5 research outputs found

    In vitro dendritic cell generation and lymphocyte subsets in myeloma patients: influence of thalidomide and high-dose chemotherapy treatment.

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    While vaccination with antigen-pulsed dendritic cells (DCs) represents a promising therapeutic strategy in multiple myeloma (MM), clinical benefit, so far, has been limited to individual patients. To identify potential problems with this approach, we have analyzed the influence of treatment parameters, in particular high-dose chemotherapy (HD-CTX) and thalidomide, on in vitro DC generation and peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets in MM patients. From a total of 25 MM patients, including 14 patients on thalidomide treatment and 11 after HD-CTX, in vitro DC generation from peripheral blood monocytes under serum-free condition was investigated. In addition, peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets were assessed in 17 patients including 10 patients on thalidomide treatment and 9 patients after HD-CTX. Efficient in vitro generation of DCs (median 7.1x10(6)/100 ml peripheral blood; range 0.1-42.5x10(6)/100 ml peripheral blood) expressing DC-typical surface markers was observed in 23 MM patients (92%), although reduced expression of CD1a, CD40, CD83, and HLA-DR was observed in patients treated with thalidomide. With respect to lymphocyte subsets, MM patients showed significantly (p<0.05) reduced B and CD4+ lymphocytes in the peripheral blood. This effect was most prominent within 6 months of HD-CTX and in patients receiving thalidomide (usually in combination with CTX). CD8+ lymphocytes were significantly increased in MM patients. Thus, despite the well-known deficiencies in their immune system, adequate numbers of DCs can be generated in most myeloma patients. In patients treated with thalidomide, however, it remains to be seen whether the reduced expression of co-stimulatory molecules has functional relevance

    Thalidomide in combination with vincristine, epirubicin and dexamethasone (VED) for previously untreated patients with multiple myeloma.

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    The present study aimed to evaluate the side-effects and efficacy of thalidomide in combination with an anthracycline-containing chemotherapy regimen in previously untreated myeloma patients. Thalidomide (400 mg/d) was combined with bolus injections of vincristine and epirubicin and oral dexamethasone (VED). Chemotherapy cycles were repeated every 3 wk until no further reduction in myeloma protein was observed, whereas the treatment with thalidomide was continued until disease progression. Thirty-one patients were enrolled, 12 patients were exclusively treated with thalidomide in combination with VED and 19 patients additionally received high-dose melphalan, for consolidation. Adverse events and response to therapy were assessed prior to treatment with high-dose chemotherapy. Response to thalidomide combined with VED was complete remission in six patients (19%), partial remission in 19 patients (61%), stable disease in five patients (16%), and progressive disease in one patient (3.2%). Grade 3 and 4 adverse events consisted of leukocytopenia in 10 patients (32%), and thrombocytopenia and anemia in one patient each (3.2%). Neutropenic infections grade 3 and 4 occurred in seven (23%) and three patients (9.7%), respectively, including two patients (6.5%) who died from septic shock. Deep vein thrombosis occurred in eight patients (26%), constipation in 20 patients (65%), and polyneuropathy in 20 patients (65%). The probability of event-free survival and overall survival in the whole group of patients at 36 months were 26 and 62%, respectively. In conclusion, the combination of thalidomide with VED appears to be highly effective in previously untreated patients with multiple myeloma, but it is associated with a high rate of thrombotic events, polyneuropathy, and neutropenic infections

    Immune parameters in multiple myeloma patients: influence of treatment and correlation with opportunistic infections.

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    The present study evaluated cellular and humoral immune parameters in myeloma patients, focusing on the effect of treatment and the risk of opportunistic infections. Peripheral blood lymphocyte subsets and serum levels of nonmyeloma immunoglobulins (Ig) were analysed in 480 blood samples from 77 myeloma patients. Untreated myeloma patients exhibited significantly reduced CD4+/45RO+, CD19+, CD3+/HLA-DR+, and natural killer (NK) cells, as well as nonmyeloma IgA, IgG and IgM. Conventional-dose chemotherapy resulted in significantly reduced CD4+ and even further decline of CD4+/CD45RO+ and CD19+ cells, most notably in relapsed patients. Additional thalidomide treatment had no significant effects on these parameters. Following high-dose chemotherapy (HD-CTX), prolonged immunosuppression was observed. Although CD8+, NK, CD19+ and CD+/CD45RO+ cells recovered to normal values within 60, 90, 360 and 720 days, respectively, CD4+ counts remained reduced even thereafter. Nine opportunistic infections were observed, including five cytomegalovirus (CMV) diseases, one Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia (PCP) and three varicella zoster virus infections with CMV diseases and PCP occurring exclusively after HD-CTX. Opportunistic infections were correlated with severely reduced CD4+, as well as CD4+/CD45RO+ and CD19+ counts. Thus, myeloma patients display cellular and humoral immunodeficiencies, which increase following conventional as well as HD-CTX, and constitute an important predisposing factor for opportunistic infections

    Serum free light chain analysis and urine immunofixation electrophoresis in patients with multiple myeloma.

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    PURPOSE: Retrospective studies have shown that immunoassays measuring free light chains (FLC) in serum are useful for diagnosis and monitoring of multiple myeloma. This study prospectively evaluates the use of FLC assays and, for the first time, investigates the relationship between serum FLC concentrations and the presence and detectability of Bence Jones (BJ) proteins in the urine. PATIENTS AND METHODS: Three hundred seventy-eight paired samples of serum and urine were tested from 82 patients during the course of their disease. The sensitivities of serum FLC analysis and urine immunofixation electrophoresis (IFE) in detecting monoclonal FLC were compared. Serum FLC concentrations required for producing BJ proteins detected by IFE were determined. RESULTS: Abnormal FLC were present in 54% of serum samples compared with 25% by urine tests. In abnormal serum samples for kappa or lambda, the sensitivity of IFE to detect the respective BJ proteins in urine were 51% and 35% and the median serum FLC concentrations required to produce detectable BJ proteins were 113 and 278 mg/L. Renal excretions of monoclonal FLC increased with serum concentrations, but excretions significantly decreased at high serum concentrations combined with renal dysfunction. CONCLUSION: Serum FLC assays are significantly more sensitive for detecting monoclonal FLC than urine IFE analysis. They also have the advantage of FLC quantification and are more reliable for monitoring disease course and response to treatment