63 research outputs found

    Neonatal Safety Information Reported to the FDA During Drug Development Studies.

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    BACKGROUND: Relatively few neonatal drug development studies have been conducted, but an increase is expected with the enactment of the Food and Drug Administration Safety and Innovation Act (FDASIA). Understanding the safety of drugs studied in neonates is complicated by the unique nature of the population and the level of illness. The objective of this study was to examine neonatal safety data submitted to the FDA in studies pursuant to the Best Pharmaceuticals for Children Act (BPCA) and the Pediatric Research Equity Act (PREA) between 1998 and 2015. METHODS: FDA databases were searched for BPCA and/or PREA studies that enrolled neonates. Studies that enrolled a minimum of 3 neonates were analyzed for the presence and content of neonatal safety data. RESULTS: The analysis identified 40 drugs that were studied in 3 or more neonates. Of the 40 drugs, 36 drugs received a pediatric labeling change as a result of studies between 1998 and 2015, that included information from studies including neonates. Fourteen drugs were approved for use in neonates. Clinical trials for 20 of the drugs reported serious adverse events (SAEs) in neonates. The SAEs primarily involved cardiovascular events such as bradycardia and/or hypotension or laboratory abnormalities such as anemia, neutropenia, and electrolyte disturbances. Deaths were reported during studies of 9 drugs. CONCLUSIONS: Our analysis revealed that SAEs were reported in studies involving 20 of the 40 drugs evaluated in neonates, with deaths identified in 9 of those studies. Patients enrolled in studies were often critically ill, which complicated determination of whether an adverse event was drug-related. We conclude that the traditional means for collecting safety information in drug development trials needs to be adjusted for neonates and will require the collaboration of regulators, industry, and the clinical and research communities to establish appropriate definitions and reporting strategies for the neonatal population

    The Clearance of Cyclosporine by Hemodialysis

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    The pharmacokinetics of cyclosporine were studied in five liver transplant patients when they were on and off hemodialysis. There was no significant difference in the blood clearance of cyclosporine between these two periods. Less than 1 per cent of the dose of cyclosporine was recovered in the dialysate. The mean dialysis clearance was less than 1 ml/min. This represents less than 1 per cent of the total blood clearance of cyclosporine. Dosage alterations of cyclosporine during or after hemodialysis do not appear to be necessary

    Exposure Matching of Pediatric Anti-infective Drugs: Review of Drugs Submitted to the Food and Drug Administration for Pediatric Approval

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    Over the last decade, few novel antibiotics have been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for pediatric use. For most anti-infective agents, including antibiotics, extrapolation of efficacy from adults to children is possible if the disease and therapeutic exposures are similar between the 2 populations. This approach reduces the number of studies required in children, but relies heavily on exposure matching between children and adults. Failures in exposure matching can lead to delays in pediatric approvals of new anti-infective agents. We sought to determine the extent of exposure matching, defined by a comparison of area under the concentration-time curve, between children and adults, for anti-infective drug products submitted to the FDA for approval

    Antipyrine kinetics in liver disease and liver transplantation

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    Antipyrine kinetics were studied in seven normal subjects, 10 patients with liver disease, and 13 clinically stable patients who received a liver transplant. Five patients were studied both before and after liver transplantation. Antipyrine concentrations in saliva after oral dosing were measured by HPLC. The antipyrine t(1/2) was significantly longer (P < 0.05) in patients with liver disease than in patients undergoing liver transplantation and normal subjects. Antipyrine clearance was not significantly different between patients undergoing liver transplantation and normal subjects, but it was significantly reduced (P < 0.05) in patients with liver disease. In five patients who were studied before and after liver transplantation, there was a significant (P < 0.05) increase in the antipyrine clearance and a marked reduction in its t(1/2) after liver transplantation. These results indicate that liver transplantation improves the drug metabolizing ability of patients with liver disease and that the oxidative metabolizing capacity of the liver in clinically stable patients after liver transplantation is similar to that of normal subjects

    Enrichment Strategies in Pediatric Drug Development: An Analysis of Trials Submitted to the US Food and Drug Administration

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    Peer Reviewedhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146322/1/cpt971_am.pdfhttps://deepblue.lib.umich.edu/bitstream/2027.42/146322/2/cpt971.pd

    Integration of biorelevant pediatric dissolution methodology into PBPK modeling to predict in vivo performance and bioequivalence of generic drugs in pediatric populations : a carbamazepine case study

