249 research outputs found

    An Action Selection Architecture for an Emotional Agent

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    An architecture for action selection is presented linking emotion, cognition and behavior. It defines the information and emotion processes of an agent. The architecture has been implemented and used in a prototype environment

    Independent Prototype Propagation for Zero-Shot Compositionality

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    Humans are good at compositional zero-shot reasoning; someone who has never seen a zebra before could nevertheless recognize one when we tell them it looks like a horse with black and white stripes. Machine learning systems, on the other hand, usually leverage spurious correlations in the training data, and while such correlations can help recognize objects in context, they hurt generalization. To be able to deal with underspecified datasets while still leveraging contextual clues during classification, we propose ProtoProp, a novel prototype propagation graph method. First we learn prototypical representations of objects (e.g., zebra) that are conditionally independent w.r.t. their attribute labels (e.g., stripes) and vice versa. Next we propagate the independent prototypes through a compositional graph, to learn compositional prototypes of novel attribute-object combinations that reflect the dependencies of the target distribution. The method does not rely on any external data, such as class hierarchy graphs or pretrained word embeddings. We evaluate our approach on AO-Clever, a synthetic and strongly visual dataset with clean labels, and UT-Zappos, a noisy real-world dataset of fine-grained shoe types. We show that in the generalized compositional zero-shot setting we outperform state-of-the-art results, and through ablations we show the importance of each part of the method and their contribution to the final results

    Language-Based Augmentation to Address Shortcut Learning in Object Goal Navigation

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    Deep Reinforcement Learning (DRL) has shown great potential in enabling robots to find certain objects (e.g., `find a fridge') in environments like homes or schools. This task is known as Object-Goal Navigation (ObjectNav). DRL methods are predominantly trained and evaluated using environment simulators. Although DRL has shown impressive results, the simulators may be biased or limited. This creates a risk of shortcut learning, i.e., learning a policy tailored to specific visual details of training environments. We aim to deepen our understanding of shortcut learning in ObjectNav, its implications and propose a solution. We design an experiment for inserting a shortcut bias in the appearance of training environments. As a proof-of-concept, we associate room types to specific wall colors (e.g., bedrooms with green walls), and observe poor generalization of a state-of-the-art (SOTA) ObjectNav method to environments where this is not the case (e.g., bedrooms with blue walls). We find that shortcut learning is the root cause: the agent learns to navigate to target objects, by simply searching for the associated wall color of the target object's room. To solve this, we propose Language-Based (L-B) augmentation. Our key insight is that we can leverage the multimodal feature space of a Vision-Language Model (VLM) to augment visual representations directly at the feature-level, requiring no changes to the simulator, and only an addition of one layer to the model. Where the SOTA ObjectNav method's success rate drops 69%, our proposal has only a drop of 23%

    Spatial heterogeneity of element and litter turnover in a Bornean rain forest.

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    The spatial heterogeneity of element fluxes was quantified by measuring litterfall, throughfall and litter decomposition for 1 y in 30 randomly located sampling areas in a lowland dipterocarp rain forest. The idea tested was that turnover of elements is more variable than turnover of dry matter in a forest with extremely high tree species diversity. In spite of the low fertility of the soil (an ultisol), total litter production (leaves, trash, and wood <2 cm in diameter) was high (1105 g

    Recurrently Predicting Hypergraphs

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    This work considers predicting the relational structure of a hypergraph for a given set of vertices, as common for applications in particle physics, biological systems and other complex combinatorial problems. A problem arises from the number of possible multi-way relationships, or hyperedges, scaling in O(2n)\mathcal{O}(2^n) for a set of nn elements. Simply storing an indicator tensor for all relationships is already intractable for moderately sized nn, prompting previous approaches to restrict the number of vertices a hyperedge connects. Instead, we propose a recurrent hypergraph neural network that predicts the incidence matrix by iteratively refining an initial guess of the solution. We leverage the property that most hypergraphs of interest are sparsely connected and reduce the memory requirement to O(nk)\mathcal{O}(nk), where kk is the maximum number of positive edges, i.e., edges that actually exist. In order to counteract the linearly growing memory cost from training a lengthening sequence of refinement steps, we further propose an algorithm that applies backpropagation through time on randomly sampled subsequences. We empirically show that our method can match an increase in the intrinsic complexity without a performance decrease and demonstrate superior performance compared to state-of-the-art models


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