2 research outputs found

    Monterrey Consensus on Financing for Development: Response Sought from International Economic Law

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    The Monterrey Conference held in Mexico in March 2002 was an exceptionally significant event, qualitatively different from any other U.N. conference. It was characterized by the inclusion of all the stakeholders; preparations were marked by constructive interaction between developed and developing countries; and it was free from polemics and usual acrimony between rich and poor nations. The Consensus Document is profoundly different from other landmark U.N. documents. Developing countries have become more realistic, responsible, and mature, while developed countries-having witnessed the tragic events of September 11 and becoming cognizant of the indivisibility of development and securityexhibited a new spirit of accommodation. Faithful implementation and sustaining of the Monterrey spirit is now critically important. In the context of this Article, the Monterrey Conference represents demand, and a supply response is expected from international economic law. Much good is expected from the synergy between the Conference and international economic law

    Income and Asset Disclosure Systems: Establishing Good Governance through Accountability

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    Financial declarations or income and asset disclosures (IADs) are quickly becoming an important tool for anticorruption agencies and governments to fight corruption. IAD systems can play two important roles within a broader framework of good governance: prevention and enforcement. In an effort to discover how best to design and implement an IAD system, the analysis conducted suggests that countries ultimately must design a system that best complements the environment in which it will function. However, there are several key principles that policy makers and practitioners need to consider: limit the number of filers to improve the odds of success, set modest and achievable expectations, provide resources commensurate with the mandate, prioritize verification procedures to align with available resources, and balance privacy concerns with public access to declarations.income, asset, disclosures, governance, accountability, financial declartations, corruption, anticorruption, privacy, public access