18 research outputs found

    Frequency of Hyperlipedemia in Patients Coming with Ischemic Stroke in Tertiary Care Hospital Karachi

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    Background and objective: Stroke is the second leading cause of death and the third leading cause of disability. This study was designed to determine the frequency of hyperlipidemia in patients with ischemic stroke visiting at a tertiary care hospital in Karachi. Methods:This was a descriptive cross-sectional study and was done in Department of Medicine, LCMD/ Dar-ul-Sehat Hospital Karachi, Pakistan. A total of 184 patients were studied during the study period of six months and all the consecutive patients were recruited who presented with acute stroke in the department of medicine from the duration April 1st 2022 to September 30th, 2022.Those fulfilling the inclusion criteria for this study were included for data analysis, while the patients who did not meet the said criteria were excluded. Their serum lipid levels were collected within 24 hours of admission. Hyperlipidemia was measured through fasting lipid profile and was labeled as present if any one or more of the following profile like total cholesterol \u3e200 mg/dl, LDL cholesterol \u3e 100 mg/dl, TGL \u3e 150 mg/dl, HDL cholesterol \u3c 40 mg/dl, as appropriate. Results:The mean age of the patients was 65.17±12.73. Average systolic and diastolic blood pressure was 152.34±21.31 & 83.35±13.71 mm Hg respectively. Mean duration of smoking and diabetes mellitus in first ever ischemic stroke patients was 9.33±4.03 & 13.65±5.8 years respectively, whereas average fasting blood sugar was found 151.98±69.73mg/dl; 118 (64%) were males and 66 (36%) were females. A total of 124 (67.4%) of patients had a history of hypertension, while 94 (51.1%) were diabetic. Fifty-three (28.8%) of patients had a history of coronary artery disease while 22 (11.95%) patients had history of smoking. Increased triglycerides level was seen in 47 (25. 5%). The frequency of hyperlipidemia was 145 (79%) patients respectively. Conclusion: Frequency of hyperlipidemia was 145 (79%) in patients with ischemic stroke which is moderately high in our setup. A high prevalence of hyperlipidemia is alarming in our setup and requires attention of the physicians on modifiable risk factors

    Clinical Presentation of Alzheimer Disease (ad): a hospital based observational study.

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    Introduction: Alzheimer's disease (AD) is a neurodegenerative illness that mani-fests itself clinically and pathologically.Objective: To identify the various patterns of Alzheimer’s disease (AD) in adults.Methodology: A hospital based observational study was conducted in the Depart-ment of Neurology Jinnah Postgraduate Medical Centre (JPMC) Karachi, Pakistan from May 2018 to November 2019.Cases with complaint of memory impairment and/or cognitive impairment, with or without behavioral changes were included in the study. Acute delirious state uremia / hepatic encephalopathy hypo / hypergly-cemia and hypo / hypernatremia were excluded diagnosis. The main outcome measures were clinical patterns of AD with age and sex distribution, affective disor-der with cognitive impairment (Pseudo dementia) and affective disorder without cognitive impairment.Results: A sample of 51 cases (36 males and 15 females) with memory impairment was included. Age’s between 25-85years (mean 57years). Out of 51 cases 44 had probable /possible Alzheimer’s disease (AD) 03 had affective disorder with cogni-tive impairment (pseudo dementia), 04 patients had affective disorder without cognitive impairment. Among probable / possible cases of AD 23 (52.27%) had multi infarct dementia (having history of past cerebrovascular disease), same sta-tistics among Parkinson’s patient’s i.e. diagnosis was Parkinson’s disease with memory impairment were 18 (40.90%) followed by alcoholic dementia in 03 (6.8%). There was no definite Alzheimer’s disease case in this study.Conclusion: Vascular dementia not the definite Alzheimer’s disease is the com-monest memory impairment type presentation in our study. Among Parkinson’s disease patient’s dementia was found quite high in our study.Keywords: Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Vascular dementia (MID), Parkinson’s disease (PD), Cognition, Memory

    Trackable CEMB-Klean Cotton Transgenic Technology: Affordable Climate Neutral Agri-biotech Industrialization for Developing Countries

