81 research outputs found

    Rehabilitation in Stroke Patients

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    Zasluge Ive Glavana za razvoj neurologije u Hrvatskoj, Osijeku i Slavoniji

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    Stražnja ubodna ozljeda vrata: prikaz slučaja

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    A 45-year-old male patient was admitted to the emergency unit due to posterior stab wound of the neck. The knife was directed diagonally from the left to the right side of the neck in the dorsoventral axis. The patient was fully conscious upon admission with pain and paresthesia along the upper right extremity. The patient underwent computed tomography (CT) and CT angiography scan of the neck, which revealed the knife blade piercing the left sided neck muscles and through the intervertebral ligaments of the C IV/C V in direction to the contralateral internal carotid artery, vertebral artery and the C5 nerve root. The patient underwent an urgent surgery according to the radiographs. Electromyography was performed during the early postoperative care and revealed an acute lesion of the right-sided C5 nerve root. Postoperative follow-up magnetic resonance imaging revealed intact brachial plexus bundles at the site of injury. Symptoms of reduced muscle strength and limited range of motion of the upper right extremity prevailed. Penetrating neck injuries represent a rare entity of all trauma injuries. Meticulous preoperative radiographs revealed close proximity of the knife blade tip to the right-sided vertebral artery and common carotid artery. Limited abduction at the right shoulder during postoperative period correlated to the C5 nerve root injury.Muškarac u dobi od 45 godina primljen je u Objedinjeni hitni prijam zbog stražnje ubodne rane vrata. Oštrica noža bila je dijagonalnog usmjerenja od lijeve prema desnoj strani vrata u dorzo-ventralnoj osovini. Pri prijmu je bolesnik bio prisvjestan, žalio se na bol i trnce desnog gornjeg ekstremiteta. Učinjena je kompjutorizirana tomografija (CT) i CT angiografska obrada vrata kojima se verificira položaj noža koji penetrira lijevostranu vratnu muskulaturu i intervertebralne ligamente u segmentu C IV/C V, usmjeren prema kontralateralnoj zajedničkoj karotidnoj arteriji, vertebralnoj arteriji te korijenu živca C5. Učinjen je hitan operacijski zahvat. Tijekom ranog poslijeoperacijskog razdoblja učinjena je elektroneuromiografija kojom se dokazala akutna lezija korijena C5 desno. Poslijeoperacijskim nalazom magnetske rezonancije verificiran je intaktni brahijalni pleksus na strani ozljede. Kliničkom slikom u poslijeoperacijskom tijeku dominirala je smanjena mišićna snaga i limitirani pokreti desnog gornjeg ekstremiteta. Ubodne ozljede vrata predstavljaju rijetku kliničku patologiju s obzirom na sve slučajeve traumatskih ozljeda. Pravodobna prijeoperacijska radiološka obrada pokazala je blizinu oštrice noža spram desne vertebralne i desne zajedničke karotidne arterije. Tijekom poslijeoperacijskog boravka u kliničkoj slici zaostala je limitirana abdukcija desnog ramena kao posljedica ozljede korijena živca C5

    Injuries in Croatian army soldiers inflicted in an offensive action during the 1991/1992 war in Croatia

