3 research outputs found

    Endometrium Kanserli Hastalarda Preoperatif Tam Kan Sayımının Prognostik Parametreler ve Sağkalımla İlişkisi

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    Amaç: Çalışmamızda endometriyum adenokarsinomu tanılı hastalarda preoperatif tam kan sayımı parametrelerinin çeşitli klinikopatolojik prognostik parametrelerle ve sağkalım ile ilişkisi olup olmadığını değerlendirmeyi amaçladık.Gereç ve Yöntem: Ocak 2011-Aralık 2014 tarihleri arasında fakültemizde opere edilen ve endometrial adenokarsinom tanısı alan 144 hasta çalışmaya dahil edilmiştir. Hemogram parametrelerinden absolü beyaz küre sayısı BK , absolü platelet sayısı Plt hematokrit Hct , hemoglobin Hb değerleri yanı sıra absolü nötrofil sayısının absolü lenfosit sayısına bölümü olan NLR, absolü platelet sayısının absolü lenfosit sayısına bölümü olan PLR ve absolü monosit sayısının absolü lenfosit sayısına bölümü olan MLR oranlarının; tümör çapı, tümör derecesi, FIGO evresi, serviks invazyonu, pozitif lenf nodu sayısı, lenf nodunda ekstrakapsüler yayılım, lenfovasküler invazyon LVİ , myometrial invazyon derinliği gibi prognostik parametreler ve hastalıksız ve genel sağkalım süreleri ile olan ilişkisi istatistiksel metodlarla araştırılmıştır.Bulgular: Derece 3 tümöre sahip hastalarda BK sayısının derece 1 tümörlü hastalara göre anlamlı derecede düşük olduğu görüldü p=0.04 . LVİ olan olgularda PLR p=0.018 ve MLR p=0.028 LVİ olmayan hastalara göre daha düşük idi. Düşük evre olgularda evre I-II PLR, yüksek evreli olgulara göre evre II-III daha düşük tespit edildi p=0.03 . Tedavi öncesi bakılan tam kan parametreleri ile tümör çapı, serviks invazyonu, pozitif lenf nodu sayısı, lenf nodunda ekstrakapsüler yayılım, myometrial invazyon derinliği, hastalıksız sağkalım ve genel sağkalım arasında anlamlı bir ilişki saptanmadı p>0.05 .Sonuç: Endometriyum kanserinde tedavi öncesi tam kan sayımı parametrelerinin bir arada kullanılması, hastalığın prognozu ile ilgili fikir verebilir. Çalışmamızın sonuçlarının daha uzun takip süresine ve daha geniş olgu sayısına sahip çalışmalarla desteklenmesi gereklidi

    Current perspective on diabetes mellitus in clinical sciences

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    Diabetes Mellitus (DM) receives significant attention from most scientists due to being a major global public health threat. Diabetes is considered one of the leading causes of death due to its micro and macrovascular complications. This insidious killer is estimated to reach a staggering number of 578 million (700 million by 2045) cases by 2030. In this book, utilizing the disciplines of clinical sciences, various contemporary topics related to diabetes are extensively discussed. These include the classification of diabetes, underlying causes, epidemiology, pathogenesis, impact on sexual functions, association with cancer, clinical manifestations, diagnostic methods, complications, and treatment options. Furthermore, intriguing and current subjects such as "antidiabetic phytotherapy" and "the relationship between oral health and diabetes" are also covered. By doing so, readers will acquire comprehensive and detailed knowledge about the clinical management of diabetes. Thus, this book not only serves those who seek to understand the scientific aspects of diabetes but also proves to be a valuable resource for healthcare professionals, researchers, and students in a clinical setting. We believe that this book will contribute to understanding the complexity of diabetes and provide beneficial solutions while shedding light on future studies

    Trace element levels in serum and gastric mucosa in patients with Helicobacter pylori positive and negative gastritis

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    PubMed ID:36435152Background: Most trace elements are inhibited by Helicobacter pylori-infection, and variations in specific element levels are linked to the development of stomach cancer. This is the first study to show the relationship between serum and tissue concentrations of twenty-five trace elements and H. pylori infection status. This study purposed to define serum and tissue trace element levels of 25 healthy individuals with Helicobacter pylori-positive gastritis and Helicobacter pylori-negative gastritis and to reveal their relationship with the disease. Methods: Study groups consisted of sixty-two patients with Helicobacter pylori-positive, thirty-seven patients with Helicobacter pylori-negative, and thirty healthy individuals. Serum and tissue concentrations of twenty-five elements (aluminum, boron, arsenic, barium, calcium, beryllium, copper, cadmium, iron, chromium, mercury, lithium, potassium, magnesium, sodium, manganese, nickel, phosphorus, lead, scandium, strontium, selenium, tellurium, titanium, zinc) were defined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry. Results: Except for copper, lithium, and strontium elements in serum samples, other trace elements differed significantly between the groups (p 0.05). Manganese, nickel, tellurium and titanium elements were not detected in tissue and serum samples. The mean concentrations of calcium, beryllium, chromium, iron, potassium, lithium, magnesium, scandium, and selenium were higher in the tissues of patients with H. pylori gastritis compared to healthy control tissues. Also, cadmium could not be detected in tissue samples. There was a significant difference between H. pylori-infected tissue and serum chromium levels (p = 0.001), with lower levels detected in tissue samples. Conclusion: This is the first study that we are knowledgeable of that reports the concentrations of twenty five elements in both serum and tissue samples, as well as the relationship between trace elements and Helicobacter pylori-infection status. Dietary adjustment is indicated as an adjunct to medical therapy to stabilize trace elements because Helicobacter pylori bacteria cause inflammation and impair element absorption in gastritis patients. We also think that this study will shed light on studies on the relationship between Helicobacter pylori-trace elements and serum-tissue/healthy serum-tissue trace element levels of patients with Helicobacter pylori gastritis