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9 research outputs found
The story of criminal proceedings: From fact finder to police decision-making
Bull R.H.C.
McKenzie I.K.
van Koppen P.J.
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The inconsistent suspect: A systematic review of different types of consistency in truth tellers and liars
Bull R.H.C.
Granhag P.A.
van Koppen P.J.
Vredeveldt A.
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Field of study
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A Social and Occupational Study of the Causes, Cost, and Prevention of Infections of the Hand
Bull J.P.
R. Wilkes
+3 more
Robins R.H.C.
Williams R.E.O.
Williams R.E.O.
Publication venue
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Electrodermal Lability and Visual Information Processing
Bohlin G.
Boyle R.H.
+18 more
Bull R.H.C.
Coles M.G.H.
Conte R.
Crider A.
Crider A.
Frowein H.W.
Hastrup J.L.
Hastrup J.L.
Katkin E.S.
Lacey J.L
Lavie P.
Parasuraman R.
Sanders A.F.
Sanders A.F.
Siddle D.A.T.
Sostek A.J.
Surwillo W.W.
Vossel G.
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Electrodermal Activity in Patients With Chronic Pain: Implications for the Specificity of Physiological Indices in Relation to Psychopathology
Alexander L.
Bull R.H.C.
+20 more
Byrne D.G.
Christie M.J.
Coles M.G.H.
Gruzelier J.H.
Gruzelier J.H.
Gruzelier J.H.
Gruzelier J.H.
Horvath T.
Iacono W.G.
Lader M.H.
Lockhart R.A.
O'Gorman S.G.
Patterson T.
Patterson T.
Pilowsky I.
Pilowsky I.
Simons R.F.
Spielberger C.D.
Venables P.H.
Zung W.W.K.
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Bilateral Asymmetry of Skin Conductance Responses During Auditory and Visual Tasks
Benton A.
Benton A.L.
+57 more
Benton A.L.
Bryden M.P.
Bull R.H.C.
Bull R.H.C.
Cicchetti D.V
Cicchetti D.V.
Comper P.
Davidson R.J.
Erwin R.J.
Erwin R.J.
Fisher S.
Geffen G.
Geffen G.
Geffen G.
Gordon H.W.
Gross J.S.
Gross J.S.
Hannay H.J.
Harris A.J.
Harris L.J.
Hillyard R.D
Hillyard R.D.
Holioway F.A.
Holloway F.A.
Hutt C
Hutt C.
Kennard M.A.
Kennard M.A.
Ketterer M.W.
Ketterer M.W.
Ketterer M.W.
Kimura D
Kimura D.
Lacroix J.M.
Lacroix J.M.
Luria A.R.
Lykken D.T
Lykken D.T.
Myslobodsky M.S.
Myslobodsky M.S.
Paivio A.
Paivio A.
Rizzolatti G.
Rizzolatti G.
Seamon J.G.
Shankweiler D.
Spielberger C.D.
Stern R.M.
Tucker D.M.
Uherik A.
Varni J.G.
Wilcott R.C.
Wilcott R.C.
Williams W.C.
Wood C.C.
Zaidel E.
Zuckerman M.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Psychophysiological Correlates of Electrodermal Lability
Bohlin G.
Bohlin G.
+30 more
Bull R.H.C.
Coles M.G.H.
Crider A.
Crider A.
Davies D.R.
Dawson M.E.
Dawson M.E.
Docter R.F.
Eisdorfer C.
Friedman J.
Gatchel R.J.
Hare R.
Hastrup J.L.
Johnson L.C.
Kaiser C.
Katkin E.S.
Koepke J.E.
Korn J.H.
Lacey J.I.
Lacey J.I.
Lader M.H.
Maltzman I.
Mirkin A.M.
Munro L.L.
Ohman A.
Parasuraman R.
Silver A.
Simons R.F.
Sostek A.J.
Vossel G.
Publication venue
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Field of study
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Electrodermal Lability and Myocardial Reactivity to Stress
Abrahams V.C.
Allen M.T.
+47 more
Block J.
Bohlin G.
Bull R.H.C.
Bunnell D.E.
Carroll D.
Contrada R.J.
Crider A.
Fowles D.C.
Harris W.S.
Hastrup J.L.
Hastrup J.L.
Henderson P.R.
Hilton S.M.
Kasprowicz A.L.
Katkin E.S.
Kelsey R.M.
Kelsey R.M.
Krantz D.S.
Krantz D.S.
Kubicek W.G.
Lacey J.I.
Larsen P.B.
Lawler K.A.
Lewis R.P.
Light K.C.
Linden W.
Lykken D.T.
Manuck S.B.
McCubbin J.A.
Newlin D.B.
O'Gorman J.G.
Obrist P.A.
Robert M. Kelsey
Schell A.M.
Sherwood A.
Sherwood A.
Shields S.A.
Siegel J.H.
Spielberger C.D.
Tabachnick B.G.
Turpin G.
Wallace A.G.
Wallin B.G.
Wilson K.G.
Wilson K.G.
Wilson M.F.
Zeiner A.R.
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
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Hemispheric Asymmetry and Bilateral Electrodermal Recordings: A Review of the Evidence
Annett M.
Annett M.
+90 more
Baitsch V. H.
Beaumont J. G.
Benish W. A.
Bernstein A. S.
Bloch V.
Boyd G. M.
Bradshaw J.L.
Brende J.O.
Bull R.H.C.
Butler S.R.
Christie M.J.
Christie M.J.
Comper P.
Culp W.C.
Darrow C.W.
DeRenzi E.
Dimond S.J.
Dykman R.A.
Edelberg R.
Erwin R.J.
Fisher S.
Fisher S.
Fuhrer M.J.
Graham F.K.
Greene R.L.
Gross J.S.
Gruzelier J.H.
Gruzelier J.H.
Gruzelier J.H.
Gruzelier J.H.
Gruzelier J.H.
Hare R.D.
Hecaen H.
Heilman K.M.
Holloway F.A.
Hugdahl K.
Hugdahl K.
Ketterer M.W.
Ketterer M.W.
Kilpatrick D.G.
Kimmel H.D.
Kimura D.
Kinsbourne M.
Kinsbourne M.
Klatzky R.
Kleinman K.M.
Klorman R.
Kolb B.
Lacey J.I.
Lacroix J.M.
Landsdell H.
Langworthy O.R.
Levy-Agresti J.
Luria A.R.
Luria A.R.
Lykken D.T.
McGlone J.
McGlone J.
Moscovitch M.
Myslobodsky M.S.
Obrist P.A.
Ohman A.
Ornstein R.
Patterson T.
Prokasy W.F.
Prokasy W.F.
Provins K.A.
Rasmussen T.
Satz P.
Schwartz G.E.
Sokolov E.N.
Sourek K.
Springer S.P.
Springer S.P.
Storrie M.C.
Toone B.K.
Uherik A.
Varni J.G.
Varni J.G.
Varni J.G.
Venables P.H.
Venables P.H.
Venables P.H.
Wang G.H.
Wang G.H.
Wilcott R.C.
Wilcott R.C.
Williams W.C.
Wilson G.D.
Wyatt R.
Publication venue
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Field of study
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