21 research outputs found

    Incidence of premature ovarian failure and early menopause in carriers of <i>BRCA1</i> pathogenic variants

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    Aim. To determine the incidence of premature ovarian failure (POF) and early menopause with regard to reproductive status in carriers of the pathogenic variant of the BRCA1 gene. Materials and methods. According to the inclusion and exclusion criteria, out of 90 carriers of pathogenic variants of the BRCA1 gene, 38 females were included in the study group, and 110 females without these pathogenic variants were included in the control group. The reproductive status, age of menopause onset, history of pelvic surgeries, and palliative care were evaluated in the study groups. Results. The incidence of POF in the group of carriers of pathogenic variants of the BRCA1 gene was significantly higher compared to the control group (p0.004), while the incidence of early menopause showed no significant differences in the studied groups (13.2% vs. 4.5%, respectively; p0,069). No significant differences were found in the analysis of reproductive status. Conclusions. Females with and without pathogenic variants of the BRCA1 gene did not differ significantly by the main indices of reproductive status. Carriers of pathogenic BRCA1 gene variants have a significantly higher incidence of POF vs. controls. Adverse effects of pathogenic BRCA gene variants on women's ovarian reserve and reproductive potential cannot be excluded. Healthy carriers of pathogenic variants of the BRCA1/2 gene are recommended to plan pregnancy in the early reproductive period

    Cytokine mRNA profiles of immunocompetent vaginal cells of women with chronic recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis

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    The main idea of this study was to describe cytokine profiles of immunological vaginal cells of women with chronic recurrent vulvovaginal candidiasis (CWC). There were 76 women recruited into the study. Out of them CW C was verified among 34 women. A control group included 23 relatively healthy women without inflammatory diseases of reproductive system and 19 patients with “classical" bacterial vaginosis (BV). Biocoenosis data and cytokines expressions profile were evaluated in vaginal swabs of women with CWC, BV and healthy women. It was demonstrated that CW C was associated with an elevation of cytokine levels (TNF-α, IL-β, IL-6, IL-8, IFN-γ, IL-10) and the decrease of IL-12α/p35 and IL-18.Данная статья посвящена особенностям иммунного ответа при хроническом рецидивирующем вульвовагинальном кандидозе (ХРВК). Из 76 обследованных женщин репродуктивного возраста, ХРВК выявлен у 34 пациенток. Группу сравнения составили 23 условно-здоровые женщины и 19 пациенток с бактериальным вагинозом (БВ). Описано состояние микрофлоры и проведен анализ профиля экспрессии мРНК генов цитокинов при ХРВК, в норме и при БВ. Показано, что ХРВК сопровождается повышением уровня экспрессии мРНК провоспалительных цитокинов (TNF-α, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IFN-Υ), а также IL-10 и снижением уровня экспрессии мРНК генов IL-18 и IL-12α/p35

    Child's Attachment to Mother as the Basis of Mental Development Typology

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    The article shows the role of the attachment system (child-mother interactions) in development of a wide spectrum of individual personality characteristics. Emotional attachment of the child to mother is considered as a complicated system of internal regulation and a basis of typology of mental development. Results of a series of empirical studies show the connection between the type of attachment, formed at the early stages of child development, and characteristics of his/her autonomy, consciousness (self-concept and self-esteem) and empathy in preschool and middle childhood

    Assessment of Child Development: Vygotsky’s Age-Related Approach

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    Post-nonclassical science, modern design and the idea of sociocultural interactions’ synchronicity

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    This article is devoted to the science place problem study in culture, its relationship with other sociocultural phenomena. The purpose of the article is to identify the post-non-classical science relationship specifics with such a phenomenon of modern culture as design. The identification of this specificity can serve as an argument that testifies to the rootedness of post-non-classical science in modern culture. To achieve this goal, the authors set the following tasks: 1) analysis of the science sociocultural determination levels and types; 2) the disclosure of the post-non-classical science and modern design features; 3) the identification of the correlation between them. The authors proceed from the idea of synchronism or parallelism as a form of interaction of sociocultural phenomena and processes. A comparative analysis of the post-non-classical science and modern design main characteristics reveals their common features. The authors associate the existence of these correlations with the sociocultural, worldview influence of postmodernism. The obtained result confirms the idea of the post-non-classical science rootedness in modern culture


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    Abstract. Percentage of CD4+CD25hi is increased in children with allergy, and it is independent on their nosology, severity, sensitization and IgE level in blood. FOXP3 expression virtually was not altered. Inhalation of corticosteroids in asthma causes increase of FOXP3 expression that may represent some mechanisms of their therapeutic effects. The amount of Treg’s gradually decrease with age in non-atopic children; they also decrease in atopic ones until 6 years, followed by their subsequent stabilization. Thus, a hypothesis is proposed, that the initial changes of Treg’s in case of allergy comprise a reduction in their functions, and, upon complete or partial compensation of this defect by increasing of cell amounts, a remission is initiated. However, in absence of compensation, acute attacks of allergic disorders are developed. (Med. Immunol., 2008, vol. 10, N 2-3, pp 159-166)


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    Abstract. An imbalance between pro- and anti-inflammatory cytokine synthesis plays a crucial role in pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), including erosive joint lesions. Differences in cytokine profiles of RA patients are sufficiently investigated. However, possible interrelations between cytokine profile, immune inflammation, RA progression, and the disease prognosis require further investigations. Due to active search for novel targets in anti-cytokine therapy of RA, evaluation of cytokine levels in peripheral blood and synovial joint fluid remain quite relevant. Therefore, novel methods aimed to determine mRNA expressed by cytokine genes are thought to be promising. Our research was intended to develop test systems for quantitative determination of mRNAs for the following cytokines: TNFα, IL-1β, IL-6, IL-8, IL-17, IL-15, IL-10, IFNγ, IL-4, IL-2. Present article concerns specificities of the developed test systems, description of their technical principles, as well as comparative studies of cytokine gene expression in peripheral blood and synovial joint fluid in RA patients. (Med. Immunol., 2008, vol. 10, N 6, pp 563-570)