1,117 research outputs found

    Heavy quark radiation in NLO+PS POWHEG generators

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    In this paper we deal with radiation from heavy quarks in the context of next-to-leading order calculations matched to parton shower generators. A new algorithm for radiation from massive quarks is presented that has considerable advantages over the one previously employed. We implement the algorithm in the framework of the POWHEGBOX{\tt POWHEG-BOX}, and compare it with the previous one in the case of the hvq{\tt hvq} generator for bottom production in hadronic collisions, and in the case of the bb4l{\tt bb4l} generator for top production and decay.Comment: 14 pages, 13 figures, LaTe

    Exploring the global scientific literature on urban metabolism

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    Urban ecosystems can be conceptualized like living organisms supported by material and energy flows that allow the generation of ecosystem structures and functions and the production of goods and services. Urban metabolism accounts for the flows of materials, energy, resources, food, and people in cities, providing a framework for the study of the interactions between natural and socio-economic systems. In this paper, the global scientific literature on urban metabolism was explored to identify knowledge gaps and emerging research areas over the last decades. A bibliometric network analysis was implemented to generate maps based on network data of scientific publications displaying relationships among scientific journals, researchers, countries, and keywords. The total number of publications on urban metabolism from 1990 to 2019 resulted in 498 documents. USA and China resulted the first countries publishing on urban metabolism while among the journals, the Journal of Industrial Ecology and Journal of Cleaner Production resulted the first in the ranking. The co-occurrence network map of keywords showed that, over the last decade, the main focus of research on urban metabolism has shifted from environmental issues to environmental accounting and socio-economic aspects. Considering the importance of urban systems for the achievement of local and global sustainability goals, it is likely that the scientific literature on urban metabolism will continue growing over the next years. Being cities characterized by complex relationships between natural and socio-economic systems, it is desirable that future studies will explore the multidimensional features of urban metabolism through multi-criteria assessment frameworks

    Assessing natural capital value in the network of Italian marine protected areas: A comparative approach

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    Marine and coastal natural capital stocks provide a bundle of ecosystem services vital for human well-being. The biophysical and economic assessment of the value of natural capital stocks is much needed for achieving nature conservation goals, while ensuring the sustainable exploitation of marine resources. Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) are increasingly being established worldwide to protect and conserve natural capital stocks from anthropogenic threats. In this study, a biophysical and trophodynamic model based on the emergy accounting method was used to assess the value of natural capital for a set of Italian MPAs. In particular, the assessment focused on four main macro-habitats: 1) sciaphilic hard bottom (SHB), 2) photophilic hard bottom (PHB), 3) soft bottom (SB), and 4) Posidonia oceanica seagrass beds (PSB). The emergy method allowed the assessment of natural capital stocks in terms of direct and indirect solar energy flows invested by nature for their generation. The SHB habitat showed the highest emergy density value in most of the investigated MPAs, confirming the high convergence of input resource flows in the formation of this habitat. When considering extensive indicators, the contribution of the PSB habitat to the total value of natural capital was higher than other habitats in most MPAs. In addition, to facilitate the understanding of the results in socio-economic contexts, the biophysical values of natural capital stocks were converted into monetary units. The total value of natural capital in the investigated MPAs ranged from about 8 to 1163 M€. In conclusion, assessing the value of natural capital can support local managers and policy makers in charge for achieving nature conservation targets while ensuring the sustainable exploitation of natural resources

    Leptons in the proton

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    As is the case for all light coloured Standard Model particles, also photons and charged leptons appear as constituents in ultrarelativistic hadron beams, and admit a parton density function (PDF). It has been shown recently that the photon PDF can be given in terms of the structure functions and form factors for electron-proton scattering. The same holds for lepton PDFs. In the present work we set up a calculation of the lepton PDFs at next-to-leading order, using the same data input needed in the photon case. A precise knowledge of the lepton densities allows us to study lepton-initiated processes even at a hadron collider, with all possible combinations of same-charge, opposite-charge, same-flavour, different-flavour leptons and leptons-quarks, most of which cannot be realized in any other forseable experiment. The lepton densities in the proton are extremely small, so that their contribution to Standard Model processes is generally shadowed by processes initiated by coloured partons. We will show, however, that there are cases where these processes can be relevant, giving rise to rare Standard Model signatures and to new production channels, that can enlarge the discovery potential of New Physics at the LHC and future high energy colliders with hadrons in the initial state

