4 research outputs found

    Analyzing energy storage system for energy arbitrage

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    The need for integration of renewable energy to the electricity grid promotes research and development of new energy storage technologies, as well as models and techniques to study them. In this sense, the present work proposes a model to evaluate the benefit that can be harnessed through energy arbitrage in function of a daily hourly rate differentiation. The Vanadium Redox Battery is one of the energy storage technologies that have proven most interesting for stationary applications in recent years, especially to medium and large-scale installations. A mathematical model is presented and applied to a case study to evaluate the feasibility of investing in an energy storage system of vanadium redox batteries. The results indicate that at present the capital cost should decrease around 75% to be considered profitable for the case study. Finally, real options approach analysis is suggested to assess the flexibility offered by VRB ESS, such as relocation, expansion and abandonment.CONACYT - Consejo Nacional de Ciencias y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    Spatial exploration in Paraguay: State of the Art. A brief history for the project of the first satellite mission of the Republic of Paraguay

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    From the time of the pre-Columbian indigenous culture, and like all the original American beliefs that populated the Paraguayan territory from the past, the Guarani projected their environment in the sky and tried to explain the stars and celestial phenomena. But it was not until the arrival of the Jesuits in the year 1600 that they began to explore in a scientific way the Guaraní sky, since there are records of astronomical observations and meteorological realized in the missions, from the own construction of telescopes, Which allowed the observation and prediction of eclipses of sun and moon. However, since only in 2014 was formed the Paraguay Space Agency, where this institution, which covers various political and civil estates, will be in charge of the preparation of the National Satellite Program, which will also regulations on aerospace issues. From this station, and taking advantage of the support provided by the National Council of Science and Technology of Paraguay (CONACYT), the Itaipu Technological Park - Paraguay is link to INVAP SE - Argentina, in order to develop the feasibility study for the first mission Satellites in Paraguay. In this sense, this paper aims to present the state of the art of space exploration by the Republic of Paraguay.CONACYT - Consejo Nacional de Ciencias y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    Analyzing Feasibility of Energy Storage System for Energy Arbitrage

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    The need for integration of renewable energy to the electricity grid promotes research and development of new energy storage technologies, as well as models and techniques to study them. In this sense, the present work proposes a model to evaluate the benefit that can be harnessed through energy arbitrage in function of a daily hourly rate differentiation. The Vanadium Redox Battery is one of the energy storage technologies that have proven most interesting for stationary applications in recent years, especially to medium and large-scale installations. A mathematical model is presented and applied to a case study to evaluate the feasibility of investing in an energy storage system of vanadium redox batteries. The results indicate that at present the capital cost should decrease around 75% to be considered profitable for the case study. Finally, real options approach analysis is suggested to assess the flexibility offered by VRB ESS, such as relocation, expansion and abandonment.CONACYT - Consejo Nacional de Ciencias y TecnologíaPROCIENCI

    Uso de los recursos hidroenergéticos compartidos del Paraguay: lecciones aprendidas de las negociaciones internacionales y del tratamiento de los aspectos financieros en los proyectos binacionales

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    El objetivo general del proyecto es analizar el tratamiento y uso de los recursos hidroenergéticos compartido de Paraguay, y sistematizar las lecciones aprendidas en los procesos de negociación internacional, con miras a proveer elementos para toma de decisiones futuras en el ámbito de los procesos e iniciativas de integración regional y en la fase de negociaciones de aspectos financieros de los proyectos hidroeléctricos binacionales.CONACYT - Consejo Nacional de Ciencias y TecnologíaPROCIENCI