19 research outputs found

    Predicted Suitable Habitat Modeling for Species of Concern in Montana

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    Predicted suitable habitat models can be valuable and informative tools for species management and conservation, especially for rare or infrequently documented species. For nearly ten years, the Montana Natural Heritage Program (MTNHP) has produced predicted suitable habitat models for use by agency personnel, researchers, and the general public with the goal of predicting the distribution and relative suitability of habitat for those species. These models are produced using maximum entropy modeling (Maxent), a method of inductive modeling that is robust to small sample sizes. Recent advances in automation by MTNHP using Python and templated reports have decreased the time required for model production more than tenfold, allowing for the publication of models for all terrestrial vertebrate Species of Concern (SOC). Models for SOC can now be updated whenever valuable new data become available due to the costs and time saved by automation. Simplified results for most models have been incorporated into standard environmental summary products at MTNHP in the form of potential species lists for SOC within a grid of one square mile hexagons. Models for non-Species of Concern will be developed as staff time and funding allow, but should be very affordable (e.g., circa $250 per species)

    Acoustic Assessment of Year-round Bat Activity and Distribution in Montana and Surrounding Areas

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    Montana’s bat species face an array of conservation issues including wind energy development and disease. A collaborative project between state and federal agencies was initiated in 2011 to collect baseline data prior to the arrival of White-nose Syndrome and help inform surveillance and future mitigation strategies. In the last 6 years, we deployed a network of Song Meter ultrasonic acoustic detector/recorder stations at 76 sites across the region for an average of 1.8 years per station. Each detector recorded nightly bat passes across all seasons. To date 9.5 million sound files have been recorded. Using automated scrubbing and identification software we identified call sequences and generated initial species identifications, then hand confirmed species presence by month at each site. Over 54,000 bat passes have been reviewed by hand and used to track activity of all species at each site. To date we have 2,770 new records of monthly species presence, regular winter activity of 3 resident species, and year-round presence of 1 species previously considered migratory. Through integrating National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Association weather station with our call data, we have found positive correlations in activity with temperature and barometric pressure, and negative correlations with wind speed. Our experiences with these data highlight the importance of: (1) maintaining common settings across recording devices and consistent processing standards; (2) maintaining publicly available call libraries that can be reanalyzed using the latest software and made available to software developers; and (3) making standards used for species determinations available for peer review

    Moose Management in Southwest Montana: Insights From Four Years of Field Research

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    From 2007-2010, Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks conducted research on moose ecology on the Mount Haggin Wildlife Management Area in southwestern Montana. In this presentation, we will briefly review our methodology and results, but will largely focus on the management implications of this research and potential ideas for future research. The goals of this research were to determine the habitat selection of cow moose during winter with an emphasis on willow community importance and to examine population-scale willow browse utilization through browse patterns. We also sought to contribute to a foundation for future research on moose in Montana. Using browse surveys on willow (Salix spp.) and GPS collars on cow moose, we were able to determine the current intensity of willow browse and basic habitat use of cow moose (e.g. home range size and location), and to model variables associated with both browse utilization and habitat selection. Management implications of the browse surveys include suggestions regarding sample sizes and sample site placement for future monitoring of willow community health or browse utilization. Additionally, species preference by moose has implications for riparian restoration. The habitat selection analysis showed the importance of willow and conifer communities and has implications for habitat conservation and aerial survey methods. Future research on moose ecology in Montana should focus on the impact of changing habitat and climate on habitat selection and population dynamics, the role of predation on populations of moose, and improving aerial or other survey techniques to more accurately monitor moose population trends

