170 research outputs found

    Vitamin D in Early Childhood and the Effect on Immunity to Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    A potential role for vitamin D as a therapeutic immunomodulator in tuberculosis (TB) has been recognised for over 150 years, but has only recently returned to the centre of the research arena due to the increasing awareness of the global vitamin D deficiency epidemic. As early as birth a child is often deficient in vitamin D, which may not only affect their bone metabolism but also modulate their immune function, contributing to the increased susceptibility to many infections seen early in life. Recent studies have begun to explain the mechanisms by which vitamin D affects immunity. Antimicrobial peptides are induced in conjunction with stimulation of innate pattern recognition receptors enhancing immunity to particular infections. In contrast the role of vitamin D within the adaptive immune response appears to be more regulatory in function, perhaps as a mechanism to reduce unwanted inflammation. In this paper we focus on the effect of vitamin D on immunity to TB. Where much of the attention has been paid by past reviews to the role of vitamin D in adult TB patients, this paper, where possible, focuses on research in paediatric populations

    Inferring individual attributes from search engine queries and auxiliary information

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    Internet data has surfaced as a primary source for investigation of different aspects of human behavior. A crucial step in such studies is finding a suitable cohort (i.e., a set of users) that shares a common trait of interest to researchers. However, direct identification of users sharing this trait is often impossible, as the data available to researchers is usually anonymized to preserve user privacy. To facilitate research on specific topics of interest, especially in medicine, we introduce an algorithm for identifying a trait of interest in anonymous users. We illustrate how a small set of labeled examples, together with statistical information about the entire population, can be aggregated to obtain labels on unseen examples. We validate our approach using labeled data from the political domain. We provide two applications of the proposed algorithm to the medical domain. In the first, we demonstrate how to identify users whose search patterns indicate they might be suffering from certain types of cancer. In the second, we detail an algorithm to predict the distribution of diseases given their incidence in a subset of the population at study, making it possible to predict disease spread from partial epidemiological data

    Progress in use of carbon-black-polymer composite vapor detector arrays for land mine detection

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    Thin films of carbon black-organic polymer composites have been deposited across two metallic leads, with swelling- induced resistance changes of the films signaling the presence of vapors. To identify and classify vapors, arrays of such vapor sensing elements have been constructed. Each element contained a different organic polymer as the insulating phase. The differing gas-solid partition coefficients for the various polymers of the detector array produced a pattern of resistance changes that was used to classify vapors and vapor mixtures. The performance of this system towards DNT, the predominant signature in the vapor phase above land miens, has been evaluated in detail, with robust detection demonstrated in the laboratory in less than 5 s in air at DNT levels in the low ppb range

    Research Reports From Status Report: Identification of Appropriate Standards for Corrective Action for a Release from Petroleum Underground Storage Tanks

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    This document is a collection of research reports: Cost of Closure and Remediation for Petroleum Underground Storage Tanks Assessment of Number and Distribution of USTs Analysis of Potable Water Sources in Kentucky Analysis of Well Data and Soil Parameters as Related to the STATSGO Kentucky General Soil Map Petroleum Products: Chemical Composition, Tocxicological and Environmental Data Health Risk Analysis for Selected Petroleum Compounds Summary of Analytical Methods Soil Volume Calculations for UST Installations Generic Organic Containment Pathway Analysis for Components of Petroleum in Soil and Groundwate

    Classification performance of carbon black-polymer composite vapor detector arrays as a function of array size and detector composition

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    The vapor classification performance of arrays of conducting polymer composite vapor detectors has been evaluated as a function of the number and type of detectors in an array. Quantitative performance comparisons were facilitated by challenging a collection of detector arrays with vapor discrimination tasks that were sufficiently difficult that at least some of the arrays did not exhibit perfect classification ability for all of the tasks of interest. For nearly all of the discrimination tasks investigated in this work, classification performance either increased or did not significantly decrease as the number of chemically different detectors in the array increased. Any given subset of the full array of detectors, selected because it yielded the best classification performance at a given array size for one particular task, was invariably outperformed by a different subset of detectors, and by the entire array, when used in at least one other vapor discrimination task. Arrays of detectors were nevertheless identified that yielded robust discrimination performance between compositionally close mixtures of 1-propanol and 2-propanol, n-hexane and n-heptane, and meta-xylene and para-xylene, attesting to the excellent analyte classification performance that can be obtained through the use of such semi-selective vapor detector arrays

