17 research outputs found
Vajdaság mezőgazdaságának fejlődési szakaszai a Szerb-Horvát-Szlovén Királyságtól napjainkig: DEVELOPMENT PHASES OF AGRICULTURE FROM THE SERBIAN-CROATIAN-SLOVENIAN KINGDOM UNTIL TODAY
A tanulmány megpróbál rámutatni arra, hogy a Vajdaság mezőgazdasági termelését 1918 óta milyen módon próbálták a különböző politikai hatalmi csoportok kihasználni. Közismert, hogy a Vajdaságban megtermelt gabonafélék minősége világszínvonalú, ami pedig a mennyiséget illeti, amikor kedvezően alakul az időjárás, az országos szükségleten felül kivitelre is jut belőlük. A régiót az ország éléskamrájának nevezik, ami mutatja a térség mezőgazdaságának jelentőségét. Vajdaság lakosságának jelentős része kötődik az agráriumhoz, de legfőképpen a kis településen élők. A termőföld, mely az agrártermelés legspecifikusabb és legfontosabb termelési tényezője, igen erős komparatív előnyt biztosít az ország többi területéhez képest. Ezen a területen a termőföld minősége messze meghaladja az országos átlagot. Tanulmányomban megvizsgálom, hogy a Szerb-Horvát-Szlovén Királyság hogyan próbálta meg a betelepítésekkel és egy agrárreform végrehajtásával megváltoztatni az addigi agrárszerkezetet. Majd az I. és II. világháború következményeire, az e területre bevezetett súlyos adók hatásaira, valamint az újabb telepesek érkezésére hívom fel a figyelmet. Ezután a „Titó időszak” előnyeit és hátrányait igyekszem bemutatni egészen a rendszerváltásig, majd a Milosevics-féle változtatásokról ejtek néhány szót. Végezetül bemutatom a jelen mezőgazdaságát a Vajdaságban, amely valójában a 2006-os földtörvény meghozatalával indul. Próbálom megválaszolni azt a kérdést, hogy Miért éppen Vajdaságot, miért éppen ezt a területet szemelte ki minden politikai hatalom önmagának?
This study attempts to point out how various political power groups has been tried to take advantage of the agricultural production of Vojvodina since 1918. It is well known that the quality of cereals produced in Vojvodina is world-class, and in terms of quantity, when weather conditions are favorable, above the national needs there is an addition amount for export. The region is called as the country's food pantry showing the importance of agriculture in this area. A significant part of the population of Vojvodina is connected to agriculture, but most of them live in small settlements. Soil, which is the most specific and important factor in agricultural production, provide a very strong comparative advantage for this area over the rest of the country. The quality of land in this area is far above the national average. In this study, it is examined how the Serbian-Croatian-Slovenian Kingdom attempted to change the agricultural structure by introducing and implementing an agricultural reform. Then the attention is drowned to the consequences of the First and the Second World War, the effects of heavy taxes in this area, and the arrival of new settlers. Then, the article tries to present the pros and cons of the "Tito Period" right up to the regime change, and then shortly introduces the changes of Milosevic. Finally, the present situation of Vojvodina’s agriculture is introduced, which actually started with the Land Law of 2006. The author tries to answer the question: Why Vojvodina, why this area was chosen by all the political powers for themselves
Terület és gazdaságfejlesztés a Vajdaságban = Territorial and economic development in Vojvodina
The strategy for the territorial and economic development of Hungarian communities in Vojvodina has been completed in 2015. Several professionals from various parts of Vojvodina, representing different sectors have taken part in the formation of this strategy. 5 different strategic directions have been identified in this particular strategy: 1) the organization, horizontal and vertical integration of high value-added food production, 2) the development of tourism built on cultural history and natural conditions together with the development of the economy related to it, 3) the implementation of measures based on professional training that are aiming at innovation, attracting investors and increasing the willingness to start a business, 4) the prevention of the loss of market for products produced in Vojvodina while preserving the natural resources, 5) reducing the emigration of Vojvodina Hungarians through finding a balance between demand and supply on the labor market. The realization of this strategy was started in January 2016 through the Prosperitati Foundation that, in accordance with the objectives, has been continuously calling for tenders in Vojvodina for the members of the Hungarian community, more precisely for residents who own both Hungarian and Serbian citizenship
Vajdaság mezőgazdaságának fejlődési szakaszai a Szerb-Horvát-Szlovén Királyságtól napjainkig