    Winter Ecology Of The Shiras Moose On The Mount Haggin Wildlife Management Area

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    Moose (Alces alces shirasi) populations across Montana have expanded in the last century, both in geographic range and in population size. This expansion has had a negative impact on moose winter range in some locations where moose have overutilized key browse species. Excessive and unsustainable browsing has the potential to reduce local biodiversity and carrying capacity of moose and other ungulates. The browse species of interest in this study were willow (Salix spp), a highly palatable and abundant browse source for moose on many winter ranges, including our study area in southwestern Montana. The objectives of this study were to determine patterns of willow community use by selected female moose during winter and to quantify willow utilization across the study area to examine population scale habitat use through browse patterns. To accomplish these objectives we deployed GPS collars on 18 cow moose, 6 each in the winters of 2007, 2008, and 2009-2010. We also completed large scale, systematic browse surveys in the springs of 2008, 2009 and 2010. Results indicated cow moose spent the plurality of the winter within willow communities (48.4%, 48.2%, 51.8%, and 49.8% of locations in the winters of 2007, 2008, 2009, and 2010, respectively), but the estimated percentage of browsed willow twigs across the study area was low (11.5%, 8.0%, and 8.3% in 2008, 2009, and 2010, respectively). Our data suggest that while moose have the potential to significantly impact willow communities, this did not appear to be the case on the Mount Haggin WMA at current moose densities

    Montana’s Bat Acoustic Surveillance Efforts: Pre-White-Nose Syndrome (Oral Presentation and Poster)

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    Montana’s bat species face a wide array of conservation issues that threaten the long-term viability of these populations. The potential arrival of White-Nose Syndrome (WNS) may be the single greatest threat as mortality has exceeded 95% for some bat populations in eastern North America. A collaborative effort was initiated in 2011 to document year-round spatial and temporal activity patterns of Montana’s bats prior to WNS arrival. In the last 4 years, we have deployed a network of over 60 Song Meter ultrasonic acoustic detector/recorder stations programmed to record bat passes from sunset to sunrise year-round. Through late December of 2014, these recording stations have resulted in more than 3.9 million full spectrum sound files containing more than 12.5 terabytes of information. Processing and automated analyses have been completed for all sound files and over 30,000 bat passes have been reviewed by hand using an updated Montana bat call characteristics key to definitively confirm the presence of species during each month of the year, identify the lowest temperatures at which individual bat species are active, and track overall bat activity, regardless of species, at each station. Highlights to-date include: 1421 new records of monthly species presence throughout the state, numerous first records of species’ activity during the fall, winter, and spring months, numerous first records of species in regions with previously limited bat survey effort, documentation of nightly activity patterns throughout the year and regular winter activity for a few resident species, and the year-round presence of species previously considered migratory

    Montana’s Bat Acoustic Surveillance Efforts: an Update (Poster)

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    Montana’s bat species face a wide array of conservation issues that threaten their long-term viability.  A collaborative effort was initiated in 2011 to document year-round activity patterns of Montana’s bats prior to the arrival of White-nose Syndrome as mortality has exceeded 95% for some bat populations effected by this disease in eastern North America.  In the last 5 years, we have deployed a network of over 76 Song Meter ultrasonic acoustic detector/recorder stations programmed to record bat passes from sunset to sunrise year-round. Through late December 2015, these recording stations have resulted in more than 7.2 million full spectrum sound files containing nearly 13 terabytes of information. Processing and automated analyses have been completed for all sound files and over 43,000 bat passes have been reviewed by hand using an updated Montana bat call characteristics key to definitively confirm the presence of species during each month of the year, identify the lowest temperatures at which individual bat species are active, and track overall bat activity, regardless of species, at each station. Highlights to-date include: 2,104 new records of monthly species presence in various landscapes across the region, numerous first records of species’ activity during the fall, winter, and spring months, numerous first records of species in regions with previously limited survey effort, documentation of nightly activity patterns throughout the year, regular winter activity for a few resident species, the year-round presence of species previously considered migratory, and exciting patterns of activity relative to temperature, wind speed, barometric pressure, and moonlight

    Montana’s Bat Acoustic Surveillance Efforts: Pre-White-Nose Syndrome (Oral Presentation and Poster)