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    This study investigated the impact of gastro-intestinal fluid volume and bile salt (BS) concentration on the dissolution of carbamazepine (CBZ) immediate release (IR) 100 mg tablets and to integrate these in vitro biorelevant dissolution profiles into physiologically based pharmacokinetic modelling (PBPK) in pediatric and adult populations to determine the biopredictive dissolution profile. Dissolution profiles of CBZ IR tablets (100 mg) were generated in 50–900 mL biorelevant adult fasted state simulated gastric and intestinal fluid (Ad-FaSSGF and Ad-FaSSIF), also in three alternative compositions of biorelevant pediatric FaSSGF and FaSSIF medias at 200 mL. This study found that CBZ dissolution was poorly sensitive to changes in the composition of the biorelevant media, where dissimilar dissolution (F2 = 46.2) was only observed when the BS concentration was changed from 3000 to 89 μM (Ad-FaSSIF vs Ped-FaSSIF 50% 14 BS). PBPK modeling demonstrated the most predictive dissolution volume and media composition to forecast the PK was 500 mL of Ad-FaSSGF/Ad-FaSSIF media for adults and 200 mL Ped-FaSSGF/FaSSIF media for pediatrics. A virtual bioequivalence simulation was conducted by using Ad-FaSSGF and/or Ad-FaSSIF 500 mL or Ped-FaSSGF and/or Ped-FaSSIF 200 mL dissolution data for CBZ 100 mg (reference and generic test) IR product. The CBZ PBPK models showed bioequivalence of the product. This study demonstrates that the integration of biorelevant dissolution data can predict the PK profile of a poorly soluble drug in both populations. Further work using more pediatric drug products is needed to verify biorelevant dissolution data to predict the in vivo performance in pediatrics. Graphical Abstract

    Exposure Matching for Extrapolation of Efficacy in Pediatric Drug Development: Extrapolation of Efficacy in Pediatric Drug Development

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    During drug development, matching adult systemic exposures of drugs is a common approach for dose selection in pediatric patients when efficacy is partially or fully extrapolated. This is a systematic review of approaches used for matching adult systemic exposures as the basis for dose selection in pediatric trials submitted to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) between 1998 and 2012. The trial design of pediatric pharmacokinetic (PK) studies and the pediatric and adult systemic exposure data were obtained from FDA publicly available databases containing reviews of pediatric trials. Exposure matching approaches that were used as the basis for pediatric dose selection were reviewed. The PK data from the adult and pediatric populations were used to quantify exposure agreement between the two patient populations. The main measures were the pediatric PK studies trial design elements and drug systemic exposures (adult and pediatric). There were 31 products (86 trials) with full or partial extrapolation of efficacy with an available PK assessment. Pediatric exposures had a range of mean Cmax and AUC ratios (pediatric/adult) of 0.63-4.19 and 0.36-3.60 respectively. Seven of the 86 trials (8.1%) had a pre-defined acceptance boundary used to match adult exposures. The key PK parameter was consistently predefined for antiviral and anti-infective products. Approaches to match exposure in children and adults varied across products. A consistent approach for systemic exposure matching and evaluating pediatric PK studies is needed to guide future pediatric trials

    Approaches to dose finding in neonates, illustrating the variability between neonatal drug development programs

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    Drug dosing in neonates should be based on integrated knowledge concerning the disease to be treated, the physiological characteristics of the neonate, and the pharmacokinetics (PK) and pharmacodynamics (PD) of a given drug. It is critically important that all sources of information be leveraged to optimize dose selection for neonates. Sources may include data from adult studies, pediatric studies, non-clinical (juvenile) animal models, in vitro studies, and in silico models. Depending on the drug development program, each of these modalities could be used to varying degrees and with varying levels of confidence to guide dosing. This paper aims to illustrate the variability between neonatal drug development programs for neonatal diseases that are similar to those seen in other populations (meropenem), neonatal diseases related but not similar to pediatric or adult populations (clopidogrel, thyroid hormone), and diseases unique to neonates (caffeine, surfactant). Extrapolation of efficacy from older children or adults to neonates is infrequently used. Even if a disease process is similar between neonates and children or adults, such as with anti-infectives, additional dosing and safety information will be necessary for labeling, recognizing that dosing in neonates is confounded by maturational PK in addition to body size

    Drug therapy of Reye’s syndrome

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