2,067 research outputs found

    Discerning the Covenant Renewal Model

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    Modem Christians in the United States are products of both their environment and their past. In a time when cultural relevancy is the buzz word, there appears to be a desperate attempt to get it right with God. Modems have jumped from fads to fashions to forms, all in an attempt to find a connection with God. Yet there appears to be restlessness within the body of Christ. There is also division within the body of Christ. With the rise of postmodern Christians and the emerging church, modem Christians are left scratching their heads, searching for answers to questions that never existed a generation ago. At least, questions that were not as prevalent and time-sensitive as what they appear to be today. The problems for modem Christians are basic. They are not new problems; nevertheless, they loom large in churches today. Where did all the people go? What did we do wrong? Why don\u27t the young people want to go to church with us anymore? We need a both-and approach rather than an either-or approach as modem Christians. We panic as though we are in the ~11-or-nothing round of church history. Modem Christians need to make a paradigm shift, not find a new God! Our emphasis on a 200-year-old penal relationship with God is not wrong, but it is incomplete. To address this problem, I propose to direct modem Christians to discern the voice of the Holy Spirit, guided by scripture, which will move them from a penal relationship with God to a covenant relationship with God. The former still holds true, while the latter becomes the foundation for modem Christians. In chapter two, we address the biblical model for discerning the voice of the Holy Spirit. The thrust is discernment, and its cognates such as hearing and listening. In chapter three, we will uncover Quaker history as a model for discernment in the church today, focusing upon a 20th century \u27\u27transitional prophet, D. Elton Trueblood. In chapter four, we will show the transition from the Penal Substitution Model to the Covenant Renewal Model using the Relational Model as a bridge between the two. Our destination is the Covenant Renewal Model, though the Relational Model brings great satisfaction. In chapter five, we will explore the writings of Randy Alcorn as a model for the proper use of scripture as our guide as we discern the voice of the Holy Spirit. Finally, we summarize our solution in chapter six, demonstrating spiritual formation as exemplifying a covenant relationship with God

    The rho meson decay constant using a tadpole-improved action

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    The rho meson decay constant and the associated renormalization factor are computed in the quenched approximation on coarse lattices using a tadpole-improved action which is corrected at the classical level to O(a^2). The improvement is displayed by comparing to Wilson action calculations.Comment: Talk presented at LATTICE96(improvement), 3 pages, LaTeX, uses epsf and espcrc2.st

    Leading without bleeding: an information technology case study at union pacific railroad

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    In the railroad industry, the ability to assess damages to rail units in an accurate and timely manner is critical to the success and profits of a company. Accurate damage assessment of rail units also plays a key role in dispute resolution and negotiation with key vendors and suppliers (my.uprr.com/pub/dam-prev). This paper describes and presents information about Union Pacific Railroads (UPRR) and Science Applications International Corporations (SAIC) highly successful efforts in fully automating the data collection, inspection, assessment and reporting of damage claims to rail equipment. UPRR and SAIC used an innovative and highly creative approach to develop and implement the Automated Gate System (AGS) by integrating a portfolio of leading edge high resolution imaging and optical character recognition technologies. AGS is a unique and revolutionary system in the transportation industry and has yielded significant strategic and long-term benefits to the company. The reengineering efforts that preceded the development of the system have helped the company to sustain its position as a leader in the railroad industry

    Comparison of Organic and Conventional Crops at the Neely-Kinyon Long-Term Agroecological Research (LTAR) Site, 2008

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    The Neely-Kinyon LTAR site was established in 1998 to study the long-term effects of organic production in Iowa. Treatments at the LTAR site, replicated four times in a completely randomized design, include the following rotations: conventional CornSoybean (C-S), organic Corn-SoybeanOats/Alfalfa (C-S-O/A), organic CornSoybean-Oats/Alfalfa-Alfalfa (C-S-O/A-A), and Soybean-Wheat (S-W). Arapahoe winter wheat was planted on October 30, 2007, at 85 lb/acre and Cardinal red clover was frostseeded into the wheat plots on March 12, 2008, at a rate of 15.5 lb/acre. On April 21, Kame oats were underseeded with Bluejay alfalfa at a rate of 93 lb/acre and 16 lb/acre, respectively. Following harvest of the organic corn plots in 2007, AC Remington winter rye was no-till drilled at a rate of 70 lb/acre on November 8, 2007