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    Montana’s bat species face a wide array of conservation issues that threaten the long-term viability of these populations. The potential arrival of White-Nose Syndrome (WNS) may be the single greatest threat as mortality has exceeded 95% for some bat populations in eastern North America. A collaborative effort was initiated in 2011 to document year-round spatial and temporal activity patterns of Montana’s bats prior to WNS arrival. In the last 4 years, we have deployed a network of over 60 Song Meter ultrasonic acoustic detector/recorder stations programmed to record bat passes from sunset to sunrise year-round. Through late December of 2014, these recording stations have resulted in more than 3.9 million full spectrum sound files containing more than 12.5 terabytes of information. Processing and automated analyses have been completed for all sound files and over 30,000 bat passes have been reviewed by hand using an updated Montana bat call characteristics key to definitively confirm the presence of species during each month of the year, identify the lowest temperatures at which individual bat species are active, and track overall bat activity, regardless of species, at each station. Highlights to-date include: 1421 new records of monthly species presence throughout the state, numerous first records of species’ activity during the fall, winter, and spring months, numerous first records of species in regions with previously limited bat survey effort, documentation of nightly activity patterns throughout the year and regular winter activity for a few resident species, and the year-round presence of species previously considered migratory


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    Monitoring of browse utilization of plant communities is consistently recommended as an important component of monitoring moose (Alces alces) populations across regions. We monitored winter browse utilization by moose within a willow (Salix spp.) -dominated winter range of Montana in 2008–2010. We sought to improve our understanding of: 1) spatiotemporal heterogeneity of intensity of moose browsing across the winter range, 2) species-specific selection of willow by moose during winter, and 3) appropriate sample sizes, placement, and stratification of monitoring sites for estimating browse utilization. During 3 consecutive winters we monitored 108–111 transect segments, each 50 m in length, in a systematic distribution across willow communities and assessed the effects of covariates potentially predictive of variation in browsing. Mean annual estimated browse utilization across all segments was 11.5% of sampled twigs in 2008 (95% CI = 9.4 – 13.7%), 8.0% in 2009 (95% CI = 6.2 – 9.8%), and 8.3% in 2010 (95% CI = 6.5 – 10.1%). Modeling of variation in browse utilization revealed positive relationships with the proportion of preferred species (β = 0.44,P = 0.05) and previously browsed willow plants (β = 3.13, P < 0.001), and a negative relationship with willow patch width (β = 0.002, P < 0.001). We found that planeleaf (Salix planifolia), Wolf ʼs (S. wolfii), and Boothʼs willow (S. boothii) were the most consistently preferred species, whereas Drummondʼs (S. drummondiana) and Geyer willow (S. geyeriana) willow were moderately preferred; Lemmonʼs willow (S. lemmonii) was used less than expected. Power analyses indicated that detecting a 10% increase in browse utilization with 95% confidence in consecutive years required measuring 38–41, 50-m segments. Because systems with low and heterogeneous browse utilization of willow present challenges for efficient monitoring, we encourage power analyses as a means of evaluating sampling protocols, in addition to consideration of covariates predictive of spatiotemporal heterogeneity

    A statistical approach to white-nose syndrome surveillance monitoring using acoustic data.

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    Traditional pathogen surveillance methods for white-nose syndrome (WNS), the most serious threat to hibernating North American bats, focus on fungal presence where large congregations of hibernating bats occur. However, in the western USA, WNS-susceptible bat species rarely assemble in large numbers and known winter roosts are uncommon features. WNS increases arousal frequency and activity of infected bats during hibernation. Our objective was to explore the effectiveness of acoustic monitoring as a surveillance tool for WNS. We propose a non-invasive approach to model pre-WNS baseline activity rates for comparison with future acoustic data after WNS is suspected to occur. We investigated relationships among bat activity, ambient temperatures, and season prior to presence of WNS across forested sites of Montana, USA where WNS was not known to occur. We used acoustic monitors to collect bat activity and ambient temperature data year-round on 41 sites, 2011-2019. We detected a diverse bat community across managed (n = 4) and unmanaged (n = 37) forest sites and recorded over 5.37 million passes from bats, including 13 identified species. Bats were active year-round, but positive associations between average of the nightly temperatures by month and bat activity were strongest in spring and fall. From these data, we developed site-specific prediction models for bat activity to account for seasonal and annual temperature variation prior to known occurrence of WNS. These prediction models can be used to monitor changes in bat activity that may signal potential presence of WNS, such as greater than expected activity in winter, or less than expected activity during summer. We propose this model-based method for future monitoring efforts that could be used to trigger targeted sampling of individual bats or hibernacula for WNS, in areas where traditional disease surveillance approaches are logistically difficult to implement or because of human-wildlife transmission concerns from COVID-19