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    Background: Transgenic technology reflects the incorporation of novel useful traits in crop plants like cotton for economic benefits by overcoming the problems including insects’ pests and weeds in special. The present study is the success story of the continuous effort of CEMB team started back in the 1990s.Methods: This study includes characterization of a large number of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) strains taken from local soil and subjected to direct transformation of isolated BT genes into local cotton cultivars. Protocols for transformation into cotton plants were optimized and validated by the development of double gene codon optimized (Cry1Ac and Cry2A) transgenic cotton varieties.Results: The resulting GMOs in the form of CEMB-33, CA-12, CEMB-66 have been approved by Punjab Seed Council in 2013 and 2016 respectively. Double Bt and weedicide resistant cotton harboring CEMB-Modified and codon optimized cp4EPSPS (GTGene). These varieties can tolerate glyphosate spray @ 1900ml per acre without the appearance of necrotic spots/shedding and complete removal of all surrounding weeds in the cotton field is a significant advance to boost cotton production without spending much on insecticides and herbicides.Conclusion: In the current report, two unique sets of primers which amplify 1.1 Kb for CEMB-double Bt genes and 660 bp product for CEMB-Modified cp4EPSPS (GTGene) were tested. CEMB cotton variety CKC-01 is specially designed as low cost and easy to use by local farmer’s technology has the potential to revolutionize the cotton growing culture of the country.Keywords: Event detection; Bt Cotton; CEMB transgenic technology; GTGen

    Evaluation of the Cardiovascular Effects of Coriandrum sativum and Citrus limon to Treat Arsenic-Induced Endothelial Damage and Hypertension in Rats

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    Based on the vernacular reputation of Coriandrum sativum and Citrus limon to treat hypertension, this study was designed to explore the cardiovascular effects of C. sativum (CS) and C. limon (CL) on arsenic-induced hypertension and endothelial damage. Hypertension was induced by arsenic (100 ppm) in drinking water. The crude methanolic extracts of CS and CL were tested for in vivo and in vitro activities using Power Lab. High performance liquid chromatography analysis of CS and CL showed the presence of phenolic compounds. In anesthetized rats, CS (50 mg) and CL (10 mg) showed a marked decrease in blood pressure of 51% and 35%, respectively. Similarly, ascorbic acid (10 mg) also showed a decreased blood pressure (41%). The CS and CL caused complete relaxation (0.003–5 mg/mL) against phenylephrine (1µM) and high K+ (80 mM)-induced contraction. The CS and CL, independently and in combination, exhibited marked (p < 0.001) attenuation in the blood pressure of the arsenic-induced hypertensive rats when compared with the controls. The beneficial effects of the CS and CL were also observed on lipid peroxidation and eNOS. These data suggest that CS and CL possess significant antihypertensive activity, possibly mediated via endothelium protection, and anti-oxidant effects. Thus, this study provides a rationale for the medicinal use of CS and CL in hypertension and also against arsenic-induced cardiovascular complications

    Phytocompounds and Regulation of Flavonoids in In Vitro-Grown Safflower Plant Tissue by Abiotic Elicitor CdCl<sub>2</sub>

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    In this study, a Gas chromatography–mass spectrometry (GC–MS) investigation of embryogenic callus and somatic embryo regenerated shoots of Carthamus tinctorius revealed the presence of a variety of sugars, sugar acids, sugar alcohols, fatty acids, organic acids, and amino acids of broad therapeutic value. The in vitro developed inflorescence contained a wide range of active compounds. In embryogenic calluses, important flavonoids like naringenin, myricetin, kaempferol, epicatechin gallate, rutin, pelargonidin, peonidin, and delphinidin were identified. To augment the synthesis of active compounds, the effect of cadmium chloride (CdCl2) elicitation was tested for various treatments (T1–T4) along with a control (T0). Varying concentrations of CdCl2 [0.05 mM (T1), 0.10 mM (T2), 0.15 mM (T3), and 0.20 mM (T4)] were added to the MS medium, and flavonoid accumulation was quantified through ultra-high-pressure liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectroscopy (UHPLC–MS/MS). The flavonoids naringenin, kaempferol, epicatechin gallate, pelargonidin, cyanidin, and delphinidin increased by 6.7-, 1.9-, 3.3-, 2.1-, 1.9-, and 4.4-fold, respectively, at T3, whereas quercetin, myricetin, rutin, and peonidin showed a linear increase with the increase in CdCl2 levels. The impacts of stress markers, i.e., ascorbate peroxidase (APX), catalase (CAT), and superoxide dismutase (SOD), on defense responses in triggering synthesis were also evaluated. The maximum APX and SOD activity was observed at T3, while CAT activity was at its maximum at T2. The impact of elicitor on biochemical attributes like protein, proline, sugar, and malondialdehyde (MDA) content was investigated. The maximum protein, proline, and sugar accumulation was noted at high elicitor dose T4, while the maximum MDA content was noted at T3. These elevated levels of biochemical parameters indicated stress in culture, and the amendment of CdCl2 in media thus could be a realistic approach for enhancing secondary metabolite synthesis in safflower

    Biogenic Synthesis of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Using <i>Citrullus colocynthis</i> for Potential Biomedical Applications

