18 research outputs found

    Comparison of growth patterns in healthy dogs and dogs in abnormal body condition using growth standards

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    In dogs, optimal growth is critical for future health and wellbeing. Recently, a series of evidence-based growth standards, based on bodyweight, were developed for male and female dogs across 5 different size categories. The aim of the current study was to compare growth curves depicted by the standards with patterns of growth in dogs that were either healthy, had abnormal body condition, or had various diseases with the potential to affect growth. The data came from 2 research colonies in Europe (France and UK), and a large corporate network of primary care veterinary hospitals across the USA. Age and bodyweight data were used to model growth in healthy dogs, in dogs that became overweight or underweight by 3 years of age, and in dogs with diseases associated with altered growth. Centile line crossing during the growth phase was uncommon in healthy dogs, with 2 centile lines. In contrast, centile line crossing was more frequent in dogs with abnormal growth patterns or abnormal body condition. Dogs that developed obesity by 3 years grew faster than the growth standards predicted, and 68% crossed ≥2 centile lines in an upwards direction. Dogs with conditions associated with accelerated growth also grew faster than expected, and 54% crossed ≥2 centile lines. In contrast dogs that became underweight by 3 years gained weight slower than expected, and 49% crossed ≥2 centile lines in a downwards direction. These results suggest that the growth standards are useful for monitoring healthy growth in dogs. Prospective studies are now required to confirm these findings and to determine whether early intervention can prevent the development of diseases