6 research outputs found

    Buckwheat: Potential Stress-Tolerant Crop for Mid-Hills of Eastern Himalaya under Changing Climate

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    Under changing climate, identification and diversification of cropping systems having higher stress resilience and adaptability for fragile mountain ecosystems of Eastern Himalayan Region (EHR) are paramount. Lesser known and underutilized crop like buckwheat (BW) with year-round cultivation potential and having higher stress tolerance to prevailing stresses (low pH, low moisture) could be a crop of choice for abating malnutrition among hill inhabitants. Proper time of sowing of the crop is between mid-September and mid-December seemingly essential for better grain yield to the tune of 15.0–18.0 q ha−1, and the crop is found suitable to be grown all through the year for higher green biomass (12.6–38.4 q ha−1). Enhanced exudation of low-molecular-weight organic acids (LMWOA) like oxalic acid by buckwheat increased the solubilization of fixed forms of free phosphorus (P) to the extent of 35.0 to 50.0 micro gram per plant in ideal acid soil of the region (P) in acid soil. In addition, relatively increased resilience to moisture stress with improved stress physiological attributes adds more potentiality for enhancing cropping intensity of hill slopes of EHR. Few genotypes namely IC377275 (18.97q ha−1), IC26591 (17.1 qt ha−1), IC14890 (16.32q ha−1), and Himapriya (15.27q ha−1) are emerging as high-yielding types for productive cultivation in acid soils. Studies on the combined effects of acid soil and moisture stress would aid in novel crop improvement of buckwheat in EHR

