64 research outputs found

    Identification of quantitative trait loci associated with iron deficiency chlorosis resistance in groundnut ( Arachis hypogaea )

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    Iron deficiency chlorosis is an important abiotic stress affecting groundnut production worldwide in calcareous and alkaline soils with a pH of 7.5–8.5. To identify genomic regions controlling iron deficiency chlorosis resistance in groundnut, the recombinant inbred line population from the cross TAG 24 × ICGV 86031 was evaluated for associated traits like visual chlorosis rating and SPAD chlorophyll meter reading across three crop growth stages for two consecutive years. Thirty-two QTLs were identified for visual chlorosis rating (3.9%–31.8% phenotypic variance explained [PVE]) and SPAD chlorophyll meter reading [3.8%–11% PVE] across three stages over 2 years. This is the first report of identification of QTLs for iron deficiency chlorosis resistance- associated traits in groundnut. Three major QTLs (>10% PVE) were identified at severe stage, while majority of other QTLs were having small effects. Interestingly, two major QTLs for visual chlorosis rating at 60 days (2013) and 90 days (2014) were located at same position on LG AhXIII. The identified QTLs/markers after validation across diverse genetic material could be used in genomics-assisted breeding

    Conditional Born–Oppenheimer Dynamics: Quantum Dynamics Simulations for the Model Porphine

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    We report a new theoretical approach to solve adiabatic quantum molecular dynamics halfway between wave function and trajectory-based methods. The evolution of a N-body nuclear wave function moving on a 3N-dimensional Born–Oppenheimer potential-energy hyper-surface is rewritten in terms of single-nuclei wave functions evolving nonunitarily on a 3-dimensional potential-energy surface that depends parametrically on the configuration of an ensemble of generally defined trajectories. The scheme is exact and, together with the use of trajectory-based statistical techniques, can be exploited to circumvent the calculation and storage of many-body quantities (e.g., wave function and potential-energy surface) whose size scales exponentially with the number of nuclear degrees of freedom. As a proof of concept, we present numerical simulations of a 2-dimensional model porphine where switching from concerted to sequential double proton transfer (and back) is induced quantum mechanically

    Selective detection of radicals and ions in a slit-jet discharge by degenerate and two-color four-wave mixing

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    Degenerate four-wave mixing (DFWM) was used to record the spectra of charged and neutral carbon-containing radicals generated in a pulsed discharge source within a supersonic slit-jet expansion. Detection limits of 109 molecules cm−3 are achieved. The DFWM method allows a selective molecular detection by varying the discharge timings. Increased spectral selectivity is obtained by applying the two-color, doubly resonant four-wave mixing variant. This shows the potential of the techniques for sensitive and selective spectral analysis of radicals in discharges. The methods are successfully used for the detection of C4H, HC2S, and HC4H+ with signal-to-noise in the range of 102−104

    Thalamic high-grade gliomas in children: a distinct clinical subset?

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    Pediatric high-grade gliomas (HGGs) of the thalamic region account for up to 13% of pediatric HGGs and usually result in only anecdotal long-term survival. Because very little is known about these tumors, we aimed to further characterize them. In our series of 99 pediatric thalamic HGGs, there were no significant differences in survival between patients with tumors affecting the thalamus alone (including bithalamic lesions) and patients with tumors affecting the thalamus plus adjacent structures. Tumor resection (event-free survival/overall survival) and an early treatment response to radiotherapy/chemotherapy (event-free survival) had independent prognostic significance, as shown by Kaplan-Meier and multivariate Cox regression analyses. When we compared clinical characteristics and outcomes of pediatric thalamic HGG with those of pediatric (nonthalamic) supratentorial (n = 177) as well as pediatric pontine HGG (including diffuse intrinsic pontine gliomas; n = 234), we found that thalamic HGG shared more similarities with pontine than with supratentorial HGG, but overall, it appeared to represent a clinically distinct subgroup of pediatric HGG. The varying extent of tumor resection in the different tumor localizations may play some role in the observed clinical differences, as shown by multivariate Cox regression analyses, but the tumor site itself was also identified as an independent prognostic parameter. Thus, an additional location-specific effect on survival and/or tumor biology, despite different neurosurgical accessibility, has to be considered. Therefore, future investigations should try to further characterize the obviously site-specific heterogeneity of pediatric HGG on a molecular genetic basis
