13 research outputs found

    Mechanisms of genome regulation in human islets and their role in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have made substantial progress in implicating genomic regions in type 2 diabetes (T2D) susceptibility. Whilst attributing causal mechanisms to loci has proved non trivial, these studies have provided insights into the genetic architecture underlying the disease. GWAS findings indicate a causal role for gene regulatory processes, and suggest that pancreatic beta-cells play a pivotal role in mediating common T2D association. Work presented in this thesis therefore sought to generate novel regulatory annotations from human islets, and to assess whether T2D-associated loci can be accurately fine-mapped using statistical approaches, with the aim of improving understanding of causal mechanisms underlying these associations through integration of the two approaches. Using small RNA sequencing in human islets and enriched beta-cell populations (both n=3) and mRNA sequencing in a large number of human islets (n=130), I increased the number of available human islet annotations. These studies identified high or islet-specific expression in many micro RNAs (miRNAs) without previously known roles in human islets. It also provided the largest study of quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) and allele-specific expression (ASE) in human islets to date, identifying significant eQTLs for 1,636 genes and significant ASE at 8,754 genes. There was enrichment of active islet chromatin, compared to other tissues, at the best eQTL variant for each gene, but also substantial sharing of significant eQTLs between islets and other tissues. Simulations were used to assess the utility of fine-mapping approaches for refining common disease-associated loci to smaller intervals or sets of variants likely to include the causal variant. The results demonstrated that fine-mapping can indeed refine these loci to sets or intervals of a size more amenable to functional follow-up or focussed intersection with high quality annotations. Furthermore, using an approximated Bayesian approach, I was able to refine twenty-one of the known common T2D-associated loci. Finally, using the newly generated annotations, I demonstrated enrichment of T2D association signal for regulatory RNA annotations (islet lncRNAs and miRNA target gene sets). I also identified examples in which these types of annotation overlap common and rare variation suggestive of a role in T2D pathogenesis. Using further islet annotations, I also uncovered potential causal mechanisms at four of the twentyone fine-mapped common T2D loci. These data therefore provide many novel islet regulatory annotations that can be intersected with T2D genetics, and provide a first example of how such an approach can lead to novel potential causal mechanisms underlying association loci.</p

    William of Palerne, an alternative romance

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    Het boek heeft ten doel een betrouwbare editie te bieden van de veertiendeeeuwse Engelse roman in allitererende verzen William of Palerne, voorzien van een inleiding, een commentaar en een volledig glossarium. ... Zie: Samenvatting

    Friends by choice. An actor-oriented statistical network model for friendship networks through time

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    It is common knowledge that once a group of individuals has the opportunity to interact for a certain period of time, friendly relation¬ships and friendships will be established and, as a result, an affective relation network will arise. How the structure of this network comes about and how it develops over time are the questions addressed in this study. To answer them, actor-oriented statistical network models are proposed. The formalization of the models depends on the context in which the networks arise and develop. Two situations are distinguished. First, the development of an affective relation network among a closed group of students, applied to a group of Dutch university freshmen. The context is relatively uncomplicated, in the sense that interaction takes place under rather homogeneous conditions. This general model includes, among others, parameters for the effects of reciprocity, similarity and the opportunity structure. Second, the development of an affective relation network within a work organization, a context in which interaction occurs under more complicated and heterogeneous circum¬stances. Such features as the hierarchical organization structure, interpersonal competition, and cohorts are incorporated in the model. To substantiate the model, it is applied to longitudinal network data collected in two departments of a Dutch hospital, namely a dialysis and a nursing department.

    Mechanisms of genome regulation in human islets and their role in the pathogenesis of type 2 diabetes

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    Genome-wide association studies (GWAS) have made substantial progress in implicating genomic regions in type 2 diabetes (T2D) susceptibility. Whilst attributing causal mechanisms to loci has proved non trivial, these studies have provided insights into the genetic architecture underlying the disease. GWAS findings indicate a causal role for gene regulatory processes, and suggest that pancreatic beta-cells play a pivotal role in mediating common T2D association. Work presented in this thesis therefore sought to generate novel regulatory annotations from human islets, and to assess whether T2D-associated loci can be accurately fine-mapped using statistical approaches, with the aim of improving understanding of causal mechanisms underlying these associations through integration of the two approaches. Using small RNA sequencing in human islets and enriched beta-cell populations (both n=3) and mRNA sequencing in a large number of human islets (n=130), I increased the number of available human islet annotations. These studies identified high or islet-specific expression in many micro RNAs (miRNAs) without previously known roles in human islets. It also provided the largest study of quantitative trait loci (eQTLs) and allele-specific expression (ASE) in human islets to date, identifying significant eQTLs for 1,636 genes and significant ASE at 8,754 genes. There was enrichment of active islet chromatin, compared to other tissues, at the best eQTL variant for each gene, but also substantial sharing of significant eQTLs between islets and other tissues. Simulations were used to assess the utility of fine-mapping approaches for refining common disease-associated loci to smaller intervals or sets of variants likely to include the causal variant. The results demonstrated that fine-mapping can indeed refine these loci to sets or intervals of a size more amenable to functional follow-up or focussed intersection with high quality annotations. Furthermore, using an approximated Bayesian approach, I was able to refine twenty-one of the known common T2D-associated loci. Finally, using the newly generated annotations, I demonstrated enrichment of T2D association signal for regulatory RNA annotations (islet lncRNAs and miRNA target gene sets). I also identified examples in which these types of annotation overlap common and rare variation suggestive of a role in T2D pathogenesis. Using further islet annotations, I also uncovered potential causal mechanisms at four of the twentyone fine-mapped common T2D loci. These data therefore provide many novel islet regulatory annotations that can be intersected with T2D genetics, and provide a first example of how such an approach can lead to novel potential causal mechanisms underlying association loci.This thesis is not currently available in ORA