70 research outputs found

    Anatomical eponyms — unloved names in medical terminology

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    Uniform international terminology is a fundamental issue of medicine. Names of various organs or structures have developed since early human history. The first proper anatomical books were written by Hippocrates, Aristotle and Galen. For this reason the modern terms originated from Latin or Greek. In a modern time the terminology was improved in particular by Vasalius, Fabricius and Harvey. Presently each known structure has internationally approved term that is explained in anatomical or histological terminology. However, some elements received eponyms, terms that incorporate the surname of the people that usually describe them for the first time or studied them (e.g., circle of Willis, follicle of Graff, fossa of Sylvious, foramen of Monro, Adamkiewicz artery). Literature and historical hero also influenced medical vocabulary (e.g. Achilles tendon and Atlas). According to various scientists, all the eponyms bring colour to medicine, embed medical traditions and culture to our history but lack accuracy, lead of confusion, and hamper scientific discussion. The current article presents a wide list of the anatomical eponyms with their proper anatomical term or description according to international anatomical terminology. However, since different eponyms are used in various countries, the list could be expanded

    Sebaceous glands - unusual histological finding in the uterine cervix

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    Sebaceous glands have been extremely rare findings in the female genital system. Excluding the vulva and recent findings, very few cases have been described. The origin of the lesions remains a topic of speculation. However, it appears that prolonged irritation induces a metaplastic response in the ectocervical epithelium. A new case of sebaceous glands in the ectocervix of a 46-year-old woman is reported. The lesions were unexpectedly found in a hysterectomy specimen. The procedure was carried out for multiple leiomyomas of the uterine corpus. Histological examination revealed three mature sebaceous glands located distally to the transformation zone, which opened directly onto the surface epithelium. It could be concluded that sebaceous glands in the ectocervix are rare lesions of unclear origin and low clinical significance. However, the glands could potentially be associated with sebaceous carcinoma of that anatomical site

    Blue nevus of the endocervix

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    The mucosa of the uterine cervix is normally devoid of melanocytes; therefore, melanin-containing lesions are very rare in this site. A new case of a common blue nevus in the cervix of a 57-year-old woman is reported. The lesion was an incidental finding in a total hysterectomy specimen performed for atypical endometrial hyperplasia. Gross and histological examination revealed minute dark macula on the mucosa of the posterior aspect of the endocervical canal, composed of loose conglomerates of spindle-shaped and dendritic cells located superficially within the stroma, containing multiple brownish granules, which exhibited positive immunostaining for HMB45 and melan A. Although the blue nevi seem to be lesions of low clinical significance, they require careful differential diagnosis with malignant melanoma, especially in scanty endocervical curettage or cervical biopsy specimens. Folia Morphol 2010; 69, 1: 62-6

    Intrapancreatic accessory spleen

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    A case of accessory spleen located in the tail of the pancreas in a stillbirth male foetus is reported. The congenital anomaly was revealed at autopsy. The intrapancreatic spleen was well demarcated and was composed of red and white pulp; however, same pancreatic ducts were intermingled with the splenic parenchyma. As well as the intrapancreatic lesion another minute accessory spleen was also found at the hilum of the proper organ. Since a lack of morphological features of trisomy 13 syndrome were found in the foetus, the ectopic spleens were regarded as incidental findings

    The temperature of caffeine administered during pregnancy and foetal morphometric parameters

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    Background: Caffeine is one of the most frequently ingested (at various temperatures) xenobiotics by people. A number of studies have confirmed the negative effect of high doses of caffeine ingested during pregnancy both for the mother and the developing foetus. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between caffeine’s toxicity on development and the administered solution’stemperature.Materials and methods: The research was conducted on rats. The fertilised females were randomly divided into two main groups: an experimental (E) and a control group (C). The experimental groups received caffeine (30 mg/day) in10 (E1), 25 (E2) and 45°C (E3). The females in the control group were given water at the same temperature (C1, C2 and C3). On the 21st day of pregnancy, the pregnant females were killed by decapitation using a specially prepared laboratory guillotine and were assessed morphometric parameters of foetuses.Results and Conclusions: Based on this work showed that: the embryotoxic effect of caffeine was only confined to a reduction in the number of offspring; the greatest changes in the morphometric parameters occurred in foetuses whose mothers received caffeine at 10°C; in the control groups, the greatest changes were observed in foetuses whose mothers were given water at 10°C during pregnancy

