143 research outputs found

    Evaluating virtual organisational preparedness

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    As organisations enter an era of information superhighways, expanded electronic commerce, and “virtualness,” executives increasingly realise that in addition to business strategy influencing IT, IT now influences business strategy (Rockart et al., 1996). Hirschheim and Sabherwal (2001) confirmed the validity of previous findings and determined that it is important for organisations to understand the dynamic and emergent nature of business-information systems alignment. Recent perspectives on strategy argue that the basis for achieving competitive advantage, even short term advantage, lies in the configuration of resources that enable value creation through a sustained dynamic and continuous process of adaptation and change (Wheeler, 2002; Zahra & George, 2002; Breu & Peppard, 2001). Alignment competencies are created by leveraging the organisation’s specific resources and processes, structures and practices (Cumps et al., 2006)

    Measuring value creation in a virtual enterprise

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    This paper reviews the literature in relation to virtual organisations and e-readiness. From this, the authors develop an instrument to measure the readiness of the organisation to embrace the concepts of virtual work and collaboration. The instrument is applied in an aspiring virtual enterprise to identify the extent to which they are ready to create value through a virtual organising model

    Evaluating organisational readiness for virtual collaboration

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    This chapter endeavours to clarify some of the concepts related to the virtual organisation and to move away from the definition of a “virtual organisation” as one with few or no tangible assets, existing in virtual space created through information communication technologies (ICT) (Warner & Witzel, 2004). The authors focus on the concept of an organisation, which is “virtually organised,” employing ICT for the majority of its communication, asset management, knowledge management and customer resource management, across a network of customers, suppliers and employees (Venkatraman & Henderson, 1998). The authors consider the concepts of virtual organisations and virtual organising and develop an instrument that can be used to evaluate organisational readiness to exploit virtual networks. The instrument can be used initially to measure the value of virtual models to the organisation and then reapplied to measure the extent to which these values are actually embraced

    Strategic alignment in the virtual organisation

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    This paper reviews the literature in relation to virtual E-business models and strategies. From this the authors develop a framework to test two new strategic alignment instruments designed to measure the espoused readiness of an organisation to collaborate virtually and the actual preparedness to operate virtually. These instruments will assist organisations in recognising and exploiting their degree of virtuality and can assist organisations in developing new organisational forms that fully leverage the value of their ICT assets

    Developing Information Systems in a Multi-Cultural Environoment

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    Identifying Strategies For Effective Virtual Education Delivery In Thailand

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    Increasingly, universities in Thailand are shifting towards virtual education delivery (VED) using information and communication technology to facilitate knowledge sharing and to gain competitive advantage. Little however is known about the way in which Thai society will adapt to the use of online instruction both from the teaching and learning communities. This study was designed to examine the critical success factors for implementing VEDs in Thailand, and to identify ways to facilitate such adoption and lead to effective outcomes. The study incorporated an analysis of three specific factors related to Thai culture: high power distance Bhun Khun , uncertainty avoidance Kreng Jai and, collectivism Kam Lang Jai . This paper reviews the development of the research model, describes the conceptual underpinning of the cultural model and presents the preliminary findings of the study

    Getting Sophisticated with eBusiness: An Extended Model of B2B

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    Virtual Cabbages -Models for Making Kings in the e-Grocery Business

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    Regional Electronic Markets: A Tale of 2Cities.com

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    This paper reviews the concept of electronic marketplaces and, in particular, their relevance for SMEs. A specific example of a Regional Electronic Marketplace (REM) using a Community Web model is examined within this context. The authors review the underlying philosophy for the project and the planning which preceded implementation. A review of the case highlights the issues which are critical for successful implementation and provides a framework to guide future REM developments. Finally, the case is analysed within an e-community context and recommendations made for future portal developments

    Strategic Planning for E-Government: A Customer Value Based Model

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    This paper looks at the implementation of a new customer value based model in e-government. Firstly the paper reviews the issues of e-government and the drive towards customer centric organisations in the context of a government agency. A model of change is reviewed and extended to the development of a virtual organisation model which can be applied along the customer value chain across multiple service organisations. A case study is used to demonstrate how the concept of a virtual organisation as a value-alliance model can improve customer service within a Government agency. Finally, it examines how the Aboriginal Affairs Department, a Western Australian Government agency is implementing this model as a virtual organisation and the implications of this model for the management of change in a developing e-community
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