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6 research outputs found
0199 The impact of adjuvant chemotherapy on quality of life in women with early breast cancer
G. Bulotiene
V. Ostapenko
Publication venue
'Elsevier BV'
Publication date
Field of study
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P340 Quality of life of breast cancer patients undergoing radiotherapy
G. Bulotiene
L. Zalnierunaite
V. Ostapenko
Publication venue
'Elsevier BV'
Publication date
Field of study
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Comparison of carcass traits, meat quality and expressions of MyHCs
Bulotiene G
Dai FW
+5 more
Klosowska D
Pette D
Yang WP
Zhang JG
Zhu L
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Peculiarities of Anxiety Score Distribution in Adult Cancer Patients
Bizuk A.P.
Bulotiene G.
+21 more
Chervinskaya K.R.
Daria Denisova
Ekaterina Myasnikova
Eysenck M.
Farooqi Y.N.
Gnezdilov A.V.
Gnezdilov A.V.
Karabulutlu E.Y.
Kolosov A.E.
Kozlova N.V.
Kvasova E.V.
Massie M.J.
Mikhail Blank
Mishin Y.B.
Olga Blank
Olshevskaya N.S.
Tarabrina N.V.
Thapa P.
Ulrich E.A.
Yusupov R.M.
Zeidner M.
Publication venue
'Informa UK Limited'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Ankstyvosiomis krūties vėžio stadijomis sergančių pacienčių vidinės darnos ir gyvenimo kokybės sąsajos
A Antonovsky
A Antonovsky
+33 more
A Antonovsky
A Diržytė
A Montazeri
A Thompson
C Kroenke
C Osborne
D Shrock
E Kenne Sarenmalm
G Bulotiene
G Bulotienė
I Johanson
J Debess
J Leksell
K Bruscia
K Fok
L Cohen
L Gibson
L Stonienė
L Travado
M Cederblad
M Eriksson
M Falagas
M Gustavsson-Lilius
M Sprangers
N Aaronson
O Gilbar
P Fayers
P Salmon
P Vos
R Spadoti Dantas
S Bauer-Wu
S Motzer
S Shapiro
Publication venue
'Walter de Gruyter GmbH'
Publication date
Field of study
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Is suicide a significant contributor to mortality in head and neck cancer - A surveillance, epidemiology, and end results database study
+53 more
Baxi SS Pinheiro LC, Patil SM, Pfister DG, Oeffinger KC, Elkin EB
Baxi SS Pinheiro LC, Patil SM, Pfister DG, Oeffinger KC, Elkin EB
Holland JC Alici Y
Holland JC Alici Y
Kaceniene A Krilaviciute A, Kazlauskiene J, Bulotiene G, Smailyte G
Kaceniene A Krilaviciute A, Kazlauskiene J, Bulotiene G, Smailyte G
Kam D Salib A, Gorgy G, Patel TD, Carniol ET, Eloy JA, Baredes S, Park RC
Kam D Salib A, Gorgy G, Patel TD, Carniol ET, Eloy JA, Baredes S, Park RC
Leung YW Li M, Devins G, Zimmermann C, Rydall A, Lo C, Rodin G
Leung YW Li M, Devins G, Zimmermann C, Rydall A, Lo C, Rodin G
Levine MN Julian JA
Levine MN Julian JA
Massie MJ Gagnon P, Holland JC
Massie MJ Gagnon P, Holland JC
Misono S Weiss NS, Fann JR, Redman M, Yueh B
Misono S Weiss NS, Fann JR, Redman M, Yueh B
Mohandoss AA Thavarajah R
Mohandoss AA Thavarajah R
Nasseri K Mills PK, Mirshahidi HR, Moulton LH
Nasseri K Mills PK, Mirshahidi HR, Moulton LH
Osazuwa Adjei Boakye E, Walker RJ, Varvares MA
Osazuwa Adjei Boakye E, Walker RJ, Varvares MA
Pandey GN
Pandey GN
Ranganathan K Rooban T, Rao UM
Ranganathan K Rooban T, Rao UM
Rich JT Neely JG, Paniello RC, Voelker CC, Nussenbaum B, Wang EW
Rich JT Neely JG, Paniello RC, Voelker CC, Nussenbaum B, Wang EW
Ringash J
Ringash J
Sanders CM Saltzstein SL, Schultzel MM, Nguyen DH, Stafford HS, Sadler GR
Sanders CM Saltzstein SL, Schultzel MM, Nguyen DH, Stafford HS, Sadler GR
Sarrouilhe D Clarhaut J, Defamie N, Mesnil M
Sarrouilhe D Clarhaut J, Defamie N, Mesnil M
Schneider KL Shenassa E
Schneider KL Shenassa E
Seo D Patrick CJ, Kennealy PJ
Seo D Patrick CJ, Kennealy PJ
Sudol K Mann JJ
Sudol K Mann JJ
Van Heeringen C Jannes S, Buylaert W, Henderick H, De Bacquer D, Van Remoortel J
Van Heeringen C Jannes S, Buylaert W, Henderick H, De Bacquer D, Van Remoortel J
Zimmaro LA Sephton SE, Siwik CJ, Phillips KM, Rebholz WN, ORCID: 0000, Kraemer HC, Giese, Wilson L, Bumpous JM, Cash ED
Zimmaro LA Sephton SE, Siwik CJ, Phillips KM, Rebholz WN, ORCID: 0000, Kraemer HC, Giese, Wilson L, Bumpous JM, Cash ED
Publication venue
'Scientific Scholar'
Publication date
Field of study
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