    Trends and evolution in the concept of marine ecosystem services: An overview

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    The biotic and abiotic assets of the marine environment form the “marine natural capital” embedded in the global ocean. Marine natural capital provides the flow of “marine ecosystem services” that are directly used or enjoyed by people providing benefits to human well-being. They include provisioning services (e.g., food), regulation and maintenance services (e.g., carbon sequestration and storage, and coastal protection), and cultural services (e.g., tourism and recreational benefits). In recent decades, human activities have increased the pressures on marine ecosystems, often leading to ecosystem degradation and biodiversity loss and, in turn, affecting their ability to provide benefits to humans. Therefore, effective management strategies are crucial to the conservation of healthy and diverse marine ecosystems and to ensuring their long-term generation of goods and services. Biophysical, economic, and sociocultural assessments of marine ecosystem services are much needed to convey the importance of natural resources to managers and policy makers supporting the development and implementation of policies oriented for the sustainable management of marine resources. In addition, the accounting of marine ecosystem service values can be usefully complemented by their mapping to enable the identification of priority areas and management strategies and to facilitate science–policy dialogue. Given this premise, this study aims to review trends and evolution in the concept of marine ecosystem services. In particular, the global scientific literature on marine ecosystem services is explored by focusing on the following main aspects: the definition and classification of marine ecosystem services; their loss due to anthropogenic pressures, alternative assessment, and mapping approaches; and the inclusion of marine ecosystem services into policy and decision-making processes

    CysMap and CysJoin: Database and tools for protein disulphide localization

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    We have developed a computer program able to make user-customised databases derived from the public PIR non-redundant reference protein database. When the database of interest has been created, the user will generate the map of all the possible linear peptides containing one and two cysteines for each protein and combine them to calculate the mass of all the possible clusters of linear peptides linked by a disulphide bridge with a cysteine pair. It is also possible to create selected maps corresponding to peptides formed by the action of specific proteases. In this way, mass spectrometric data obtained from the hydrolysis of proteins of unknown sequence can be related to that contained in the database for quick disulphide assignment and protein identification. To confirm signal attribution, the program will also furnish the expected mass of cluster peptides after performing a cycle of Edman degradation. The utility of the program is discussed and examples of application are given. © 2005 Federation of European Biochemical Societies

    Lepton-Quark Collisions at the Large Hadron Collider

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    Processes commonly studied at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) are induced by quarks and gluons inside the protons of the LHC beams. In this Letter, we demonstrate that, since protons also contain leptons, it is possible to target lepton-induced processes at the LHC as well. In particular, by picking a lepton from one beam and a quark from the other beam, we present for the first time a comprehensive analysis of resonant single leptoquark (LQ) production at a hadron collider. In the case of minimal scalar LQs, we derive novel bounds that arise from the LHC Run II considering all possible flavor combinations of an electron or a muon and an up (u), a down (d), a strange, or a charm quark. For the flavor combinations with a u or a d quark, the obtained limits represent the most stringent constraints to date on LQs of this type. The prospects of our method at future LHC runs are also explored. Given the discovery reach of the proposed LQ signature, we argue that dedicated resonance searches in final states featuring a single light lepton and a single light-flavor jet should be added to the exotics search canon of both the ATLAS and the CMS Collaborations

    Isolation of anaerobic, extremely thermophilic, sulphur metabolising archaebacteria from New Zealand hot springs

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    Enrichments of New Zealand geo-thermal samples, initiated in anaerobic sulphur-containing media and incubated at temperatures above 85°C, yielded rod and coccal shaped organisms which possessed archaebacterial characteristics. Pure cultures were isolated and characterised. Five of the seven isolates, which were rod-shaped organisms and did not have an obligate requirement for sulphur respiration, were similar to Ther-moproteus sp. but had more neutral pH optima for growth. Three of these five Thermoproteus sp. were obligate heterotrophs, which has not previously been reported. The two coccal isolates had an obligate requirement for sulphur as an electron acceptor and were similar to Desulfurococcus sp. but again with more neutral pH optima for growth