5 research outputs found

    Role of VPAC1 and VPAC2 receptors in the etiology of pregnancy rhinitis: an experimental study in rats

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    Introduction: Pregnancy rhinitis is a common sex hormone-related otorhinolaryngological disorder. There are some epidemiological and physiological studies on pregnancy rhinitis, but histopathological and biomolecular changes have not been studied thoroughly. Objectives: The receptors VPAC1 and VPAC2 are known for their roles in allergic rhinitis. On the other hand, activation of subclinical allergy has been suggested in the pathophysiology of pregnancy rhinitis. Therefore, we aimed to compare the physiological and gestational pattern of VPAC1 and VPAC2 expression in rat nasal mucosa. Methods: Twenty adult Wister albino female rats were enrolled into the study. Two groups constituted as 10 control (group A) and 10 pregnant (group B) rats. They were fed ad libitum and sheltered at room temperature (22°±2 °C). The rats were sacrificed at the 20th day of gestation by intraperitoneal injection of 400 mg/kg Na-pentobarbitone. Then, 10 − 15 mL of blood was taken, and samples were reserved for the detection of serum estradiol and progesterone levels by ELISA test. The nasal septum was resected and divided in half for immunohistochemical analyses and real time polymerase chain reaction testing of VPAC1 and VPAC2. Results: VPAC1 and VPAC2 were found to be in all layers of septal specimens, but the immunostaining of surface epithelium was more distinct in specimens of both groups. We demonstrated higher overall staining intensity in the pregnant group. PCR revealed significant increase in expression of VPAC1 (p = 0.023) and VPAC2 (p = 0.021) in pregnant group when compared with control group. In addition, we demonstrated upregulatory effect of estradiol and progesterone on the vasoactive intestinal peptide receptor expression. Conclusions: Gestational up-regulation of nasal VPAC1 and VPAC2 was shown both by PCR and immunohistochemical analysis. These findings support the hypothesis that PR is caused by the activation of subclinical allergy that is present before pregnancy

    The role of facial canal diameter in the pathogenesis and grade of Bell's palsy: a study by high resolution computed tomography

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    Abstract Introduction: The exact etiology of Bell's palsy still remains obscure. The only authenticated finding is inflammation and edema of the facial nerve leading to entrapment inside the facial canal. Objective: To identify if there is any relationship between the grade of Bell's palsy and diameter of the facial canal, and also to study any possible anatomic predisposition of facial canal for Bell's palsy including parts which have not been studied before. Methods: Medical records and temporal computed tomography scans of 34 patients with Bell's palsy were utilized in this retrospective clinical study. Diameters of both facial canals (affected and unaffected) of each patient were measured at labyrinthine segment, geniculate ganglion, tympanic segment, second genu, mastoid segment and stylomastoid foramen. The House-Brackmann (HB) scale of each patient at presentation and 3 months after the treatment was evaluated from their medical records. The paired samples t-test and Wilcoxon signed-rank test were used for comparison of width between the affected side and unaffected side. The Wilcoxon signed-rank test was also used for evaluation of relationship between the diameter of facial canal and the grade of the Bell's palsy. Significant differences were established at a level of p = 0.05 (IBM SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 21.0.; Armonk, NY, IBM Corp). Results: Thirty-four patients - 16 females, 18 males; mean age ± Standard Deviation, 40.3 ± 21.3 - with Bell's palsy were included in the study. According to the HB facial nerve grading system; 8 patients were grade V, 6 were grade IV, 11 were grade III, 8 were grade II and 1 patient was grade I. The mean width at the labyrinthine segment of the facial canal in the affected temporal bone was significantly smaller than the equivalent in the unaffected temporal bone (p = 0.00). There was no significant difference between the affected and unaffected temporal bones at the geniculate ganglion (p = 0.87), tympanic segment (p = 0.66), second genu (p = 0.62), mastoid segment (p = 0.67) and stylomastoid foramen (p = 0.16). We did not find any relationship between the HB grade and the facial canal diameter at the level of labyrinthine segment (p = 0.41), tympanic segment (p = 0.12), mastoid segment (p = 0.14), geniculate ganglion (p = 0.13) and stylomastoid foramen (p = 0.44), while we found significant relationship at the level of second genu (p = 0.02). Conclusion: We found the diameter of labyrinthine segment of facial canal as an anatomic risk factor for Bell's palsy. We also found significant relationship between the HB grade and FC diameter at the level of second genu. Future studies (MRI-CT combined or 3D modeling) are needed to promote this possible relevance especially at second genu. Thus, in the future it may be possible to selectively decompress particular segments in high grade BP patients