factors such as Temperature, Humidity, Rainfall, Efficiency(environmental factors), Stone-dust/sand mixture, chippings of various sizes C5, C10, and Bitumen(material factors). Finally, it was established from analysis that the best regression model for predicting the production yield of asphalt is the material factor fitted equation. Key words: Trend, Seasonal index, Environmental factors, Time serie

    Finite Element Analysis for Stress-Strain Parameter of Projectile Impeded Glass Fibre Reinforced Polyester (Gfrp) Composites

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    For the treatment of progressive damage, spatial discretization is required so that numerical techniques such as the finite element method or finite difference method would be advantageous. Finite element and finite difference techniques have also been applied to impact problems because they are more versatile at modeling boundary conditions and local phenomena such as stresses and strain under a point load. This paper investigates the stress-strain magnitude on body amour composites of glass fibre reinforced polyester (GFRP), when hit with ogival and conical nosed projectiles through the application of finite element analysis using ANSYS software version 10.1. The finite element result of the plain stress analysis shows that the composite is stronger in the longitudinal direction. This is supported by the fact that the maximum stress of 328.125MPa was recorded in the X direction while the maximum stress of 57.726MPa was recorded in the Y direction. The analysis also indicates that the maximum influence of the stress was experienced around the incident hole and the minimum at the exterior boarders of the samples. Keywords: Finite Element, Plain Stress Analysis, Projectiles, ANSYS Software, Body Amour, Fibre Reinforcement

    Optimization of Hardness Strengths Response of Plantain Fibres Reinforced Polyester Matrix Composites (PFRP) Applying Taguchi Robust Resign

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    Volume fraction of fibres (A), aspect ratio of fibres (B) and fibres orientation (C) are considered as control factors in the determination of hardness strength, hardness strength of plantain fiber reinforced polyester composites (PFR P). These properties were determined for plantain empty fruit bunch (PEFB) and plantain pseudo stem (PPS). Hardness tests were conducted on the replicated samples of PEFB fiber reinforced polyester composite and PPS fiber reinforced polyester respectively using Archimedes principles in each case to determine the volume fraction of fibers. To obtain the optimum properties being investigated a Monsanto tensometer were used to establish the control factor levels quality characteristics needed to optimize the mechanical properties being investigated. Taguchi robust design technique was applied for the greater the better to obtain the highest signal to noise ratio (SN ratio) for the quality characteristics being investigated employing Minitab 15 software. The optimum values of the control factors are established for empty fruit bunch composites and for pseudo stem fiber composite. The empty fruit bunch fiber reinforced polyester matrix composite has the maximum hardness strength of 19.062N/mm2 and a mean design strength of 17.978N/mm2, while the pseudo stem plantain fiber reinforced matrix composite has the maximum hardness strength of 18.655 N/mm2 and a mean design strength of 18.0385N/mm2. The properties studied depend greatly on the reinforcement combinations of control factors