20 research outputs found

    Structure, mechanism, and inhibition of Hedgehog acyltransferase

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    The Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) morphogen pathway is fundamental for embryonic development and stem cell maintenance and is implicated in various cancers. A key step in signaling is transfer of a palmitate group to the SHH N terminus, catalyzed by the multi-pass transmembrane enzyme Hedgehog acyltransferase (HHAT). We present the high-resolution cryo-EM structure of HHAT bound to substrate analog palmityl-coenzyme A and a SHH-mimetic megabody, revealing a heme group bound to HHAT that is essential for HHAT function. A structure of HHAT bound to potent small-molecule inhibitor IMP-1575 revealed conformational changes in the active site that occlude substrate binding. Our multidisciplinary analysis provides a detailed view of the mechanism by which HHAT adapts the membrane environment to transfer an acyl chain across the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. This structure of a membrane-bound O-acyltransferase (MBOAT) superfamily member provides a blueprint for other protein-substrate MBOATs and a template for future drug discovery

    Multiple ligand binding sites regulate the Hedgehog signal transducer Smoothened in vertebrates

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    The Hedgehog (Hh) pathway plays a central role in the development of multicellular organisms, guiding cell differentiation, proliferation and survival. While many components of the vertebrate pathway were discovered two decades ago, the mechanism by which the Hh signal is transmitted across the plasma membrane remains mysterious. This fundamental task in signalling is carried out by Smoothened (SMO), a human oncoprotein and validated cancer drug target that is a member of the G-protein coupled receptor protein family. Recent structural and functional studies have advanced our mechanistic understanding of SMO activation, revealing its unique regulation by two separable but allosterically-linked ligand-binding sites. Unexpectedly, these studies have nominated cellular cholesterol as having an instructive role in SMO signalling

    Multiple ligand binding sites regulate the Hedgehog signal transducer Smoothened in vertebrates

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    The Hedgehog (Hh) pathway plays a central role in the development of multicellular organisms, guiding cell differentiation, proliferation and survival. While many components of the vertebrate pathway were discovered two decades ago, the mechanism by which the Hh signal is transmitted across the plasma membrane remains mysterious. This fundamental task in signalling is carried out by Smoothened (SMO), a human oncoprotein and validated cancer drug target that is a member of the G-protein coupled receptor protein family. Recent structural and functional studies have advanced our mechanistic understanding of SMO activation, revealing its unique regulation by two separable but allosterically-linked ligand-binding sites. Unexpectedly, these studies have nominated cellular cholesterol as having an instructive role in SMO signalling

    Cholesterol activates the G-protein coupled receptor Smoothened to promote morphogenetic signaling

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    Cholesterol is necessary for the function of many G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs). We find that cholesterol is not just necessary but also sufficient to activate signaling by the Hedgehog (Hh) pathway, a prominent cell-cell communication system in development. Cholesterol influences Hh signaling by directly activating Smoothened (SMO), an orphan GPCR that transmits the Hh signal across the membrane in all animals. Unlike most GPCRs, which are regulated by cholesterol through their heptahelical transmembrane domains, SMO is activated by cholesterol through its extracellular cysteine-rich domain (CRD). Residues shown to mediate cholesterol binding to the CRD in a recent structural analysis also dictate SMO activation, both in response to cholesterol and to native Hh ligands. Our results show that cholesterol can initiate signaling from the cell surface by engaging the extracellular domain of a GPCR and suggest that SMO activity may be regulated by local changes in cholesterol abundance or accessibility

    Lentiviral transduction of mammalian cells for fast, scalable and high-level production of soluble and membrane proteins

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    Structural, biochemical and biophysical studies of eukaryotic soluble and membrane proteins require their production in milligram quantities. Although large-scale protein expression strategies based on transient or stable transfection of mammalian cells are well established, they are associated with high consumable costs, limited transfection efficiency or long and tedious selection of clonal cell lines. Lentiviral transduction is an efficient method for the delivery of transgenes to mammalian cells and unifies the ease of use and speed of transient transfection with the robust expression of stable cell lines. In this protocol, we describe the design and step-by-step application of a lentiviral plasmid suite, termed pHR-CMV-TetO2, for the constitutive or inducible large-scale production of soluble and membrane proteins in HEK293 cell lines. Optional features include bicistronic co-expression of fluorescent marker proteins for enrichment of co-transduced cells using cell sorting and of biotin ligase for in vivo biotinylation. We demonstrate the efficacy of the method for a set of soluble proteins and for the G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) Smoothened (SMO). We further compare this method with baculovirus transduction of mammalian cells (BacMam), using the type-A γ-aminobutyric acid receptor (GABAAR) β3 homopentamer as a test case. The protocols described here are optimized for simplicity, speed and affordability; lead to a stable polyclonal cell line and milligram-scale amounts of protein in 3–4 weeks; and routinely achieve an approximately three- to tenfold improvement in protein production yield per cell as compared to transient transduction or transfection

    Lentiviral transduction of mammalian cells for fast, scalable and high-level production of soluble and membrane proteins