    Morphology of root canals in adult premolar teeth

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    The aim of the present study was to examine the morphology of root canals in premolar teeth with completely formed root apices. The material consisted of 139 extracted premolar teeth, including 83 first premolars (59.7%) and 56 second premolars (40.3%). Maxillary teeth made up 64% of the material and mandibular teeth 36%. In order to measure the actual root canal length an endodontic instrument was inserted into the root canal (in teeth with a single root canal this was instrument no. 25 and in teeth with two or three root canals no. 20) until its tip was visible in the anatomical foramen. The silicone limit was fixed at a reference point on the dental crown, and after removal of the instrument the real length was read using an endodontic ruler. The results were presented using descriptive statistical measures (mean, maximum, minimum, median value and quartiles). In order to compare mean values of root canal lengths the z test was used. Of the first maxillary premolars, 91% had two root canals and 9% had three root canals. As far as the second upper premolars are concerned, 14.7% were teeth with single root canals while as many as 85.3% were teeth with two root canals. The majority of the first lower premolars (89.3%) had one root canal and 10.7% of these teeth had two root canals. Most of the second lower premolars (68.2%) had a single root canal, while the remaining 31.8% had two root canals. None of the mandibular premolars examined had three root canals

    The activity and immunoexpression of cathepsin D in rat male reproductive organs

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    Cathepsin D is a cysteine endopeptidase that belongs to the lysosomal enzyme family. The aim of the study was to evaluate the enzyme immunoexpression and activity in selected male genital organs in mature Wistar rats. The activity of cathepsin D was measured spectrophotometrically in homogenates of the testis, epididymis, seminal vesicle and prostate. Immunohistochemical staining was also performed in the ductus deferens. Enzyme activity was found in the following sequence: testis>epididymis>dorsal prostatic lobe>seminal vesicle>lateral prostatic lobe>ventral prostatic lobe. Although there were differences in enzyme activity between various organs of the male reproductive system, cathepsin D immunoreactivity was seen exclusively in the Sertoli and Leydig cells in the testis

    Association of maternal pancreatic function and foetal growth in rats treated with DFU, a selective cyclooxygenase-2 inhibitor

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    Constitutive (COX-1) and inducible (COX-2) cyclooxygenase isoforms have been detected in various mammalian tissues. Their activity is blocked by non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs that may induce various side reactions. The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of DFU, a selective COX-2 inhibitor, on exocrine and endocrine pancreatic function and the immunoexpression of both COX isoforms in maternal and foetal rat pancreases. The compound was administered to pregnant Wistar rats once daily from the 8th to the 21st day of gestation. Glucose level and amylase activity were determined in the maternal sera. Maternal and foetal pancreases were examined histologically. Immunoexpression of COX-1 and COX-2 was also evaluated. Both biochemical parameters, as well as the histological structure of the pancreas were undisturbed in the dams and their foetuses. The maternal glucose level was found to be an important factor for foetal growth. Strong cytoplasmic COX-1 immunostaining was observed in acinar secretory cells, whereas in islets the immune reaction was weak. Endocrine cells also revealed strong cytoplasmic COX-2 staining in the maternal and foetal pancreases. Acinar cells exhibited nuclear reaction, which was strong in the foetal but weak in the maternal pancreases. No differences in COX immunoexpression were found between the DFU-exposed and the control groups in either mothers or foetuses. It should be stressed that DFU administered throughout mid and late pregnancy in rats did not change maternal or foetal pancreatic morphology or immunoexpression of either of the main COX isoforms in the organ

    Anatomical variances and dimensions of the superior orbital fissure and foramen ovale in adults

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    The aim of the study was the retrospective morphological analysis of selected structures of the middle cranial fossa, i.e. foramen ovale and superior orbital fissure, in relation to the external head and cranial diameters in adults from the Lublin region (Poland). The study was performed on data collected during computed tomography examinations of 60 individuals (age 20–30 years), without any cranial or brain abnormalities. Based on the post-processing reconstructions, 3-dimensional views of the skull and head were obtained. The length and width of both structures, as well as thickness of the frontal, temporal, and occipital squamae, were measured. The morphology of the ovale foramina and superior orbital fissures were checked. The length and width of the skull and head were the only parameters that significantly differed between males and females. The thickness of the frontal and temporal squama was insignificantly lower in males than in females. Almond and oval shapes were the most typical for the foramen ovale. The superior orbital fissure was found as a wide form — with or without accessory spine originating from its lower margin or as a laterally narrowed form. The length and width of the foramen ovale were insignificantly higher in males than in females. The same results were found for the area of the right superior orbital fissure. The thickness of the frontal and occipital squamae influenced the thickness of the temporal squama. The analysed individuals had asymmetrical, oval, or almond-shape ovale foramina. Unlike the seldom visible laterally narrowed form of the superior orbital fissure, a wide form with or without accessory spine was the most commonly observed. The diameters of both superior orbital fissures and ovale foramina indicated the asymmetry of the neurocranium. (Folia Morphol 2011; 70, 4: 263–271