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    Green nanoparticle synthesis is considered the most efficient and safe nanoparticle synthesis method, both economically and environmentally. The current research was focused on synthesizing zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnONPs) from fruit and leaf extracts of Citrullus colocynthis. Four solvents (n-hexane, methanol, ethyl acetate, and aqueous) were used to prepare the extracts from both plant parts by maceration and extraction. Zinc acetate was used to synthesize the nanoparticles (NPs), and color change indicated the synthesis of ZnONPs. X-ray diffraction, UV spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy were used to study the ZnONPs. UV–visible spectroscopy revealed an absorbance peak in the 350–400 nm range. XRD patterns revealed the face-centered cubic structure of the ZnONPs. SEM confirmed a spherical morphology and a size range between 64 and 82 nm. Phytochemical assays confirmed that the complete flavonoid, phenolic, and alkaloid concentrations were higher in unrefined solvent extracts than in nanoparticles. Nanoparticles of C. colocynthis fruit aqueous extracts showed stronger antioxidant activity compared with the crude extracts. Strong antifungal activity was exhibited by the leaves, crude extracts, and nanoparticles of the n-hexane solvent. In a protein kinase inhibition assay, the maximum bald zone was revealed by nanoparticles of ethyl acetate extracts from leaves. The crude extracts and nanoparticles of leaves showed high cytotoxic activities of the n-hexane solvent, with LC50 values of 42.08 and 46.35, respectively. Potential antidiabetic activity was shown by the n-hexane (93.42%) and aqueous (82.54%) nanoparticles of the fruit. The bioactivity of the plant showed that it is a good candidate for therapeutic use. The biosynthesized ZnONPs showed promising antimicrobial, cytotoxic, antidiabetic, and antioxidant properties. Additionally, the in vivo assessment of a nano-directed drug delivery system for future therapeutic use can be conducted based on this study

    Exogenous Application of Zinc Sulphate at Heading Stage of Wheat Improves the Yield and Grain Zinc Biofortification

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    Wheat is the leading staple food in the world, particularly in developing countries, which lacks a mechanism of zinc absorption; when compared to pulses, more attention is consequently important to be given to the wheat crop. Micronutrient deficiencies and especially zinc deficiency influences one-third of the world population. In addition to this, it is also essential for the growth and development of plants and animals. A pot and field experiment was conducted to check the effect of foliar application of zinc sulphate on three different wheat varieties at the same time. Treatment consisted of three zinc levels (control, 4%, 6%) in the form of zinc sulphate (21% Zn) applications were applied on various wheat varieties (Zincol, Fakher-e-Bhakkar, Faisalabad-2008) at different growth stages (tillering, booting and heading). Different zinc levels showed different results on wheat varieties in both experiments. Results revealed that var. Fakher-e-Bhakkar was best at 6% zinc application for more plant height, the number of spikelets, spike length, 100-grain weight, biological and grain yield per plant as compared to other varieties and treatments. Antioxidants and nutritional quality (protein, gluten, starch and zinc contents) showed variable behavior both on wheat varieties and zinc application. It is concluded that Fakher-e-Bhakkar was found to be the most responsive cultivar at 6% zinc application for improvement in growth, yield-related traits and nutritional quality. So it is recommended for achieving maximum yield and yield components and grain zinc contents of wheat under agro-climatic conditions of Layyah, Punjab-Pakistan

    Comparative Analysis of Eleven Healthcare-Associated Outbreaks of Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (Mers-Cov) from 2015 to 2017

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    International audienceSince its emergence in 2012, 2,260 cases and 803 deaths due to Middle East respiratory syndrome coronavirus (MERS-CoV) have been reported to the World Health Organization. Most cases were due to transmission in healthcare settings, sometimes causing large outbreaks. We analyzed epidemiologic and clinical data of laboratory-confirmed MERS-CoV cases from eleven healthcare-associated outbreaks in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the Republic of Korea between 2015-2017. We quantified key epidemiological differences between outbreaks. Twenty-five percent (n = 105/422) of MERS cases who acquired infection in a hospital setting were healthcare personnel. In multivariate analyses, age ≥65 (OR 4.8, 95%CI: 2.6-8.7) and the presence of underlying comorbidities (OR: 2.7, 95% CI: 1.3-5.7) were associated with increased mortality whereas working as healthcare personnel was protective (OR 0.07, 95% CI: 0.01-0.34). At the start of these outbreaks, the reproduction number ranged from 1.0 to 5.7; it dropped below 1 within 2 to 6 weeks. This study provides a comprehensive characterization of MERS HCA-outbreaks. Our results highlight heterogeneities in the epidemiological profile of healthcare-associated outbreaks. The limitations of our study stress the urgent need for standardized data collection for high-threat respiratory pathogens, such as MERS-CoV