11 research outputs found

    A systematic review of the evidence for effectiveness of interventions to address transport and other unintentional injuries among adolescents

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    Introduction: Globally, injuries are a leading cause of mortality and morbidity for adolescents, which disproportionately affect the disadvantaged. To build an investment case for adolescent injury prevention, evidence is needed as to effective interventions. Methods: A systematic review of peer-reviewed original research published between 2010–2022 was conducted. CINAHL, Cochrane Central, Embase, Medline and PsycINFO databases were searched for studies reporting the effectiveness of unintentional injury prevention interventions for adolescents (10–24 years), with assessment of study quality and equity (e.g., age, gender, ethnicity, socio-economic status). Results: Sixty-two studies were included; 59 (95.2%) from high-income countries (HIC). Thirty-eight studies (61.3%) reported no aspect of equity. Thirty-six studies (58.1%) reported prevention of sports injuries (commonly neuromuscular training often focused on soccer-related injuries, rule changes and protective equipment). Twenty-one studies (33.9%) reported prevention of road traffic injury, with legislative approaches, commonly graduated driver licensing schemes, found to be effective in reducing fatal and nonfatal road traffic injury. Seven studies reported interventions for other unintentional injuries (e.g., falls). Discussion: Interventions were strongly biased towards HIC, which does not reflect the global distribution of adolescent injury burden. Low consideration of equity in included studies indicates current evidence largely excludes adolescent populations at increased risk of injury. A large proportion of studies evaluated interventions to prevent sports injury, a prevalent yet low severity injury mechanism. Findings highlight the importance of education and enforcement alongside legislative approaches for preventing adolescent transport injuries. Despite drowning being a leading cause of injury-related harm among adolescents, no interventions were identified. Conclusion: This review provides evidence to support investment in effective adolescent injury prevention interventions. Further evidence of effectiveness is needed, especially for low- and middle-income countries, populations at increased risk of injury who would benefit from greater consideration of equity and for high lethality injury mechanisms like drowning

    Modellhafte Sanierung von Altlasten am Beispiel eines vorwiegend quecksilberkontaminierten Industriestandortes. Handbuch der Sanierung von quecksilberkontaminierten Altlasten Endbericht

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    The manual presents the results of a BMBF-supported project for sanitation of an industrial site contaminated primarily with mercury to the general public. The site was located near Schkopau, Saxony. Contaminated soils, buildings and plants were analyzed, and practicable methods, processes and technologies for decontamination and sanitation were developed. Experts from East and West Germany cooperated in establishing the fundamentals for far-reaching decisions on site development, in particular the large-scale ecological landscaping project envisaged for this areaIn dem vorliegenden Handbuch werden die vielfaeltigen Arbeitsergebnisse des mit Hilfe des Bundesministeriums fuer Bildung und Forschung durchgefuehrten Vorhabens 'Modellhafte Sanierung von Altlasten am Beispiel eines vorwiegend quecksilberkontaminierten Industriestandortes' zusammengefasst und der Oeffentlichkeit zur weiteren Nutzung zur Verfuegung gestellt. Ziel des Vorhabens war es, zum Erhalt des Industriestandortes Schkopau beizutragen, auf dem unmittelbar nach der Wiedervereinigung Deutschlands viele marode Anlagen stillgelegt werden mussten. Hierzu sollten die von den quecksilberkontaminierten Boeden, Gebaeuden und Anlagen ausgehende Gefahr bewertet und praktikable Methoden, Verfahren und Technologien fuer den Rueckbau sowie die Reinigung der kontaminierten Materialien nachgewiesen werden. Ost- und westdeutsche Fachleute arbeiteten aktiv miteinander, um die erforderlichen Untersuchungen durchzufuehren. Sie schufen mit den Forschungsergebnissen sichere Grundlagen fuer weitreichende Entscheidungen ueber die Standortentwicklung, insbesondere fuer die Gestaltung des Oekologischen Grossprojektes. (orig.)Available from TIB Hannover: F00B338 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEBundesministerium fuer Bildung und Forschung (BMBF), Bonn (Germany)DEGerman

    Forest Fragmentation and Fires in the Eastern Brazilian Amazon–Maranhão State, Brazil

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    Tropical forests provide essential environmental services to human well-being. In the world, Brazil has the largest continuous area of these forests. However, in the state of Maranhão, in the eastern Amazon, only 24% of the original forest cover remains. We integrated and analyzed active fires, burned area, land use and land cover, rainfall, and surface temperature datasets to understand forest fragmentation and forest fire dynamics from a remote sensing approach. We found that forest cover in the Maranhão Amazon region had a net reduction of 31,302 km2 between 1985 and 2017, with 63% of losses occurring in forest core areas. Forest edges extent was reduced by 38%, while the size of isolated forest patches increased by 239%. Forest fires impacted, on average, around 1031 ± 695 km2 year−1 of forest edges between 2003 and 2017, the equivalent of 60% of the total burned forest in this period. Our results demonstrated that forest fragmentation is an important factor controlling temporal and spatial variability of forest fires in the eastern Amazon region. Thus, both directly and indirectly, forest fragmentation can compromise biodiversity and carbon stocks in this Amazon region

    Forest Fragmentation and Fires in the Eastern Brazilian Amazon–Maranhão State, Brazil

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    Tropical forests provide essential environmental services to human well-being. In the world, Brazil has the largest continuous area of these forests. However, in the state of Maranhão, in the eastern Amazon, only 24% of the original forest cover remains. We integrated and analyzed active fires, burned area, land use and land cover, rainfall, and surface temperature datasets to understand forest fragmentation and forest fire dynamics from a remote sensing approach. We found that forest cover in the Maranhão Amazon region had a net reduction of 31,302 km2 between 1985 and 2017, with 63% of losses occurring in forest core areas. Forest edges extent was reduced by 38%, while the size of isolated forest patches increased by 239%. Forest fires impacted, on average, around 1031 ± 695 km2 year−1 of forest edges between 2003 and 2017, the equivalent of 60% of the total burned forest in this period. Our results demonstrated that forest fragmentation is an important factor controlling temporal and spatial variability of forest fires in the eastern Amazon region. Thus, both directly and indirectly, forest fragmentation can compromise biodiversity and carbon stocks in this Amazon region