    Report of NSF Workshop Series on Scientific Software Security Innovation Institute

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    Many individuals attended these workshops and contributed to the writing of this report. They are named in the report itself.Over the period of 2010‐2011, a series of two workshops were held in response to NSF Dear Colleague Letter NSF 10‐050 calling for exploratory workshops to consider requirements for Scientific Software Innovation Institutes (S2I2s). The specific topic of the workshop series was the potential benefits of a security-­‐focused software institute that would serve the entire NSF research and development community. The first workshop was held on August 6th, 2010 in Arlington, VA and represented an initial exploration of the topic. The second workshop was held on October 26th, 2011 in Chicago, IL and its goals were to 1) Extend our understanding of relevant needs of MREFC and large NSF Projects, 2) refine outcome from first workshop with broader community input, and 3) vet concepts for a trusted cyberinfrastructure institute. This report summarizes the findings of these workshops.This material is based upon work supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number 1043843. Any opinions, findings, and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the National Science

    Spitzer and near-infrared observations of a new bi-polar protostellar outflow in the Rosette Molecular Cloud

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    We present and discuss \emph{Spitzer} and near-infrared H2_{2} observations of a new bi-polar protostellar outflow in the Rosette Molecular Cloud. The outflow is seen in all four IRAC bands and partially as diffuse emission in the MIPS 24 μ\mum band. An embedded MIPS 24 μ\mum source bisects the outflow and appears to be the driving source. This source is coincident with a dark patch seen in absorption in the 8 μ\mum IRAC image. \emph{Spitzer} IRAC color analysis of the shocked emission was performed from which thermal and column density maps of the outflow were constructed. Narrow-band near-infrared (NIR) images of the flow reveal H2_2 emission features coincident with the high temperature regions of the outflow. This outflow has now been given the designation MHO 1321 due to the detection of NIR H2_2 features. We use these data and maps to probe the physical conditions and structure of the flow.Comment: Accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Isotopic Composition of the Ogallala-high Plains Aquifer Andvadose Zone

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    AbstractThe Ogallala-High Plains aquifer is an important resource for irrigated agriculture in a semi-arid region of the United States. Steep declines in groundwater levels are putting increasing strain on the viability of the aquifer for irrigation, necessitating improved estimates of recharge rates and sources to the aquifer. This study uses a combined approach to obtain high resolution geochemical and isotopic composition of the vadose zone and aquifer pore fluids to better understand recharge dynamics to the aquifer. Significant differences between the shallow, intermediate and deep vadose zone and shallow and deep aquifer indicate modern precipitation is not providing a significant source of recharge to the aquifer across a large area (diffuse recharge). Rather, recharge to the aquifer is a result of either focused recharge or long-term, delayed drainage from the portion of the vadose zone which was saturated before irrigation development

    Light vector meson decay constants and the renormalization factor from a tadpole-improved action

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    The rho, K* and phi decay constants and the vector current renormalization factor are studied by using an O(a^2) classically-improved, tadpole-improved action. Tree-level calculations are used to show how the classical improvement of the action, involving next-nearest-neighbour timesteps, is transferred to the matrix elements. Simulations are performed on coarse lattices and compared to Wilson results from both coarse and fine lattices. The improved action data are found to resemble Wilson data obtained at 1/3 of the lattice spacing, which is the same degree of improvement that is seen by comparing the mass spectra.Comment: 16 pages of Revtex, including 9 figures which use eps

    Isospin violation and the proton's neutral weak magnetic form factor

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    The effects of isospin violation on the neutral weak magnetic form factor of the proton are studied using two-flavour chiral perturbation theory. The first nonzero contributions appear at O(p^4) in the small-momentum expansion, and the O(p^5) corrections are also calculated. The leading contributions from an explicit Delta(1232) isomultiplet are included as well. At such a high order in the chiral expansion, one might have expected a large number of unknown parameters to contribute. However, it is found that no unknown parameters can appear within loop diagrams, and a single tree-level counterterm at O(p^4) is sufficient to absorb all divergences. The momentum dependence of the neutral weak magnetic form factor is not affected by this counterterm.Comment: 26 pages including 9 figure