5,166 research outputs found

    Inelastic J/ΨJ/\Psi Photoproduction off Nuclei: Gluon Enhancement or Double Color Exchange?

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    The nuclear enhancement observed in inelastic photoproduction of J/ΨJ/\Psi should not be interpreted as evidence for an increased gluon density in nuclei. The nuclear suppression of the production rate due to initial and final state interactions is calculated and a novel two-step color exchange process is proposed, which is able to explain the data.Comment: Latex file, 23 pages including 5 Postscript figure

    Problematika Aksiologi Pendidikan Islam Multikulural di Pesantren

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    Artikel ini menjelaskan tentang Problematika Aksiologi Pendidikan Islam multicultural dalam rangka Memberikan edukasi dan pemahaman tentang aksiologi pendidikan Islam multikultural. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian studi kepustakaan dan studi lapangan. Penelitian ini berupaya membangun teori berdasarkan data yang terkumpul lalu dianalisis berdasarkan fenomena. Pendidikan Islam Multikultural berpotensi menjadi landasan modal sosial bagi aktivitas pengembangan masyarakat khususnya dipesantren. Berikut beberapa ajaran yang dipandang mampu mendorong kaum muslim untuk bergerak bersama memberikan perhatian dan dorongan terhadap sesama muslim yang mengalami kesusahan dan juga mampu menumbuhkan rasa saling percaya (trust) diantara sesama muslim dan sesama manusia. Pendidikan Islam multikultural menawarkan konsep persatuan (muwahhidah), persaudaraan (ukhuwawiyah), dan kesamaan (Tasamuh). Pendidikan Islam Multikultural merupakan nilai yang bersumber dari wahyu, berbeda dengan nilai-nilai multikultural barat yang berasal dari pemikiran filsafat,namun hal ini tidak menyebabkan pertentangan yang signifikan, bahkan semakin tampak kebenaran wahyu tersebut dan tidak saling menegaskan pemikiran-pemikiran kontemporer. Nilai-nilai Pendidikan Islam Multikultural akan lebih komprehensif dalam konsep persaudaraan dalam bingkai multicultural berupa nilai Ukhuwah Islamiyah (Persaudaraan sesama Muslim), Ukhuwah Wathoniyah (Persaudaraan sesama bangsa dan Negara), dan Ukhuwah Basyariyah (Persaudaraan sesama Umat Manusia). Ada lima nilai-nilai pendidikan Islam multikultural yang bisa di tanamkan kpd para pelajar yaitu: sikap ta’aruf, sikap tawasuth, sikap tawazun, sikap ta’awun dan sikap tasamuh Kata Kunci: Aksiologi, Pendidikan Islam Multikultural, Pesantr


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    The subjects of this study were students of MI Nurur Rahmah. The data analysis technique used is descriptive qualitative analysis, and the data collection technique used is the method of observation and interviews. The local wisdom that exists at MI Nurur Rahmah is part of the habits that are believed and obeyed by students and teachers at MI Nururrahmah, which are religious habits or practices that occur every day, such as congregational prayers, dhuha prayers, and reading the Qur'an. before the KBM starts. As a source of learning and the cultivation of local wisdom character values that can be instilled in students' personalities,Based on the results of research and discussion on inculcating students' religious character, the management of the learning cycle based on local wisdom applied by MI teacher Nurur Rahmah aims to make students better understand the meaning of piety in religious rituals, so that the religious values contained therein can be instilled in students with the hope of becoming their religious character later by instilling the religious character of students through habituation in the institution

    Methodological and Conceptual Framework of Means-End Chain Model for Housing Environment Research

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    Many theories, concepts and models have been evolved and developed over the years and used for housing research with some measuring only the objective characteristics of housing while others measure the subjective characteristics of the housing user. The Means-End Chain (MEC) model, although originally developed to link consumer products and products’ use research, is gaining acceptability within housing research over the past one decade. MEC model, unlike the other housing research theories and models, has been a potent and effective instrument in measuring both aspects of objective housing environment and the subjective characteristics or motivational factors of the housing user. MEC modeling approach is intuitively appealing and has won acceptance both in academic research and in practice. This conceptual and theoretical paper explores from literature the MEC model and attempts to propagate its use as a modeling research domain for housing environment research. It also presents the methodological framework employed by MEC model for data collection and data management. Data analysis in MEC is quite tasking and complex; there is therefore a need for a development of a simplified analysis format and an analytical tool that will be able to assist the researcher in managing the data generated by the laddering interviews.Keywords: Housing Preference and Choice, Laddering Technique, Means-End Chain, Stated Housing Preference and Choice Model

