1 research outputs found

    An Efficient Approach to Consolidating Job Schedulers in Traditional Independent Scientific Workflows

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    The current research paradigm is one of data-driven research. Researchers are beginning to deploy computer facilities to produce and analyze large amounts of data. As requirements for computing power grow, data processing in traditional workstations is always under pressure for efficient resource management. In such an environment, a tremendous amount of data is being processed using parallel computing for efficient and effective research results. HTCondor, as an example, provides computing power for data analysis for researchers. Although such a system works well in a traditional computing cluster environment, we need an efficient methodology to meet the ever-increasing demands of computing using limited resources. In this paper, we propose an approach to integrating clusters that can share their computing power on the basis of a priority policy. Our approach makes it possible to share worker nodes while maintaining the resources allocated to each group. In addition, we have utilized the historical data of user usage in order to analyze problems that have occurred during job execution due to resource sharing and the actual operating results. Our findings can provide a reasonable guideline for limited computing powers shared by multiple scientific groups