This study attempts to point out how various political power groups has been tried to take advantage of the agricultural production of Vojvodina since 1918. It is well known that the quality of cereals produced in Vojvodina is world-class, and in terms of quantity, when weather conditions are favorable, above the national needs there is an addition amount for export. The region is called as the country's food pantry showing the importance of agriculture in this area. A significant part of the population of Vojvodina is connected to agriculture, but most of them live in small settlements. Soil, which is the most specific and important factor in agricultural production, provide a very strong comparative advantage for this area over the rest of the country. The quality of land in this area is far above the national average. In this study, it is examined how the Serbian-Croatian-Slovenian Kingdom attempted to change the agricultural structure by introducing and implementing an agricultural reform. Then the attention is drowned to the consequences of the First and the Second World War, the effects of heavy taxes in this area, and the arrival of new settlers. Then, the article tries to present the pros and cons of the "Tito Period" right up to the regime change, and then shortly introduces the changes of Milosevic. Finally, the present situation of Vojvodina’s agriculture is introduced, which actually started with the Land Law of 2006. The author tries to answer the question: Why Vojvodina, why this area was chosen by all the political powers for themselves
Terület és gazdaságfejlesztés a Vajdaságban = Territorial and economic development in Vojvodina
The strategy for the territorial and economic development of Hungarian communities in Vojvodina has been completed in 2015. Several professionals from various parts of Vojvodina, representing different sectors have taken part in the formation of this strategy. 5 different strategic directions have been identified in this particular strategy: 1) the organization, horizontal and vertical integration of high value-added food production, 2) the development of tourism built on cultural history and natural conditions together with the development of the economy related to it, 3) the implementation of measures based on professional training that are aiming at innovation, attracting investors and increasing the willingness to start a business, 4) the prevention of the loss of market for products produced in Vojvodina while preserving the natural resources, 5) reducing the emigration of Vojvodina Hungarians through finding a balance between demand and supply on the labor market. The realization of this strategy was started in January 2016 through the Prosperitati Foundation that, in accordance with the objectives, has been continuously calling for tenders in Vojvodina for the members of the Hungarian community, more precisely for residents who own both Hungarian and Serbian citizenship
Composite Amplifier with Extremely High CMRR
Building high precision instruments needs almost ideal operational amplifiers. Effects of offset, common mode rejection ratio (CMRR) and other imperfections have to be reduced as much as possible. One way is to apply precision operational amplifiers but their parameters are limited and their price is high. Another approach is to use composite amplifiers proposed in this text. Instead of a single operational amplifier, composite amplifiers are built from two or more operational amplifiers with significant improvements in resulting parameters. The research is started with theoretical analysis. Benefits of the proposed circuits are shown by simulations on the simulation models and measurements on the real model. The theory and practice introduced below could be well included in undergraduate course in analog electronics
Influence of a Thin Copper Shield on a BLDC Motor Parameters
A simplified model of a brushless DC motor segment is studied in this work. Shielding of the ferromagnetic structure with a high conductivity layer is explored. The shield is supposed to reduce the ohmic losses of the magnets and of the entire structure, particularly at the higher frequencies. In order to verify that, both calculations and measurements of the power loss are accomplished for the model first. In conclusion, locked rotor measurements are performed on a real BLDC motor in order to validate the results
Új távlatok a végbélrák sebészetében: Transanalis teljes mesorectum excisio. Kezdeti eredményeink = New perspectives in rectal cancer surgery: Transanal total mesorectal excision. Initial experiences
Bevezetés: Hazánkban a colorectalis carcinoma a második
leggyakoribb daganatos halálozási ok. Legfontosabb prognosztikai tényező a
teljes túlélés szempontjából az operabilitás, valamint a műtét technikai
minősége. A végbélrák műtéti „gold standardja” a teljes mesorectum excisio, mely
a betegek egy részénél alkati sajátságokból és anatómiai viszonyokból adódóan
laparoszkópos módszerrel gyakran nehezen vagy inkomplett módon kivitelezhető.