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    Not AvailableCanopy reflectance based spectral indices help in effective irrigation scheduling of wheat for optimization of yield in water-scarce regions. A field experiment for two consecutive years (2013 to 2015) was conducted to evaluate the responses of wheat crop to exogenous application of plant bio-regulators (PBRs) in the water-scarce Deccan region of India (Baramati, Pune, Maharashtra). We predicted grain and biomass yields of wheat using water stress-sensitive spectral indices under varied water regimes. The water regimes were seven levels of irrigation water (equaling to 1.00, 0.85, 0.70, 0.55, 0.40, 0.25 and 0.10 times of cumulative open pan evaporation, CPE) and applied using a line-source sprinkler system. There were five PBRs, viz. thiourea, salicylic acid, potassium nitrate, gibberellin and ortho-silicic, with concentration 10 mM, 10 lM, 15 g L-1, 25 ppm and 8 ppm, respectively, applied at various growth stages, namely crown root initiation, flag leaf and seed milking stages. Water stress indices were computed from spectral reflectance pattern recorded at different crop growth stages using ASD FieldSpec-4 Spectroradiometer (350–2500 nm). The PBRs significantly influenced the canopy reflectance pattern and maintained superior values of water stress indices over the control (without PBRs) by stabilizing leaf pigments and water contents, controlling the stomatal opening and better water use. Among the five PBRs, thiourea and salicylic acid mitigated water stress better and improved overall grain yield (4.6–17.5%) and total biomass (3.6–15.3%). There was no significant (p \ 0.05) variation in both yields (grains and biomass) up to IW: CPE 0.70, indicating that irrigation scheduling at 0.70 IW: CPE could be a better option rather than full irrigation in water-scarce areas. At flowering and milking stages, all spectral indices were correlated significantly with the wheat yields. Thus, these stages could be considered as more water-sensitive stages during entire wheat growth period. Regression models based on WI and NWI-2 accounted for 92% and 78% variation in the observed yields for grain and biomass, respectively, with minimum root-mean square error. Hence, to predict the grain and biomass yields of wheat, regression models based on WI and NWI-2 at milking stage can be used successfully.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableThe collective utilization of biochar and organicmanure represents the profit to plants and nutrient cycling. In this experiment, the maize (stalk and cob) biomass was pyrolyzed at 600 °C and morpho-mineralogically characterized. The scanning electron microscope (SEM) image represented cross-linked pores and feathery plate–like layer construction on the surface of biochar. The 75:25 ratio combinations of organic manure and biochar were the best for developing low-cost biochar co-compost technology. The maximum increase in pH was observed in biochar-poultry manure (7.05) co-compost followed by pig manure (6.97), goat manure (9.93), vermicompost (6.85), and FYM (6.83) co-compost. The release of cumulative CO2 decreased with increase in biochar ratio in biochar co-compost mixture. The organic manure/biochar (co-compost) ratio at 75:25 enhanced maximum yield in poultry manure (4528 and 1027 kg/ha) followed by goat manure (4378 and 1016 kg/ha), vermicompost (4278 and 986 kg/ha), pig manure (4218 and 956 kg/ha), and FYM (4178 and 949 kg/ha) for maize and black gram, respectively. The poultry75+BC25 results in maximum grain nitrogen content in both maize and black gram and minimum with FYM25+BC75. Lastly, with increase in biochar ratio in co-compost, the specific leaf weight and chlorophyll content significantly increased. Thus, the encouraging role of biochar co-compost on crop growth, yield, soil health, and physiology proposes that it is a superior technique to overcome biochar’s intrinsic nutrient deficit, making it a proper way serving to refine farm-scale nutrient cycles.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableSince studies on biochar stability in agricultural soils are very limited, the microbial biomass carbon and soil enzyme activity influenced by biochar addition to field condition remains uncertain. Results of this study revealed that microbial biomass carbon and different soil enzyme activity were significantly influenced by both manure alone and combined biochar-manure application. The microbial biomass carbon was highest in vermicompost (355.28 mg kg− 1 soil) and lowest in pig manure (343.62 mg kg− 1 soil). Among combined biochar-manure treatment, the MBC was highest in goat manure 5 t ha− 1 + biochar 5 t ha− 1 (476.58 mg kg− 1 soil) and lowest in FYM @ 10 t ha− 1 + biochar 5 t ha− 1 (458.53 mg kg− 1 soil) than control (301.43 mg kg− 1 soil). The dehydrogenase activity increased significantly with increase in biochar application rate. But acid phosphatase activity decreased with increase in biochar application rate. Urease activity was highest in poultry manure and lowest in pig manure. Vermicompost with biochar resulted maximum increase in protease and lowest in FYM with biochar. The specific UV absorbance (SUVA) increased with biochar application at 2.5 t ha− 1 and then again slightly decreased at 5.0 t ha− 1 significantly. Among the biochar-manure treatment, the fluorescein diacetate was highest in FYM @ 10 t ha− 1 + biochar 5 t ha− 1 (66.29 mg of fluorescein kg− 1 oven dry soil h− 1) and lowest in poultry manure 5 t ha− 1 + biochar 5 t ha− 1 (56.36 mg of fluorescein kg− 1 oven dry soil h− 1) than control from initial value (16.38 mg of fluorescein kg− 1 oven dry soil h− 1). The vermicompost with biochar resulted maximum increase in invertase activity and lowest in goat manure with biochar. Finally, the microbial quotient decreased significantly with increase in biochar application rate. This is the first time report of examining microbial biomass carbon and soil enzyme activity using combined biochar and organic manure under an acidic hilly soil.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableGlobal climate change has resulted in changes to the earth's geological, ecological, and biological ecosystems, which pose a severe threat to the existence of human civilization and sustenance of agricultural productivity vis-a-vis food security. In the last several decades, climate change has been linked to erratic rainfall distribution patterns and large variations in diurnal temperatures, because of a rise in atmospheric CO2 concentration. This, in turn, is thought to make world agricultural production systems more prone to failure. Soil organic carbon (SOC) is an important component for the functioning of agro-ecosystems, and its presence is central to the concept of sustainable maintenance of soil health. Soil is the largest terrestrial carbon sink and contains 2- and 3-times more carbon than the carbon in the atmosphere and vegetation, respectively. Therefore, a meager change in soil carbon sequestration will have a drastic impact on the global carbon cycle and climate change. The SOC has different pools and fractions including total organic carbon (TOC), particulate organic carbon (POC), microbial biomass carbon (MBC), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), permanganate oxidizable carbon (KMnO4-C), and mineral associated organic carbon (MOC). Each has a varying degree of decomposition rate and stability. Researchers have identified many ways to offset the effect of climate change through modification of carbon sequestration in the soil. Identification of location-specific, suitable land use and management practices is one of the options to mitigate the impact of the climate change. It can be done by re-balancing different carbon pools and emission fluxes. Labile organic carbon pools including MBC, POC, and KMnO4-C are the most sensitive indicators for assessing soil quality after the adoption of alternate land use and management practices. Information on soil aggregation and SOC stabilization helps for long-term sequestration of carbon in the soil. Here we review the progress of work on SOC dynamics in the major ecosystems of the world. The information should enrich understanding of carbon sequestration and climate change mitigation strategies.Not Availabl

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    Not AvailableBiochar application to soil has been projected as an approach to improve soil quality, which can also infuence soil microbial activities. In this experiment, we have utilized four dissimilar feedstocks derived biochar amendments. The highest microbial biomass carbon was found in Lantana camara (LC) biochar followed by pine needle (PN), maize stalk (MS) and lowest in black gram (BG) biochar. The dehydrogenase activity in diferent biochar treatment increased signifcantly along with control with increase in incubation days except pine biochar where dehydrogenase decreased. Biochar application in soil increased acid phosphatase compared to control. The highest alkaline phosphatase was found in MS and it was 20.56, 31.27, 42.52, 57.62 and 69.56 at 1, 7, 30, 60 and 90 days of incubation, respectively. The highest urease was found in LC followed by BG, MS and lowest in PN among the biochar at both the biochar application rate. The biochar application augmented the protease enzyme activity in soil, which might be due to augmenting the accessibility of inorganic nitrogen. The highest fuorescein diacetate was found in LC and it was 10.12, 17.62, 24.62, 32.86 and 37.56 at 1, 7, 30, 60 and 90 days of incubation, respectively. The increased biological indicator was more at 2.5 t/ha biochar application rate than 5.0 t/ha i.e. lower concentration of biochar enhanced more than higher concentration. This laboratory study demonstrated that biochar application can proft incubated acid soils by improving microbial biomass carbon up-lift while increasing potential soil enzyme activityNot Availabl