2 research outputs found

    Priprema i karakterizacija C60/C70 + Ni polikristalnih tankih slojeva naraslih na raznim podlogama

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    C60/C70 + Ni films were obtained by thermal evaporation method in a wide range of Ni concentration (from 1.5 to 10 wt. %). The polycrystalline structure was detected in layers with Ni concentration of 1.5 wt. %. For this Ni concentration, growth of grains in columnar form was observed by SEM. TEM examination showed existence of crystalline grains of a size of a few micrometers and 10 - 200 nm thick. The electron and X-ray diffraction exhibited Bragg distances of approx. 0.87, 0.83, 0.50 and 0.32 nm, and in electron diffraction 1.0, 0.76 and 0.65 nm interplanar distances were found. In Raman spectra, typical fullerenes and two other bands placed at 580 and 1100 cm-1 were observed. The intensity of the latter bands depends on Ni concentration. For Ni concentration higher then 1.5 wt. %, the degradation of fullerene structure was observed by HRTEM, electron and X-ray diffraction.Tanki slojevi C60/C70 + Ni dobiveni su toplinskim isparavanjem s koncentracijom Ni od 1.5 do 10 tež. %. Polikristalna struktura je opažena u slojevima s 1.5 tež. % Ni. Pomoću SEM je u takvim slojevima opažen stupčast rast zrna. Pomoću TEM ustanovljena su zrna duljine nekoliko µm i debljine 10-200 nm. Ispitivanja su načinjena također elektronskom i rendgenskom difrakcijom. U Ramanovim spektrima opažene su tipične vrpce fulerena pri 580 i 1100 cm−1 . Za koncentracije Ni iznad 1.5 tež. % opažena je degradacija strukture fulerena