Egy új műtéti koncepció, a transanalis teljes mesorectum excisio (TaTME) azonban
megoldást jelenthet erre a problémára, felhasználva a legmodernebb sebészeti
technika nyújtotta lehetőségeket. Célkitűzés: Az új műtéti
technika hazai bevezetésének, kezdeti tapasztalatainak bemutatása.
Módszer: Az új eljárást Magyarországon az elsők között két
munkacsoport alkalmazta. Egyéves esetsorozatuk tapasztalatait retrospektíve
elemeztük. Eredmények: A szerzői munkacsoportok összesen 17
transanalis teljes mesorectum excisio (TaTME) műtétet végeztek. Súlyos intra-
vagy posztoperatív szövődmény 2 esetben fordult elő. Perioperatív halálozás nem
történt. Végleges colostoma képzésére 3 esetben került sor.
Következtetés: Közleményünk az alsó és középső harmadi
végbéldaganatok transanalis teljes mesorectalis excisiójával szerzett első hazai
tapasztalatokat ismerteti. A korai klinikai eredmények a rectumcarcinoma
sebészetének egy forradalmian új korszakát vetítik előre. Orv Hetil. 2018;
159(1): 16–22.
Introduction: Colorectal cancer is the second most frequent
cause of oncologic mortality. Its key prognostic factors are operability and
surgical quality. Total mesorectal excision is the gold standard of rectal
cancer surgery, however, it is hardly achievable with the laparoscopic technique
in a number of cases due to anatomical issues. Transanal total mesorectal
excision (TaTME) is a new operative concept, which may address this technical
problem. Aim: We aimed to present the initial Hungarian
experiences with the new technique. Method: Retrospective
analysis of clinical data of the first year case series at two Hungarian centers
initiating the technique. Results: A total of 17 transanal
total mesorectal excision (TaTME) operations were performed at two centers.
Major perioperative complications happened in two cases. There was no 30-day
mortality. Conclusions: Early Hungarian experiences with
transanal total mesorectal excision (TaTME) give hope of a brand new era of
rectal cancer surgery. Orv Hetil. 2018; 159(1): 16–22
Prevalence of cognitive impairment among Hungarian patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis and clinically isolated syndrome
Background Cognitive impairment (CI) is a frequent symptom of multiple sclerosis (MS); its prevalence is reported to be 43–70%. It is one of the most important determinants of MS patients’ quality of life, as it is one of the main factors for MS patients becoming unemployed. Aim We aimed to determine the prevalence of CI among the relapsing-remitting MS (RRMS) and clinically isolated syndrome (CIS) patients in Hungary, to evaluate the predicting factors of CI and to assess the differences between sexes and patients with different educational levels. Patients and methods Five-hundred and fifty-three CIS and RRMS patients were enrolled to our study from three Hungarian MS centers. Age at screening, age at disease onset, disease duration, EDSS score, sex and educational levels were analyzed as socio-demographic factors. The BICAMS battery was used to assess their cognitive state, the BDI-II battery to assess depression. For statistical analysis, we utilized logistical regression, and used Fisher exact tests, chi-square tests and one-way ANOVA. Results The mean age of our patients was 44.93 ± 11.69 years, mean age at disease onset was 31.95 ± 10.01 years, the mean disease duration was 13.05 ± 8.05 years and the median EDSS score 2.0 (Range: 6.5, IQR:2.0) points. Three-hundred and sixteen (57.1%) patients had CI. Sex, educational level and EDSS score proved to be significant predictors of CI (OR: 2.71, p < 0.001; OR: 1.94, p = 0.023; OR: 0.47, p = 0.003 respectively). CI was significantly (p < 0.001) more frequent among men (70.1%) than women (52.0%). We found, that educational level and EDSS score were only a significant predicting factor among women. Thus, the prevalence of CI among women with college or university degree was significantly (p < 0.001) less common (39.4%) than women with 12–15 years of education (57.4%) and women without a high school degree (66.7%). Also, we found that among women with higher EDSS score than 2 points, the prevalence of CI is 69.9% as compared to women with EDSS score between 0 and 2 points, where the prevalence is 42.8% (p < 0.001). No such differences were observed among man. Discussion Our prevalence data is similar to those reported in the literature (43–70%), and almost identical to the one assessment using the BICAMS battery. We found that men are more vulnerable to CI than women in MS, as was reported recently. We are the first to report however, that higher educational level and lower EDSS scores are only associated with better cognitive performance in women. © 201