7 research outputs found
Statistical mechanics of RNA folding: a lattice approach
We propose a lattice model for RNA based on a self-interacting two-tolerant
trail. Self-avoidance and elements of tertiary structure are taken into
account. We investigate a simple version of the model in which the native state
of RNA consists of just one hairpin. Using exact arguments and Monte Carlo
simulations we determine the phase diagram for this case. We show that the
denaturation transition is first order and can either occur directly or through
an intermediate molten phase.Comment: 8 pages, 9 figure
Superconducting ``metals'' and ``insulators''
We propose a characterization of zero temperature phases in disordered
superconductors on the basis of the nature of quasiparticle transport. In three
dimensional systems, there are two distinct phases in close analogy to the
distinction between normal metals and insulators: the superconducting "metal"
with delocalized quasiparticle excitations and the superconducting "insulator"
with localized quasiparticles. We describe experimental realizations of either
phase, and study their general properties theoretically. We suggest experiments
where it should be possible to tune from one superconducting phase to the
other, thereby probing a novel "metal-insulator" transition inside a
superconductor. We point out various implications of our results for the phase
transitions where the superconductor is destroyed at zero temperature to form
either a normal metal or a normal insulator.Comment: 18 page
Griffiths effects and quantum critical points in dirty superconductors without spin-rotation invariance: One-dimensional examples
We introduce a strong-disorder renormalization group (RG) approach suitable
for investigating the quasiparticle excitations of disordered superconductors
in which the quasiparticle spin is not conserved. We analyze one-dimensional
models with this RG and with elementary transfer matrix methods. We find that
such models with broken spin rotation invariance {\it generically} lie in one
of two topologically distinct localized phases. Close enough to the critical
point separating the two phases, the system has a power-law divergent
low-energy density of states (with a non-universal continuously varying
power-law) in either phase, due to quantum Griffiths singularities. This
critical point belongs to the same infinite-disorder universality class as the
one dimensional particle-hole symmetric Anderson localization problem, while
the Griffiths phases in the vicinity of the transition are controlled by lines
of strong (but not infinite) disorder fixed points terminating in the critical
point.Comment: 14 pages (two-column PRB format), 9 eps figure
Absence of a metallic phase in random-bond Ising models in two dimensions: applications to disordered superconductors and paired quantum Hall states
When the two-dimensional random-bond Ising model is represented as a
noninteracting fermion problem, it has the same symmetries as an ensemble of
random matrices known as class D. A nonlinear sigma model analysis of the
latter in two dimensions has previously led to the prediction of a metallic
phase, in which the fermion eigenstates at zero energy are extended. In this
paper we argue that such behavior cannot occur in the random-bond Ising model,
by showing that the Ising spin correlations in the metallic phase violate the
bound on such correlations that results from the reality of the Ising
couplings. Some types of disorder in spinless or spin-polarized p-wave
superconductors and paired fractional quantum Hall states allow a mapping onto
an Ising model with real but correlated bonds, and hence a metallic phase is
not possible there either. It is further argued that vortex disorder, which is
generic in the fractional quantum Hall applications, destroys the ordered or
weak-pairing phase, in which nonabelian statistics is obtained in the pure
case.Comment: 13 pages; largely independent of cond-mat/0007254; V. 2: as publishe
Fokker-Planck equations and density of states in disordered quantum wires
We propose a general scheme to construct scaling equations for the density of
states in disordered quantum wires for all ten pure Cartan symmetry classes.
The anomalous behavior of the density of states near the Fermi level for the
three chiral and four Bogoliubov-de Gennes universality classes is analysed in
detail by means of a mapping to a scaling equation for the reflection from a
quantum wire in the presence of an imaginary potential.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, revised versio