47 research outputs found

    Chemical composition of volatile extract from Inula aschersoniana Janka var. aschersoniana growing in Bulgaria

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    The chemical composition of the volatile oil of Inula aschersoniana was studied by GC and GC-MS. Fortyfive constituents representing 92.9% of the total oil were detected. The oil contained fatty acids (55.2%) and alkanes (14.1%), followed by oxygenated monoterpenes (9.6%), sesquiterpenoids (7.1%) and aromatic compounds (4.5%). It is characterized by relatively low content of terpenoids in total 16.7% only of which linalool (2.1%) and t-cadinol (2.2%) were the dominant components in this class of compounds. Cluster analysis (CA) was used for determination of the relationship between the species in Inula verbascifolia aggregate

    Social sciences in Bulgaria today: where from, where to?

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    Der Autor gibt einen Ueberblick ueber die Entwicklung der Sozialwissenschaften in Bulgarien und ueber ihren Richtungswandel nach den Systemumbruechen von 1989. Er beschreibt die Institutionalisierung der Sozialwissenschaften waehrend der 1960er und 1970er Jahre, die Transformation der bulgarischen Gesellschaft nach dem Mauerfall und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Entwicklung von Forschung und Lehre sowie auf die Forschungsarbeit an den bestehenden sozialwissenschaftlichen Instituten. Die Sozialwissenschaften durchliefen einen sehr intensiven und raschen Lernprozess und entwickelten durch ihre mehr oder weniger offenen Abweichungen von der ideologischen und politischen Linie neue theoretische und empirische Ansaetze. Der Autor beschreibt die Innovationen am Beispiel der Konzeptualisierung des sozialen Wandels, der Herausbildung einer organisatorischen Rationalitaet sowie der sozialwissenschaftlichen Analyse von Individualisierung, gesellschaftlicher Dynamik und Kommerzialisierung der Lebenswelt. Er geht ferner auf die Bedeutung der Universalitaet in wertorientierten, normativen Systemen ein und weist auf die Notwendigkeit einer empirischen Forschung von sozialen Risiken hin. (ICI)German title: Sozialwissenschaften in Bulgarien heute: woher kamen sie, wohin gehen sie?Available from UB Jena(27)-SOZ-FA-1000-21 / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Neuroprotective Mechanisms of Three Natural Antioxidants on a Rat Model of Parkinson’s Disease: A Comparative Study

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    We compared the neuroprotective action of three natural bio-antioxidants (AOs): ellagic acid (EA), α-lipoic acid (LA), and myrtenal (Myrt) in an experimental model of Parkinson’s disease (PD) that was induced in male Wistar rats through an intrastriatal injection of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA). The animals were divided into five groups: the sham-operated (SO) control group; striatal 6-OHDA-lesioned control group; and three groups of 6-OHDA-lesioned rats pre-treated for five days with EA, LA, and Myrt (50 mg/kg; intraperitoneally- i.p.), respectively. On the 2nd and the 3rd week post lesion, the animals were subjected to several behavioral tests: apomorphine-induced rotation; rotarod; and the passive avoidance test. Biochemical evaluation included assessment of main oxidative stress parameters as well as dopamine (DA) levels in brain homogenates. The results showed that all three test compounds improved learning and memory performance as well as neuromuscular coordination. Biochemical assays showed that all three compounds substantially decreased lipid peroxidation (LPO) levels, and restored catalase (CAT) activity and DA levels that were impaired by the challenge with 6-OHDA. Based on these results, we can conclude that the studied AOs demonstrate properties that are consistent with significant antiparkinsonian effects. The most powerful neuroprotective effect was observed with Myrt, and this work represents the first demonstration of its anti-Parkinsonian impact.© 2020 by the author

    Research applications objectives

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