    Dampak Kompleksitas Teknologi Informasi Bagi Strategi dan Kelangsungan Bisnis

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    Teknologi Informasi (TI) yang berkembang sangat pesat telah memksa Perusahaan harus mengikuti perkembangan tersebut. Pengguna TI yang tidak direncanakan dengan baik akan berdapak pada kompleksitas TI bagi strategi dan kelangusan bisnis. Untuk itu, perencanaan sebagai bagian pertama dalam setiap perancangan sistem harus dilakukan dengan baik. Kompleksitas TI terjadi disebabkan banyaknya alternatif pilihan dalam pengaplikasian TI bagi Perusahaan. Sebagai alasan utama bagi Perusahaan untuk menggunakan TI adalah untuk memenangkan persaingan dan mendatangkan keunggulan kompetitif (Kettinger et asl., 1994), namun jika penggunaan TI tidak dibarengi dengan kesiapan organisasi untuk mengaplikasikan TI, maka tujuan yang ingin diharapkan akan jauh melenceng

    Studies On the Incidence of Asymptomatic Plasmodium Infection among Apparently Healthy Subjects in Orphanages in Kaduna and Zaria, Nigeria

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    The incidence of asymptomatic Plasmodium falciparum infection among orphans between age groups, gender and blood groups was investigated. Standard microscopic methods were used to screen for malaria parasites in the blood specimens obtained from eighty-five (85) subjects in three orphanages in Kaduna and Zaria, Nigeria. An overall incidence of 14.1% was observed in this study. The age group 0-3 years had the highest overall incidence of 28.5% and lowest in the age group 16-19 years (0.0%). With respect to gender, a higher incidence was recorded among female subjects (17.50%) than males (11.11%) . There was no significant difference in the age and sex of the subjects studied (p>0.5). There was no correlation between asymptomatic Plasmodium infection and the blood groups of subjects. To reduce morbidity and mortality rate among children in orphanages, there is a need for the use of chemoprophylaxis and insecticide- treated nets in orphanages.Key words: Plasmodium falciparum, Orphanage, blood group, Age group

    Mobile money as a strategy for financial inclusion in rural communities

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    This study contributes to a deeper understanding of the usage level of mobile money, and how it has accelerated financial inclusion among the rural communities in an emerging economy such as Zimbabwe. The study employed a mixed methods approach and a concurrent dominant status design where quantitative and qualitative approaches were concurrently used with the quantitative approach having a dominant status. The study was carried out in the Midlands Province and a simple random sampling technique was applied to select the province. Eight districts in the province formed the study population of 262 493 households and a pilot sample size of 37 household was chosen. The study used a survey method to collect data, where a questionnaire and focus group discussions were used as the main data collection instruments. It emerged that the usage of mobile money by the unbanked rural people is very high, especially for sending and receiving remittances. However the saving and loan aspect of mobile money were not very popular. Users were still relying on their traditional methods of savings and borrowing. The implications are that the service providers need to increase their awareness programs targeting this specific market to encourage them to migrate from traditional ways to safe and secure way of saving their meagre income. More so, that their saving patterns will determine their access to loans.KIM201

    A deformable elastic matching model for handwritten Chinesecharacter recognition

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    Conference Theme: Intelligent Systems for the 21st CenturyThis paper describes a deformable elastic matching approach to handwritten Chinese character recognition (HCCR). Handwritten character is regarded as a kind of deformable object, with elastic property. For the same category of character, we assume that different handwriting variations share the same topological structure, but may differ in shape details. The variations between different handwriting characters are modelled by a set of stroke displacement vectors (SDV). According to the SDV derived, a model character is deformed gradually, in an effort to transform itself much closer to an input character. Experiments show that the proposed elastic matching model can efficiently deal with local shape changes and variations between characters.published_or_final_versio

    Interactions of fully nonlinear solitary wave with a freely floating vertical cylinder

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    Fully nonlinear numerical interaction of a transient wave with a three dimensional structure has been analysed based on a higher-order boundary element method (BEM). The BEM mesh on the free surface is generated through a combination of the structured and unstructured meshes. Through some auxiliary functions, the mutual dependence of fluid/structure motions is decoupled, which allows the body acceleration to be obtained without the knowledge of the pressure distribution. The solitary wave is used as the case study for the transient wave. It is obtained by the third order theory and the fully nonlinear theory. The accuracy of the present numerical model is verified through the steady propagation of a solitary wave and comparison with the published results for solitary wave interaction with a vertical wall. Simulations are then made to study solitary wave interaction with a truncated cylinder. Numerical results are provided for motions, forces and run-ups on the cylinder and comparison between results for the fixed cylinder and the freely floating cylinder is also made