    Attention mechanisms in the CHREST cognitive architecture

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    In this paper, we describe the attention mechanisms in CHREST, a computational architecture of human visual expertise. CHREST organises information acquired by direct experience from the world in the form of chunks. These chunks are searched for, and verified, by a unique set of heuristics, comprising the attention mechanism. We explain how the attention mechanism combines bottom-up and top-down heuristics from internal and external sources of information. We describe some experimental evidence demonstrating the correspondence of CHREST’s perceptual mechanisms with those of human subjects. Finally, we discuss how visual attention can play an important role in actions carried out by human experts in domains such as chess

    Progress in use of carbon-black-polymer composite vapor detector arrays for land mine detection

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    Thin films of carbon black-organic polymer composites have been deposited across two metallic leads, with swelling- induced resistance changes of the films signaling the presence of vapors. To identify and classify vapors, arrays of such vapor sensing elements have been constructed. Each element contained a different organic polymer as the insulating phase. The differing gas-solid partition coefficients for the various polymers of the detector array produced a pattern of resistance changes that was used to classify vapors and vapor mixtures. The performance of this system towards DNT, the predominant signature in the vapor phase above land miens, has been evaluated in detail, with robust detection demonstrated in the laboratory in less than 5 s in air at DNT levels in the low ppb range

    The Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) Is Affected by Recent BCG Vaccination but Not by Exposure to Non-Tuberculosis Mycobacteria (NTM) during Early Life

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    The tuberculin skin test (TST) is widely used in TB clinics to aid Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb) diagnosis, but the definition and the significance of a positive test in very young children is still unclear. This study compared the TST in Gambian children at 4½ months of age who either received BCG vaccination at birth (Group 1) or were BCG naïve (Group 2) in order to examine the role of BCG vaccination and/or exposure to environmental mycobacteria in TST reactivity at this age. Nearly half of the BCG vaccinated children had a positive TST (≥5 mm) whereas all the BCG naïve children were non-reactive, confirming that recent BCG vaccination affects TST reactivity. The BCG naïve children demonstrated in vitro PPD responses in peripheral blood in the absence of TST reactivity, supporting exposure to and priming by environmental mycobacterial antigens. Group 2 were then vaccinated at 4½ months of age and a repeat TST was performed at 20–28 months of age. Positive reactivity (≥5 mm) was evident in 11.1% and 12.5% infants from Group 1 and Group 2 respectively suggesting that the timing of BCG vaccination had little effect by this age. We further assessed for immune correlates in peripheral blood at 4½ months of age. Mycobacterial specific IFNγ responses were greater in TST responders than in non-responders, although the size of induration did not correlate with IFNγ. However the IFNγ: IL-10 ratio positively correlated with TST induration suggesting that the relationship between PPD induced IFNγ and IL-10 in the peripheral blood may be important in controlling TST reactivity. Collectively these data provide further insights into how the TST is regulated in early life, and how a positive response might be interpreted

    Kentucky UST Field Manual

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    This study was undertaken to address the removal and closure of defective petroleum underground storage tanks in Kentucky. Goals for the study included: To address standards for levels of contamination requiring corrective action consistent with accepted scientific and technical principles. To recommend a matrix or scoring system to be used for (a) ranking sites as to actual or potential harm to human health and the environment caused by release of petroleum from a petroleum storage tank, and (2) establishing standards and procedures for corrective action that shall adequately protect human health and the environment. To address all compounds individually and collectively known as petroleum. To produce a report that shall be scientifically defensible