9 research outputs found

    Process Approaches to Utilization of Domestic Low-Grade Fuels for Power Generation

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    Использование местных топливных ресурсов является одним из директивно обозначенных и обсуждаемых путей повышения энергетической безопасности и формирования экономически обоснованных топливно-энергетических балансов регионов Российской Федерации. Для территорий, обладающих локальными проявлениями запасов бурых углей, этот вид ископаемого топлива при наличии благоприятствующих условий имеет преимущественное значение. На примере Таловского месторождения Томской области рассмотрены технически осуществимые варианты вовлечения низкосортных топлив в использование на тепловых электростанциях региона, а также на энергетических объектах промышленного и муниципального назначения. Приоритетным условием реализации всех вариантов, включая сжигание местного угольного топлива «с колёс», в смеси с базовым топливом, поставляемым в регион, в смеси с продуктами термической переработки и др., принято отсутствие или минимизация затрат на реконструкцию действующего основного и вспомогательного оборудования. Для каждой из обсуждаемых технологий обозначены ограничения, которые накладываются свойствами используемого топливаUtilization of domestic fuel resources is one of the ways that are being discussed and defined in the guiding documents to increase the energy security and formation of economically feasible fuel and energy balances in the Russian Federation regions. For the territories possessing occurrences of lignite, this type of fossil fuel is of primary importance under the favorable conditions. Based on the example of Talovskoye deposit in Tomsk region, the technically viable options of low-grade fuels utilization at the regional thermal power plants were considered, as well as at the industrial and municipal power facilities. A high-priority implication for implementing all options, including burning of domestic coal fuel just-in-time, in combination with the basic fuel, supplied to the region together with thermal processing products and other, the absence or minimization of costs for modernization of the operating main and auxiliary equipment is adopted. Limitations, imposed by the utilized fuel properties, are specified for every technology under discussio

    Thermal Conversion of the Peat to Combustible Gases

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    Presented thermal characteristics of the peat and semi-coke derived on its basis. Presented the results of studies of the pyrolysis and catalytic conversion of peat and semi-coke at temperatures of 300-450 °C. According to the results of experiments to determine the composition and calorific value of combustible gases, obtained as the result of peat thermal conversion and semi-coke based on it. Presented the structure and analyzed the material balance and the energy distribution of derived products by the thermal conversion

    Computer simulation of the fire-tube boiler hydrodynamics

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    Finite element method was used for simulating the hydrodynamics of fire-tube boiler with the ANSYS Fluent 12.1.4 engineering simulation software. Hydrodynamic structure and volumetric temperature distribution were calculated. The results are presented in graphical form. Complete geometric model of the fire-tube boiler based on boiler drawings was considered. Obtained results are suitable for qualitative analysis of hydrodynamics and singularities identification in fire-tube boiler water shell

    Engineering method for thermal calculation of the vortex combustion in dead-end fire-tubes

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    In article the method for predicting the vortex formation in the dead-end furnace is described. Mass and heat balances of environment in the vortex are calculated using the computer simulation with ANSYS Fluent software. Engineering approach for quantitative analysis of singularities in the reversible flame is proposed. Assessment of vortices integral characteristics, including effects on the aerodynamics and heat transfer processes in dead-end furnace, is given

    Computer simulation of the fire-tube boiler hydrodynamics

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    Finite element method was used for simulating the hydrodynamics of fire-tube boiler with the ANSYS Fluent 12.1.4 engineering simulation software. Hydrodynamic structure and volumetric temperature distribution were calculated. The results are presented in graphical form. Complete geometric model of the fire-tube boiler based on boiler drawings was considered. Obtained results are suitable for qualitative analysis of hydrodynamics and singularities identification in fire-tube boiler water shell

    Engineering method for thermal calculation of the vortex combustion in dead-end fire-tubes

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    In article the method for predicting the vortex formation in the dead-end furnace is described. Mass and heat balances of environment in the vortex are calculated using the computer simulation with ANSYS Fluent software. Engineering approach for quantitative analysis of singularities in the reversible flame is proposed. Assessment of vortices integral characteristics, including effects on the aerodynamics and heat transfer processes in dead-end furnace, is given

    Computer simulation of vortex combustion processes in fire-tube boilers

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    The article describes computer simulation of the turbulent methane-air combustion in a fire-tube boiler furnace. Computer simulations performed for variants of once-through fire-tube furnace and reversive flame furnace. Options with various twist parameters of the fuel-air jet were examined. The flame structure has been determined computationally, contours of average speed, temperature and concentrations have been acquired. The results of calculations are presented in graphical form. Dependence of construction characteristics on vortex aerodynamic parameters was estimated. Turbulent combustion of natural gas in the reverse flame of fire-tube boiler was studied by means of the ANSYS Fluent 12.1.4 engineering simulation software

    Engineering method for thermal calculation of the vortex combustion in dead-end fire-tubes

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    In article the method for predicting the vortex formation in the dead-end furnace is described. Mass and heat balances of environment in the vortex are calculated using the computer simulation with ANSYS Fluent software. Engineering approach for quantitative analysis of singularities in the reversible flame is proposed. Assessment of vortices integral characteristics, including effects on the aerodynamics and heat transfer processes in dead-end furnace, is given

    Computer simulation of vortex combustion processes in fire-tube boilers

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    The article describes computer simulation of the turbulent methane-air combustion in a fire-tube boiler furnace. Computer simulations performed for variants of once-through fire-tube furnace and reversive flame furnace. Options with various twist parameters of the fuel-air jet were examined. The flame structure has been determined computationally, contours of average speed, temperature and concentrations have been acquired. The results of calculations are presented in graphical form. Dependence of construction characteristics on vortex aerodynamic parameters was estimated. Turbulent combustion of natural gas in the reverse flame of fire-tube boiler was studied by means of the ANSYS Fluent 12.1.4 engineering simulation software