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    Prema mehanizmu nastanka analizirane su vrste i broj povreda pripadnika brigade HV u napadačkoj akciji tijekom rata u Hrvatskoj 1991./92. godine. Akcija je trajala 6 sati i u pješačkom dijelu sudjelovalo je oko 1000 vojnika. Teren je bio ravničarski, djelomično močvaran i pošumljen, vrlo pogodan za masovnu uporabu protupješačkih minsko-eksplozivnih sredstava. Ukupno su stradala 92 vojnika, 15 smrtno, a 77 je lakše ili teže ranjeno. Od krhotina topničkih projektila stradala su 44 (47,8%) vojnika, od protupješačkih minsko-eksplozivnih sredstava i projektila streljačkog oružja stradalo je po 14 (15,3%), a od povreda, uzrokovanih drugim mehanizmima (padovi, udarci, stres i si.), 20 (21,7%) vojnika. Od 13 vojnika sa strijelnim ozljedama podlegao je jedan (7,1%), od 44 vojnika ranjenih topničkim projektilima umrlo je 11 (25%), dok su smrtno stradala 4 (28,5%) od 14 vojnika povrijeđenih protupješačkim minama. Sve povrede, nanesene topničkim projektilima, bile su multiple, dok je vrsta ozljeda i težina ozljeđivanja kod protupješačkih mina bila u direktnoj svezi sa vrstom upotrebljene mine. Protupješačka nagazna mina uzrokuje uglavnom ograničene ozljede donjih ekstremiteta, u smislu mutilacije do moguće amputacije, dok su ozljede, izazvane ostalim protupješačkim minama, slične ozljedama nanesenim topničkim projektilima, premda njihova težina ovisi o čitavom nizu faktora.The types and number of injuries in soldiers of a Croatian Army Brigade inflicted in an offensive action during the war in Croatia (1991/1992) were analyzed according to the mechanism of wounding. About 1,000 soldiers were involved in a 6-hour offensive action in a flat, partly swampy and wooded territory, convenient for a large-scale use of antipersonnel mines and other explosive devices. Out of the total of 92 casualties, 15 were killed in action and 77 lightly or severely wounded. The mechanisms of wounding included shell fragments in 44 cases (47.8%), antipersonnel mines and gunshots in 14 cases each (15.3%) and other mechanisms (fall, blow, stress) in 20 soldiers (21.7%). The lethal outcome was recorded in one out of 13 soldiers with gunshot wounds (7.1%), 11 out of 44 wounded by shell fragments (25%) and in 4 out of 14 wounded by antipersonnel mines (28.5%). All injuries by shell fragments were multiple, whereas the type and severity of injuries inflicted by antipersonnel mines were directly related to the type of mine. Pressure-activated mines generally caused limited injuries to the lower extremities, ranging from mutilation to amputation. The injuries inflicted by other types of antipersonnel mines resemble those caused by shell fragments; however, their severity depends upon a number of factors

    New Options in Neurorehabilitation

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    Injuries in Croatian army soldiers inflicted in an offensive action during the 1991/1992 war in Croatia

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    Prema mehanizmu nastanka analizirane su vrste i broj povreda pripadnika brigade HV u napadačkoj akciji tijekom rata u Hrvatskoj 1991./92. godine. Akcija je trajala 6 sati i u pješačkom dijelu sudjelovalo je oko 1000 vojnika. Teren je bio ravničarski, djelomično močvaran i pošumljen, vrlo pogodan za masovnu uporabu protupješačkih minsko-eksplozivnih sredstava. Ukupno su stradala 92 vojnika, 15 smrtno, a 77 je lakše ili teže ranjeno. Od krhotina topničkih projektila stradala su 44 (47,8%) vojnika, od protupješačkih minsko-eksplozivnih sredstava i projektila streljačkog oružja stradalo je po 14 (15,3%), a od povreda, uzrokovanih drugim mehanizmima (padovi, udarci, stres i si.), 20 (21,7%) vojnika. Od 13 vojnika sa strijelnim ozljedama podlegao je jedan (7,1%), od 44 vojnika ranjenih topničkim projektilima umrlo je 11 (25%), dok su smrtno stradala 4 (28,5%) od 14 vojnika povrijeđenih protupješačkim minama. Sve povrede, nanesene topničkim projektilima, bile su multiple, dok je vrsta ozljeda i težina ozljeđivanja kod protupješačkih mina bila u direktnoj svezi sa vrstom upotrebljene mine. Protupješačka nagazna mina uzrokuje uglavnom ograničene ozljede donjih ekstremiteta, u smislu mutilacije do moguće amputacije, dok su ozljede, izazvane ostalim protupješačkim minama, slične ozljedama nanesenim topničkim projektilima, premda njihova težina ovisi o čitavom nizu faktora.The types and number of injuries in soldiers of a Croatian Army Brigade inflicted in an offensive action during the war in Croatia (1991/1992) were analyzed according to the mechanism of wounding. About 1,000 soldiers were involved in a 6-hour offensive action in a flat, partly swampy and wooded territory, convenient for a large-scale use of antipersonnel mines and other explosive devices. Out of the total of 92 casualties, 15 were killed in action and 77 lightly or severely wounded. The mechanisms of wounding included shell fragments in 44 cases (47.8%), antipersonnel mines and gunshots in 14 cases each (15.3%) and other mechanisms (fall, blow, stress) in 20 soldiers (21.7%). The lethal outcome was recorded in one out of 13 soldiers with gunshot wounds (7.1%), 11 out of 44 wounded by shell fragments (25%) and in 4 out of 14 wounded by antipersonnel mines (28.5%). All injuries by shell fragments were multiple, whereas the type and severity of injuries inflicted by antipersonnel mines were directly related to the type of mine. Pressure-activated mines generally caused limited injuries to the lower extremities, ranging from mutilation to amputation. The injuries inflicted by other types of antipersonnel mines resemble those caused by shell fragments; however, their severity depends upon a number of factors

    New Options in Neurorehabilitation

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