6,341 research outputs found

    Quark-Model Baryon-Baryon Interaction and its Applications to Hypernuclei

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    The quark-model baryon-baryon interaction fss2, proposed by the Kyoto-Niigata group, is a unified model for the complete baryon octet (B_8=N, Lambda, Sigma and Xi), which is formulated in a framework of the (3q)-(3q) resonating-group method (RGM) using the spin-flavor SU_6 quark-model wave functions and effective meson-exchange potentials at the quark level. Model parameters are determined to reproduce properties of the nucleon-nucleon system and the low-energy cross section data for the hyperon-nucleon scattering. Due to the several improvements including the introduction of vector-meson exchange potentials, fss2 has achieved very accurate description of the NN and YN interactions, comparable to various one-boson exchange potentials. We review the essential features of fss2 and our previous model FSS, and their predictions to few-body systems in confrontation with the available experimental data. Some characteristic features of the B_8 B_8 interactions with the higher strangeness, S=-2, -3, -4, predicted by fss2 are discussed. These quark-model interactions are now applied to realistic calculations of few-body systems in a new three-cluster Faddeev formalism which uses two-cluster RGM kernels. As for the few-body systems, we discuss the three-nucleon bound states, the Lambda NN-Sigma NN system for the hypertriton, the alpha alpha Lambda system for 9Be Lambda, and the Lambda Lambda alpha system for 6He Lambda Lambda.Comment: 20 pages, 12 figures, 18th Nishinomiya Yukawa Memorial Symposium on Strangeness in Nuclear Matter, 4 - 5 December 2003, Nishinomiya, Japan. (to be published in Prog. Theor. Phys. Suppl.

    Analysis Of Measured Transport Properties Of Domain Walls In Magnetic Nanowires And Films

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    Existing data for soft magnetic materials of critical current for domain-wall motion, wall speed driven by a magnetic field, and wall electrical resistance, show that all three observable properties are related through a single parameter: the wall mobility μ\mu. The reciprocal of μ\mu represents the strength of viscous friction between domain wall and conduction-electron gas. And μ\mu is a function of the wall width, which depends in turn on the aspect ratio t/w, where t and w are the thickness and width of the sample. Over four orders of magnitude of μ\mu, the data for nanowires show μ(t/w)2.2\mu\propto (t/w)^{-2.2}. This dependence is in approximate agreement with the prediction of the 1984 Berger theory based on s-d exchange. On the other hand, it is inconsistent with the prediction of the 2004 Tatara and Kohno theory, and of the 2004 Zhang and Li theory.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figure; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Spontaneous breaking of the Fermi surface symmetry in the t-J model: a numerical study

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    We present a variational Monte Carlo (VMC) study of spontaneous Fermi surface symmetry breaking in the t-J model. We find that the variational energy of a Gutzwiller projected Fermi sea is lowered by allowing for a finite asymmetry between the x- and the y-directions. However, the best variational state remains a pure superconducting state with d-wave symmetry, as long as the underlying lattice is isotropic. Our VMC results are in good overall agreement with slave boson mean field theory (SBMFT) and renormalized mean field theory (RMFT), although apparent discrepancies do show up in the half-filled limit, revealing some limitations of mean field theories. VMC and complementary RMFT calculations also confirm the SBMFT predictions that many-body interactions can enhance any anisotropy in the underlying crystal lattice. Thus, our results may be of consequence for the description of strongly correlated superconductors with an anisotropic lattice structure.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures; final versio

    Current-induced non-adiabatic spin torques and domain wall motion with spin relaxation in a ferromagnetic metallic wire

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    Within the s-d model description, we derive the current-driven spin torque in a ferromagnet, taking explicitly into account a spin-relaxing Caldeira-Leggett bath coupling to the s-electrons. We derive Bloch-Redfield equations of motion for the s-electron spin dynamics, and formulate a systematic gradient expansion to obtain non-adiabatic (higher-order) corrections to the well-known adiabatic (first-order) spin torque. We provide simple analytical expressions for the second-order spin torque. The theory is applied to current-driven domain wall motion. Second-order contributions imply a deformation of a transverse tail-to-tail domain wall. The wall center still moves with a constant velocity that now depends on the spin-polarized current in a non-trivial manner.Comment: Phys. Rev. B, in press, replaced with published versio

    Chemistry in isolation: High CCH/HCO+ line ratio in the AMIGA galaxy CIG 638

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    Multi-molecule observations towards an increasing variety of galaxies have been showing that the relative molecular abundances are affected by the type of activity. However, these studies are biased towards bright active galaxies, which are typically in interaction. We study the molecular composition of one of the most isolated galaxies in the local Universe where the physical and chemical properties of their molecular clouds have been determined by intrinsic mechanisms. We present 3 mm broad band observations of the galaxy CIG 638, extracted from the AMIGA sample of isolated galaxies. The emission of the J=1-0 transitions of CCH, HCN, HCO+, and HNC are detected. Integrated intensity ratios between these line are compared with similar observations from the literature towards active galaxies including starburst galaxies (SB), active galactic nuclei (AGN), luminous infrared galaxies (LIRG), and GMCs in M33. A significantly high ratio of CCH with respect to HCN, HCO+, and HNC is found towards CIG 638 when compared with all other galaxies where these species have been detected. This points to either an overabundance of CCH or to a relative lack of dense molecular gas as supported by the low HCN/CO ratio, or both. The data suggest that the CIG 638 is naturally a less perturbed galaxy where a lower fraction of dense molecular gas, as well as a more even distribution could explain the measured ratios. In this scenario the dense gas tracers would be naturally dimmer, while the UV enhanced CCH, would be overproduced in a less shielded medium.Comment: Letter accepted for publication in A&

    Effects of non-adiabaticity on the voltage generated by a moving domain wall

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    We determine the voltage generated by a field-driven domain wall, taking into account non-adiabatic corrections to the motive force induced by the time-dependent spin Berry phase. Both the diffusive and ballistic transport regimes are considered. We find that that the non-adiabatic corrections, together with the contributions due to spin relaxation, determine the voltage for driving fields smaller than the Walker breakdown limit.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Influence of magnetic viscosity on domain wall dynamics under spin-polarized currents

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    We present a theoretical study of the influence of magnetic viscosity on current-driven domain wall dynamics. In particular we examine how domain wall depinning transitions, driven by thermal activation, are influenced by the adiabatic and nonadiabatic spin-torques. We find the Arrhenius law that describes the transition rate for activation over a single energy barrier remains applicable under currents but with a current-dependent barrier height. We show that the effective energy barrier is dominated by a linear current dependence under usual experimental conditions, with a variation that depends only on the nonadiabatic spin torque coefficient beta.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figure

    Microscopic Calculation of Spin Torques in Disordered Ferromagnets

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    Effects of conduction electrons on magnetization dynamics, represented by spin torques, are calculated microscopically in the first order in spatial gradient and time derivative of magnetization. Special attention is paid to the so-called β\beta-term and the Gilbert damping, α\alpha, in the presence of electrons' spin-relaxation processes, which are modeled by quenched magnetic (and spin-orbit) impurities. The obtained results such as αβ\alpha \ne \beta hold for localized as well as itinerant ferromagnetism.Comment: 4 page