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    Structural, biochemical and biophysical studies of eukaryotic soluble and membrane proteins require their production in milligram quantities. Although large-scale protein expression strategies based on transient or stable transfection of mammalian cells are well established, they are associated with high consumable costs, limited transfection efficiency or long and tedious selection of clonal cell lines. Lentiviral transduction is an efficient method for the delivery of transgenes to mammalian cells and unifies the ease of use and speed of transient transfection with the robust expression of stable cell lines. In this protocol, we describe the design and step-by-step application of a lentiviral plasmid suite, termed pHR-CMV-TetO2, for the constitutive or inducible large-scale production of soluble and membrane proteins in HEK293 cell lines. Optional features include bicistronic co-expression of fluorescent marker proteins for enrichment of co-transduced cells using cell sorting and of biotin ligase for in vivo biotinylation. We demonstrate the efficacy of the method for a set of soluble proteins and for the G-protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) Smoothened (SMO). We further compare this method with baculovirus transduction of mammalian cells (BacMam), using the type-A γ-aminobutyric acid receptor (GABAAR) β3 homopentamer as a test case. The protocols described here are optimized for simplicity, speed and affordability; lead to a stable polyclonal cell line and milligram-scale amounts of protein in 3–4 weeks; and routinely achieve an approximately three- to tenfold improvement in protein production yield per cell as compared to transient transduction or transfection

    Structural basis for Smoothened regulation by its extracellular domains

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    Developmental signals of the Hedgehog (Hh) and Wnt families are transduced across the membrane by Frizzled-class G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) composed of both a heptahelical transmembrane domain (TMD) and an extracellular cysteine-rich domain (CRD). How such large extracellular domains of GPCRs regulate signalling by the TMD is unknown. We present crystal structures of the Hh signal transducer and oncoprotein Smoothened (SMO), which contains two distinct ligand-binding sites in its TMD and CRD. The CRD is stacked atop the TMD, separated by an intervening wedge-like linker domain (LD). Structure-guided mutations show that the interface between the CRD, LD and TMD stabilises the inactive state of SMO. Unexpectedly, we find a cholesterol molecule bound to SMO in the CRD-binding site. Mutations predicted to prevent cholesterol binding impair the ability of SMO to transmit native Hh signals. Binding of a clinically used antagonist, vismodegib, to the TMD induces a conformational change that is propagated to the CRD, resulting in loss of cholesterol from the CRD-LD-TMD interface. Our work elucidates the structural mechanism by which the activity of a GPCR is controlled by ligand-regulated interactions between its extracellular and transmembrane domains

    Structure, mechanism, and inhibition of Hedgehog acyltransferase

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    The Sonic Hedgehog (SHH) morphogen pathway is fundamental for embryonic development and stem cell maintenance and is implicated in various cancers. A key step in signaling is transfer of a palmitate group to the SHH N terminus, catalyzed by the multi-pass transmembrane enzyme Hedgehog acyltransferase (HHAT). We present the high-resolution cryo-EM structure of HHAT bound to substrate analog palmityl-coenzyme A and a SHH-mimetic megabody, revealing a heme group bound to HHAT that is essential for HHAT function. A structure of HHAT bound to potent small-molecule inhibitor IMP-1575 revealed conformational changes in the active site that occlude substrate binding. Our multidisciplinary analysis provides a detailed view of the mechanism by which HHAT adapts the membrane environment to transfer an acyl chain across the endoplasmic reticulum membrane. This structure of a membrane-bound O-acyltransferase (MBOAT) superfamily member provides a blueprint for other protein-substrate MBOATs and a template for future drug discovery.</p

    Structural basis for Smoothened regulation by its extracellular domains

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    Developmental signals of the Hedgehog (Hh) and Wnt families are transduced across the membrane by Frizzled-class G-protein coupled receptors (GPCRs) composed of both a heptahelical transmembrane domain (TMD) and an extracellular cysteine-rich domain (CRD). How such large extracellular domains of GPCRs regulate signalling by the TMD is unknown. We present crystal structures of the Hh signal transducer and oncoprotein Smoothened (SMO), which contains two distinct ligand-binding sites in its TMD and CRD. The CRD is stacked atop the TMD, separated by an intervening wedge-like linker domain (LD). Structure-guided mutations show that the interface between the CRD, LD and TMD stabilises the inactive state of SMO. Unexpectedly, we find a cholesterol molecule bound to SMO in the CRD-binding site. Mutations predicted to prevent cholesterol binding impair the ability of SMO to transmit native Hh signals. Binding of a clinically used antagonist, vismodegib, to the TMD induces a conformational change that is propagated to the CRD, resulting in loss of cholesterol from the CRD-LD-TMD interface. Our work elucidates the structural mechanism by which the activity of a GPCR is controlled by ligand-regulated interactions between its extracellular and transmembrane domains

    Cilia-associated oxysterols activate Smoothened

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    Primary cilia are required for Smoothened to transduce vertebrate Hedgehog signals, but how Smoothened accumulates in cilia and is activated is incompletely understood. Here, we identify cilia-associated oxysterols that promote Smoothened accumulation in cilia and activate the Hedgehog pathway. Our data reveal that cilia-associated oxysterols bind to two distinct Smoothened domains to modulate Smoothened accumulation in cilia and tune the intensity of Hedgehog pathway activation. We find that the oxysterol synthase HSD11β2 participates in the production of Smoothened-activating oxysterols and promotes Hedgehog pathway activity. Inhibiting oxysterol biosynthesis impedes oncogenic Hedgehog pathway activation and attenuates the growth of Hedgehog pathway-associated medulloblastoma, suggesting that targeted inhibition of Smoothened-activating oxysterol production may be therapeutically useful for patients with Hedgehog-associated cancers