68 research outputs found

    Child sexual abuse: Theoretical-empirical review and systematic prevention in Croatia

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    Child abuse and neglect represent social and public health problem with high mortality and morbidity rates worldwide. Research systematically indicates all abuse and neglect typesā€™ high prevalence and incidence, also lowest disclosure percentage of sexual abuse, with far-reaching consequences on mental health and well-being. According to the Council of Europe, every fifth child is sexually abused, which is supported by national data, and through modern technologies, children are exposed to additional dangers such as online recruitment ("grooming") and sexual abuse via the Internet. The risk of victimization of children and young people is on the rise due to the current pandemic crisis. This paper presents an overview of theoretical and empirical knowledge on child sexual abuse, live and through modern technologies, and a critical review of the prevention of this problem in Croatia at the national level with recommendations for improving the prevention goals of the next National Strategy for Children\u27s Rights in Croatia

    Poliklinika za zaŔtitu djece grada Zagreba

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    Child Abuse and Neglect: Croatian Dental Practitionersā€™ Experience and Knowledge

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    The aim of this study was to assess the experience and knowledge regarding child abuse and neglect (CAN) amongst the Croatian dental practitioners. Self-administered, structured questionnaire was posted to 500 Croatian dental practitioners, 82 (16.4%) of which had returned the questionnaire and were included in the final sample. The results indicate that dental practitioners have low CAN encounter rates in their practice: 52 (63.41%) never, 25 (30.48%) rarely and 5 (6.09%) sometimes. Amongst those who do, the average encounter rate of suspected CAN is M = 2.08 (SD = 1.97, min = 1, max = 8) and M = 1.33 (SD = 0.42, min = 1, max = 10) for the cases where they were sure of it. Although they find themselves confident of their professional role and the role of the other professionals in the case of CAN they seem to fail to fulfil it, with only one of the participants ever reporting a CAN suspicion. In general, participants seem aware of the need and are willing to engage in further education, especially in the field of CAN prevention and recognition of it

    Prevencija emocionalnog zlostavljanja djece u visokokonfliktnim razvodima roditelja: Analiza stanja u Hrvatskoj

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    Razvod ili razdvajanje roditelja pogađa velik broj djece i mladih, a procjenjuje se da je svaki treći razvod roditelja visokokonfliktan, odnosno da se sukob roditelja s vremenom ne smanjuje, nego perzistira ili čak ojačava. Istraživanja i klinička praksa dosljedno upozoravaju na rizike za djecu u visokokonfliktnom razvodu roditelja, koja se često nađu u srediÅ”tu njihova sukoba, a time su u riziku od emocionalnog zlostavljanja, bilo da se radi o otuđenju, neprimjerenim pritiscima i/ili manipulaciji djecom jednoga ili obojih roditelja. Od svih oblika zlostavljanja, emocionalno zlostavljanje najmanje je istraženo i u svijetu postoji mal broj sustavnih programa koji bi se bavili njegovom prevencijom. Posljedice emocionalnog zlostavljanja jednake su kao i posljedice drugih oblika zlostavljanja, kratkoročno, dugoročno, pa i transgeneracijski, te uključuju brojne negativne ishode za mentalno zdravlje, socijalno funkcioniranje i probleme u ponaÅ”anju. U Hrvatskoj ne postoji sustavna prevencija emocionalnog zlostavljanja djece, a da je posebice specifično usmjerena na djecu u razvodima roditelja. U ovom radu razmatraju se mogući razlozi, postojeći programi u Europi, mogućnost njihove implementacije, sustavne i nesustavne mjere u Hrvatskoj te se predlažu daljnji koraci u razvoju sustavne prevencije te problematike na svim razinama putem intervencijskog spektra
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