46 research outputs found

    Endoscopic Resection of Sinonasal Inverted Papilloma: A Multivariate Retrospective Analysis of Factors Affecting Recurrence and Persistence.

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    Sinonasal inverted papilloma (IP) is the most common benign epithelial tumor in the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses, with a worldwide incidence between 0.6 and 1.5/100 000 persons per year. However, only a few studies have investigated patient-dependent factors related to IP recurrence and persistence. According to available evidence, these factors are still debated, and results are contradictory. In this multicenter retrospective study, we analyzed the clinical records of 130 patients who were surgically treated for sinonasal IP to evaluate the factors affecting recurrence and persistence of IP and compared the curative rates of different surgical approaches. Our analysis showed that IP recurrence is strongly related to specific risk factors including incomplete surgical removal, stage of disease, site of the lesion, surgical technique, and malignancy rate. In conclusion, the recurrence of IP may be affected by several risk factors; these factors must be carefully considered during clinical evaluation and especially during the follow-up of patients with IP

    Soluble interleukin-1 receptor type 2 plasma levels in Parkinson’s disease: relationship with cardiac autonomic profile before and after peripheral mechanical somatosensory stimulation

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    Introduction: Systemic inflammation promotes neurodegeneration in Parkinson’s disease (PD). Interleukin-1 receptor type 2 (sIL-1R2) plasma levels increase during inflammation. Data on sIL-1R2 in PD patients and its relationship with PD cardiac autonomic profile are limited, given the possible anti-inflammatory effect of vagal activation. Previously, automated mechanical peripheral somatosensory stimulation (AMPSS) enhanced cardiac vagal modulation. Objectives were to 1) evaluate sIL-1R2 plasma concentrations in PD patients and healthy controls and 2) investigate the correlations between sIL-1R2 and cardiac autonomic indices obtained by spectrum analysis of heart rate variability before and after AMPSS.Methods: sIL-1R2 plasma levels were assessed in 48 PD patients and 50 healthy controls. Electrocardiogram and beat-by-beat arterial pressure were recorded at baseline and after 5 AMPSS sessions in 16 PD patients.Results: PD patients had higher sIL-1R2 levels than controls. In the PD subgroup, an inverse correlation between sIL-1R2 and HFnu was found. There was a negative correlation between changes induced by AMPSS on HFnu and sIL-1R2.Discussion: Higher sIL-1R2 levels in PD patients reflect the inflammatory dysregulation associated with the disease. In PD patients, higher sIL-1R2 was associated with reduced cardiovagal tone. Increased cardiovagal modulation following AMPSS was associated with lower sIL-1R2 levels in Parkinson’s disease patients, suggesting inflammatory state improvement

    Update on 67Cu half-life

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    The half-life of 67Cu was newly determined by measurement of its 185 keV γ-ray (48.7 %) over the period of 13 days (approx. 5 × T½). 67Cu was prepared by deuteron irradiation of enriched 70Zn targets. The 67Cu half-life value which resulted from five independent measurements is estimated to be 61.81 (22) h.JRC.I.5-Nanobioscience

    Preparation of 67Cu via deuteron irradiation of 70Zn

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    A method for preparation of n.c.a. 67Cu based on deuteron irradiation of enriched 70Zn is presented. Cross-sections for 67Cu formation were determined by the stacked foil technique for deuteron energies in the range from 10 to 20 MeV for the first time. Irradiations of 70Zn foils were followed by radiochemical separation of 67Cu from the target material and co-produced radionuclidic impurities. The maximum cross-section value of 25.5 ± 2.2 mb was reached at 19 MeV. The integral yield in the energy window of 20 → 10 MeV on 95 % enriched 70Zn is estimated at 4.2 MBq/μAh (110 μCi/μAh) or 375 MBq/μA (10 mCi/μA) at saturation.JRC.I.4-Nanobioscience

    Measurement of the natHf(d,x)177Ta cross section and impact of erroneous gamma-ray intensities

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    In this work, excitation functions for deuteron-induced reactions on natural hafnium have been measured in the energy range 7 - 17 MeV, using the stacked-foil technique. Particular attention has been paid to the reaction natHf(d,y)177Ta, because measured values have been found to be in disagreement with previously published data. This discrepancy is due to an error in the 2003 ENSDF absolute gamma-ray intensities of 177Hf following the decay of 177Ta, which are about a factor of 3 higher compared to other published data. As a consequence, the cross section values for the natHf(d,x)177Ta reaction reported in a peer reviewed paper and included in the EXFOR database are wrong. The same wrong gamma-ray intensities may have been used in other papers reporting on natHf(p,x)177Ta and natW(p,x)177Ta cross sections.JRC.D.4-Nuclear physic

    Single shot laser ablation MC-ICP-MS for depth profile analysis of U isotopes in UO2 single crystals

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    An analytical procedure for the determination of the n(235U)/n(238U) ratio in consecutive layers of UO2 single crystals was developed and validated. A circular 25 µm laser beam and a fluence of only 0.2 J cm-2 were employed for depth profiling of UO2 single crystals with U isotopes being detected via MC-ICP-MS. The time-resolved 235U and 238U MC-ICP-MS signals obtained from individual laser shots were evaluated automatically with a home-made software. Downhole fractionation of the n(235U)/n(238U) ratio was excluded by shooting 80 laser pulses on a reference UO2 single crystal of known composition (N=5), revealing no measurable change in its U isotopic ratio during depth profiling. A linear relationship between the number of laser shots and the average depth of the generated laser ablation craters was established employing confocal laser scanning profilometry. After ~50 laser shots this relationship flattened and surface roughness of the crater bottoms increased noticeably at the same time. The employed ns-laser ablation system produced conical craters with their corresponding crater diameters expanding with increasing number of laser pulses. Using a dual beam focused ion beam (FIB), high resolution scanning electron microscopy (SEM) micrographs revealed the formation of rectangular "tiles" on the reference UO2 single crystal already after five laser shots. The ordered, rectangular structure was disappearing progressively with increasing number of laser pulses, while simultaneously the sub-micrometric porosity amplified, leading to a sombrero-like crater profile. The depth profiling capabilities of the laser ablation system were applied to two UO2 single crystals produced under different experimental conditions. Both featured a n(235U)/n(238U) ratio gradient, containing enriched U at the surface and depleted U in the bulk. As such, the variable diffusion behaviour of 235U into the UO2 single crystals was studied systematically. The laser ablation rate varied distinctly between the two UO2 single crystals, i.e. ~7.5 nm and ~13 nm, requiring individual depth calibration for each material.JRC.G.II.6-Nuclear Safeguards and Forensic